Arbeitsblatt: Shopping


Shopping for clothes - Gruppendialog. SuS müssen in Gruppen die korrekte Reihenfolge eines Dialoges herausfinden.
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Eva Sailer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Oh yes, the stripes look great Start Thank you. Fantastic. It fits perfectly. Can try it on? Hello, how can help you? Good-bye Can pay by credit card? Hello, am looking for blue T-Shirt. Certainly, the changing rooms are over there. No, thank you. Yes, let me get bigger size for you. Do you have anything in size S? Does it fit? Yes, certainly – its 24 francs. No it does not fit, its bit tight. Yes, of course. Here is your receipt. Do you need bag? Do you have it size bigger? Thanks for shopping with us. Have great day. How about this one with white stripes? No, am sorry only have blue TShirt in M. But can have the receipt please? How about this size? Oh yes, the stripes look great Start Thank you. Fantastic. It fits perfectly. Can try it on? Hello, how can help you? Good-bye Can pay by credit card? Hello, am looking for blue T-Shirt. Certainly, the changing rooms are over there. No, thank you. Yes, let me get bigger size for you. Do you have anything in size S? Does it fit? Yes, certainly – its 24 francs. No it does not fit, its bit tight. Yes, of course. Here is your receipt. Do you need bag? Do you have it size bigger? Thanks for shopping with us. Have great day. How about this one with white stripes? No, am sorry only have blue TShirt in M. But can have the receipt please? How about this size? Oh yes, the stripes look great Start Thank you. Fantastic. It fits perfectly. Can try it on? Hello, how can help you? Good-bye Can pay by credit card? Hello, am looking for blue T-Shirt. Certainly, the changing rooms are over there. No, thank you. Yes, let me get bigger size for you. Do you have anything in size S? Does it fit? Yes, certainly – its 24 francs. No it does not fit, its bit tight. Do you need bag? Do you have it size bigger? But can have the receipt please? How about this size? Yes, of course. Here is your receipt. No, am sorry only have blue TShirt in M. Thanks for shopping with us. Have great day. How about this one with white stripes?