Arbeitsblatt: Kriterienraster Englisch writing


Das Kriterienraster kann für verschiedenste Schreibanlässe im Fach Englisch genutzt werden.
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1 Seiten




Lila (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total 25 Note: Unterschrift: Unit 2 writing – Bewertungsraster Criteria Task followed Points /4 Content/creativity /8 Correct use of tenses /4 Correct grammar and vocabulary /6 Number of words /3 Total Note: 25 Unterschrift: