Arbeitsblatt: Dossier ILZ Young World 2 unit 4
Das Dossier dient als Arbeitsgrundlage für SuS mit ILZ.
Gemischte Themen
4. Schuljahr
11 Seiten
Mirjam Amrein
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Dossier ILZ th English 4 grade Unit 4 Exploring Nature Name: Animals wordsearch Finde die Tiere aus der Liste. ANT DEER MOLE (Maulwurf) SPIDER BADGER (Dachs) FOX MOUSE SQUIRREL BEE FROG OWL WEASEL (Wiesel) BLACKBIRD HAWK (Falke) RABBIT WOODPECKER BUTTERFLY HEDGEHOG SNAIL WORM Prepositions (Ortsangaben) Lies die Sätze und ergänze den Satz. The tree Lies die Sätze und male farbig aus oder ergänze das Bild. Baum tree Ast branch Äste branches Stamm trunk Wurzeln roots Blatt leaf Blätter leaves Früchte fruits Read and draw Lies die Sätze und male farbig aus oder ergänze das Bild. The owl is brown and orange. The deer is brown. The butterfly is blue. Next to the blue butterfly is pink butterfly. Two grey snails are on the log. nest is on branch. blackbird is flying to its nest. Four yellow bees are flying on the right side of the tree. The rabbit is black and white. He has two white baby rabbits. Löse nun Activity book Seite 45. Schreibe 4 Sätze. Present continuous ing-Form REGEL: EINZAHL: MEHRZAHL: The rabbit is sleeping. The rabbits are sleeping. Fülle is oder are ein. The rabbits running. The rabbit running. The fox sleeping. The foxes sleeping. The butterfly flying. The butterflies flying. The mouse running. The mice running. The blackbirds singing. The owl sleeping. The hedgehogs eating. The woodpecker pecking. present continous -ing Form II Fülle das passende Verb ein. At day, the bees are . deer is at day. The rabbits are_ at night. At day, the rabbits are. An owl is at day. squirrel is at day. fox is at night. The blackbirds are at day. hedgehog is_ at day. mouse is at night. The blackbird is at day. Wähle aus den folgenden Verben aus: running (rennen) playing (spielen) flying (fliegen) hunting (jagen) singing (singen) building (bauen) eating (essen) sleeping (schlafen) Löse nun Activity book Seite 47 Nr. 9. Fülle das passende Verb ein. Bees around. are buzzing deer behind tree. is standing Rabbits in hole. are hiding At day day, the rabbits . are playing An owl on branch. is sitting squirrel an acorn. is eating fox wants rabbit. is hunting Blackbirds at night. are sleeping Ants an anthill. are building hedgehog towards tree. is crawling spider wants is new web. spinning present continous -ing Form III Animals quiz Finde das Tier heraus. Schreibe es vom Buch ab. It has six legs and wings. It can sting you. It is making honey. It can climb trees. Its favourite food is nuts. It has red fur. It likes salad. It has house on the back. It is sitting on branch, has black feathers and is singing pretty songs. It is bird. It pecks insects out of tree. It has red fur. It is hunting mice and rabbits at night. It is hunting at night. It can see in the dark. It can fly.