Arbeitsblatt: Pearl Jam Text and Questions
Das Arbeitsblatt enthält einen Kurztext über Pearl Jam und 9 Fragen dazu. Die Übung kann als Hör- oder Textverständnis durchgeführt werden.
Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Natalie Hodel
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Pearl Jam Pearl Jam is an American rock band formed in 1990. They originally come from Seattle. Their music style is alternative rock. The band consists of five members. drummer, bass guitar player and three other guitar players. Eddie Vedder is the lead singer of the band; he also plays the guitar. Pearl Jam has sold more than 85 million albums worldwide, including nearly 32 million albums in the United States, making them one of the best-selling bands of all time. One of their most popular song is called Black. Pearl Jam refused to produce music video for Black because the band doesnt like the mainstream music industry. Eddie Vedder said, quote: some songs are just meant to be songs, creating video robes the listener from creating their own inspiration of the song. For Eddie Vedder music is the greatest art form that exists because people listen to music for different reasons, and it serves different purposes. And he also thinks that the best songs are the ones that make you feel something. 1. Pearl Jam is an American rock band American pop band American rap Band American hip hop band. 2. Pearl Jam is formed in 1980 1990 1960 1970 3. Pearl Jam comes from New York Boston Seattle Los Angeles 4. Their music style is rock hard art jam industrial 5. Eddie Vedder is. the guitar player the drummer the singer the bass guitar player 6. Pearl Jam has sold more than albums worldwide. 84 million 85 million 83 million 82 million 7. One of their most popular songs is called back pack black white 8. Pearl Jam likes the mainstream music industry doesnt like the mainstream music industry 9. Eddie Vedder says the best songs are the ones that make you something.