Arbeitsblatt: Bewertung DIY cooking video
passend zu Unit 3, OW1
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Sabine Burkhardt
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Open World How to produce your own cooking show How Jamie Oliver does it First, watch some videos from Jamie Olivers own youtube channel. Most of the clips are about five minutes long. Observe carefully how the video is made and have close eye ear on Jamie Oliver himself. What does he do exactly What does he say etc. Get some inspiration for your own cooking show Preparation Now think about what you want to cook in your own show. Your one-take video should be 3 5 minutes long. Write short script and plan your cooking show in detail. Ask yourself: What do want to cook? What ingredients do need? What are the different cooking steps? What do want to say (see backside)? What vocabulary do need? What equipment is necessary for my show Where do want to record my show (in separate classroom or at home)? Notes Unit 3 Open World Unit 3 good show needs rehearsals. Practice your cooking show before you make the final recording. On air! Use regular students desk as cooking stove (youll get 4 circles as hotplates) and the storage box underneath as oven. Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients for your show. You can also use pictures of your ingredients printed on paper or food items from play kitchen. Be creative! Make sure you have all the necessary equipment (cooking tools, pans, plates, cutlery, apron, specials, etc.) Alternatively, you can also record your cooking show at home in your own kitchen. Use your smartphone to record your cooking show of around 3 – 5 minutes. Make teams for the recording and help eachother. It must be one-take recording. Check your recording. Is the sound/picture okay And then Send me your final video file via «» will set speaking mark for your cooking show according to the criterias below. Deadline: Friday 13th March 2020 Assessment grid Zeitvorgabe eingehalten ja – 1P. 1 Sprachfluss Aussprache Wortschatz (Verben, Andjektive, ) Wenige Aussprachefehle Oft falsche Einige Fehler bei Aussprache Wortwahl, geringes WortschatzSpektrum Sehr wenige erforderlichen Strukturen angewandt, oft fehlerhaft Video wirkt Kreativität teilweise flüssig oft fehlerhafte Sprachstruktur en langsam, stockend, teils unverständlich 2 eintönig, Verfilmung sehr dürftig, unattraktiv der Wortwahl, kleines WortschatzSpektrum Einige erforderliche Strukturen verwendet, meist korrekt Video gelungen, kein „WOWEffekt 3 flüssig, manchmal stockend Aussprache mehrheitlich korrekt passender Wortschatz, zeigt erweitertes Spektrum Viele der erforderlichen Strukturen meist korrekt verwendet Kreative Verfilmung, einige Highlights 4 mühelos, klar, natürlich Keine Aussprachefehler vielfältiger Wortschatz, anspruchsvolle Wortwahl Alle erforderlichen Strukturen vielfältig und korrekt verwendet Kreative verfilmung, „WOW Effekt, sehr ansprechendes Video Open World Script Unit 3 Open World Unit 3