Arbeitsblatt: open world 1 unit 4
vocabulary / irregular verb forms
7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten
Ruth Gschwend
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Name Englisch Words part 1 Irregular verb forms Unterschrift Eltern 31.03.23 Maximale Punkte 66 Grundanforderungen nicht erreicht Erreichte Punkte Grundanforderun gen erreicht bei Beurteilung 40 3 1.Words. Put in the right word. Translation. 3.5 Grundanforderungen erreicht (ab 40 Punkten) 4 4.5 Grundanforderungen übertroffen (ab 50 Punkten) 5 5.5 /15p winken Vokal merkwürdig, lustig Fischernetz Landarbeiter Entfernung Künstler erstaunlich, toll exotisch, fremdländisch Klima Einheimischer sorgfältig, aufmerksam Vogel Forscher, Entdecker leer 2. Translate from English to German / 10p 6 weapon writer tool She is native of Austria pronunciation He is native Swiss. shout consonant ozone layer translate 3. Fill in the missing word / 15p 1 When did Captain Cook cross the A? 2 The continent around the South Pole is called A_. 3 James Cook was c_ and also m_. (2) 4 How exciting to go on an e_ to Africa! 5 The hole in the o l_ was discovered in 1985. 6 s is man who goes to sea on ship. 7 Can you see the two people in the b_ 8 It is not full, it is the opposite, it is e_. 9 Most letters are c_, like m,n,p,q,r. 10 man who finds new countries, that is an . 11 The opposite of sad is . 12 The Titanic was very famous s. 13 She is good artist. She is very t. 14 Do you feel s_ because of this test? 4. Fill in the right forms. / 26 Fill in the first line / 2p Fill in the forms. / 24p German Base form given drawn felt wachsen fall sein catch begun become kept drive kaufen