Arbeitsblatt: True and False Valentines Day
SuS drücken ihre Meinung aus und üben gleichzeitig ihr Hörverständnis. Sie stehen auf oder bleiben sitzen, he nachdem ob die Aussage auf sie zutrifft oder nicht. Man kann auch true and false Wände oder Ecken bestimmen.
Anderes Thema
1 Seiten
Sybille Frei
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Starting the lesson THE true false GAME – Valentines Day The teacher or student pops questions and the students answer them by either standing up (true) or sitting down (false). This activity can be used when the topic is Asking questions. Students can also prepare some questions for round of fun! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. have never written love letter. have given or gotten present to/from someone on Valentines Day. think Valentines Day is stupid tradition from America. think we shouldnt adapt to traditions from other countries too much. went on Valentines date once. want to get married one day. My perfect partner has lot of money. People in relationships should always give each other presents throughout the year. 9. believe in the sentence ‘until death do us part 10. have been to fantastic wedding. 11. absolutely adore love stories. 12. believe in love at first sight.