Arbeitsblatt: healthy food video


A calisthenics professional presents his food habits which help him sustain a good level of energy and strength.
Anderes Thema
10. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Sab Hutter
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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You are about to watch Chris Herias advice on healthy food habits. Chris is calisthenics professional who has his own youtube Channel. His diet may not suit you. It all depends on what your goals are! 1. What is the first thing to do according to Chris Heria when you want to start healthy diet? 2. What proteins does Chris like eating? 3. What vegetables does Chris like eating? 4. What grains does Chris like eating? 5. What is the second step? 6. What should you be paying attention when preparing food properly? 7. Why is it important to drink lots of water? KEY 1. identify all the healthy and nutritious food you like and love 2. Chicken breast, shrimp, salmon, red meat 3. Asparagus, broccoli, spinach, bok choy 4. Quinoa, whole wheat spaghetti pasta, rice 5. Determine your caloric intake, what is your goal, do you want to gain muscle 6. No added sugar, avoid frying in fatty oils since it adds too much calories, may kill nutrients in the vegetables 7. Washes out impurities and toxins, keeps you hydrated