Arbeitsblatt: young world 1 unit 5 Dossier
Around the clock
16 Seiten Übungsmaterial
Gemischte Themen
3. Schuljahr
16 Seiten
Stephan Borgogno
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Dieses 93ossiergefiört: unit 5 Around the ciock What is the time? WHAT11ME 1S 1T? lt‘s o‘clock 12 lt‘s ten to 10 past3 to lt‘s quarter to lt‘s twenty to 2 8 lt‘s quarter past twenty past 7 lt‘s twenty-five to lt‘s ten past 5 6 lt‘s half past lt‘s twenty-five past fl2 1 0 0 4w 4cY, c.‘. t) 4I) 4-. I— What time is it? lt‘s half past three. lt‘s quarter to twelve. lt‘s quarter past seven. lt‘s four o‘clock. lt‘s quarter past five. lt‘s eleven o‘clock. lt‘s quarter to six. lt‘s half past eight. lt‘s quarter to two. lt‘s twenty-eight min utes to one. lt‘s twelve minutes past five. lt‘s five to three. lt‘s quarter to two. lt‘s twenty to ten. lt‘s sixteen minutes past three. lt‘s midnight. lt‘s quarter past eleven. lt‘s midnight. Around the cIöck What‘s the time? PIay this garne. 8 1 2 3 4 Put your counters on START. RoH the dice. Move forward. Your partner asks: What‘s the time? You answer: lt‘s 5 6 If you answer correctly, move to the matching square or ciock. If you reach FINISH first, you win. Activity Book, page 50 page twenty-nine 29 JN Anton Datum Meine Arbeiten Englisch 4. Klasse ED ED ED ED lime (7 Übungen) My daily routine (4 Übungen) urne of day (7 Übungen) Review (5 Übungen) Englisch 5. Klasse DD First days of school urne (5 Übngen) EI 0 Illustrationen und Diagramme heften dir, wichtige Informationen zu verstehen und sie dir zu merken. My words 1 \ ::‚‘ mornin9 page forty-seven 47•, The mistake 10 Look at the pictures. What is happening? 11 Listen. Were you right? 68 68 cJ) 12 Listen again and fill in the times. • 12 9 9 12 • • 3 • 3 • 12 • • • 9 3 • • • 12 9 • 9 • • • 12 • • • 3 • • 3 3 • • 12 9 • • 9 12 • • • • 3 • 12 • • 9 3 • • 13 Write the correct sentences to each picture. I‘m running out the door. Oh no‘ lt‘s Sunday! l‘m having breakfast. I‘m brush Ing my teeth. Time to get tip. I‘m getting dressed. I‘m running to school. I‘m putting on my shoes. I‘m packing my schoolbag. page fifty-one 3 tinit 5 Around the ciock What‘s the time? 7 Draw the time. .\ 1jO 19 lt‘s five to six. lt‘s half past one. Write the time. 7:10 or or G: 0 9 ‘am‘ or IN GERMAN IN ENGLISH IN GERMAN IN ENGLISH 6:00 Uhr 6 am 13:00 Uhr 12:00 Uhr 17:00 Uhr 12 noon 22:00 Uhr Vergleiche die Uhrzeit auf Englisch mit anderen Sprachen. Was fällt dir auf? page fifty or or 9:00 Uhr 50 .1 lt‘s twenty-five past eleven. lt‘s (a) quarter to three. 8 • 1 pm \AIh e1n .‘? Wen dc i:U (‘ Whe‘ c1Q; YOU hJ.‘ br‘QkfOSt dc ycur rKrneQr7‘- Whn dc you brJSh ‚QUr 1 Qwen 4) /OJ Af &ic, f-:P,Qp 9C. OLdSlde 0 Whendcyou dO ‘ yOu ShCWer2 dc you JD ‘Jer i‘hn ‘Cur roorii21‘ da you e:: dnne,r‘7 da you ot nc h‘2 dc ycu ga tc scncc --. en dc DU pIoy 9Q:rneS ‘L kJjJ ‘ 0 When go s)eep2 1 ‘1ioke up at e1ven o‘clock yu da yOU •t, ‘k (4N Audio 69—74 interaktive Obungen Sb Read what these four children say about their school hours. Highlight the times. 17 ii Markiere dir wichtige Informationen (z.B Uhrzeiten), damit du dich in den Texten besser zurechtfindest. School starts at nine o‘clock. At half past twelve we have an hour for lunch. School is out at quarter past three. School starts at quarter past eight. We have lunch at one o‘clock. We have forty-five minutes for lunch. School is out at three o‘clock. j. School starts at quarter to nine. Lunch is from twelve o‘clock to half past twe(ve. Then at three o‘clock, school is out. School starts at nine o‘clock. We have lunch at twelve o‘clo School starts again at one o‘clock and ends at four o‘cloc Complete the chart with the times. 18 8 am Mike 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 noon 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 pm Shanoo Sue Afzal YouJ School hours Welche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im Schulalltag fallen dir auf? Mit wem würdest du gerne tauschen? Mit wem lieber nicht? page fifty-three 53 Around the ciock 1 Read the texts and morning fiu in the words. lunch o‘clock night morning breakfast sleeping sleeping singing afternoon In Vancouver lt‘s midnight. David is 1‘‘ playing in bed. In New York lt‘s three o‘clock at Julie, her mother, her brother and the cat are In London lt‘s already — lt‘s eight o‘clock and Mike is at home. He is eating In Johannesburg lt‘s ten o‘clock in the Afzal is at school. He is song. In New Delhi lt‘s one o‘clock in the — Shanoo is eating in the cafeteria. In Perth it‘s four — Sue is in the afternoon. outside with her dog. Activities around the dock 5 Match typical activities to each time of the day. You can write them more than once. Add more if you know other activities. eating breakfast sleeping playing time for hobbies waking up eating lunch learning at school doing homework eating dinner dreaming getting up reading getting dressed watching TV tero Cjveg ght Around the ciock 80‘h0h,, Across 4. Frühstück 6. Morgen 7. Sekunde 8. ag 10. Armbanduhr 12. heute 13. Viertel 15. Monat 16. Hälfte 19. Nacht 21. Mitternacht 22. Nachtessen breaktast, half, month, today, quarter, watch, day, morning, second, night, midnight, today, supper own 1. Wanduhr 2. Jahr 3. Schaltjahr 5. Mittag 6. Minute 7. schlafen 9. Nachmittag 10. Woche 11. Stunde 14. essen 17. Mittagessen 18. Abend 20. Zeit time, minute, sleep, evening, afternoon, hour, noon, year, leap year, ciock, lunch, eat, week Myday What dc you dc during your day? Put the sentences in the correct order. 1 am doing my homework. 1 am sleeping. 1 am eating breakfast. 1 am playing outside. 1 am getting up. 1 am having dinner. 1 am brushing my teeth. 1 am learning at school. 1 am packing my schoolbag. My school day. 1. Write the time. 2. Interview your partner. What time do you get up? digital clock Igetupat What time do you eat breakfast? digital clock 1 eat breakfast at_ What time do you go to school? digital ciock 1 go to school at What time do you eat lunch? digital ciock 1 eat Iunch at_ What time do you digital clock What time do you digital clock Around the ciock Unit 5 Scho& days arourid the world 14 These pictures show how children travel to school. Lab& the pictures. on foot 69-74 cJ) 15 by rickshaw by school bus ‘11 52 16 by pickup truck 3 gets up school is out 6:30 8:15 8:45 3:00 3:15 David 7:13 7:30 8:15 9:00 2:55 3:05 Julie 6:45 7:15 7:30 8:30 3:00 3:45 ke 7:00 8:00 8:40 9:00 3:15 3:50 Afzal 8:00 8:25 8:30 9:00 1:00 4:00 Sue 6:45 7:15 8:45 9:15 2:00 3:00 Listen again and circle the correct times. page fifty-two school starts 5:30 Shanoo by car Listen and find out how these children travel to school. Match the numbers 1—6 to each child. goes to school 69-74 by minibus taxi