Arbeitsblatt: English Reading


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2 Grade Reading Comprehension Level STORIES INCLUDED Missing Tadpoles Fools Gold or Real Gold? The Slam Dunk Ernest and the Elevator The Fire Triangle and 5 more! Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Level Workbook by K5 Learning K5 Learning 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Permission is granted to reproduce this material to be used with one (1) teacher students by virtue of the purchase of this book. In other words, one (1) teacher may make copies of these worksheets to be used with his/her students. Permission is not given to reproduce the material for resale. Please visit for more workbooks from K5 Learning. Level Reader Table of Contents Introduction Tips . 1 List of Vocabulary Words 3 Stories Exercises: Ernest and the Elevator. 4 Stinky and Safe . 10 Missing Tadpoles 16 Who Were the Beatles 22 Slimy Situation . 28 Dont Feed the Ducks 34 Fools Gold or Real Gold . 40 The Underdogs . 46 The Slam Dunk . 52 The Fire Triangle. 58 More from K5 Learning . 64 K5 Learning 2019 Level Reader Introduction Tips Welcome to our series of levelled reading workbooks. Each workbook contains number of texts. Each text is followed by exercises designed to reinforce literacy skills including reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and writing. The books include both fiction and non-fiction passages and explore wide range of topics in social studies, nature, history, science and more. Our readers are leveled from to based on number of factors related to text complexity such as vocabulary, average word size and sentence length, amount of repetitiveness of words and sentence structures and subject matter complexity. Early reading levels use short simple words and sentences in big fonts in highly repetitive manner. Stories relate to subjects young children are familiar with. Each successive level introduces greater reading challenge. About K5 Learning K5 Learning provides thousands of free worksheets and affordable workbooks for children in kindergarten to grade 5. We work with award-winning teachers to create materials in support of independent learning. Our aim is to help parents help their kids develop their reading, math and study skills. Visit us at K5 Learning 2019 1 Level Reader Some tips on using our leveled readers Review the vocabulary words on the first page of each story with your student. Ask your child to read these words and talk about what they mean. Ask younger students to read the stories out loud and use their finger to point to words as they read from left to right. Help them as needed. Ask younger students to also read the directions of the exercises out loud. Remind them to use complete sentences when answering. Ask older students to look up words they dont know in dictionary. Point out punctuation; for example, when there is an exclamation mark ask them to reread the sentence using more enthusiasm. Review your students work and guide him or her through any answers that are not correct. Discuss the stories, the characters, the topics, the settings, the pictures – anything about the text to make it more interesting, relevant or fun. Monitor your students progress and adjust reading levels as needed. Keep the reading fun! Other books in this series This book is one of series of levelled reading workbooks. The levelled reading approach makes it easy for parents to find appropriate materials for their kids. The books range from Levels A-C (kindergarten) to Levels X-Z (grade 6). The books can be purchased and downloaded exclusively from the online bookstore at K5 Learning Questions Feedback If you have any questions or feedback for us, please contact us at K5 Learning 2019 2 Level Reader List of Vocabulary Words The following vocabulary words are introduced in this workbook: apartment audience autographs basketball behaved bounce breadcrumbs breathe burning cinnamon creature crowds determination dunk elevator erupt explosion fans favorite fear fire fooled fuel gold guitar habitat heat high hockey human judge lava liquid mirror nature observation odor opossum oxygen predators principal pyrite reporters salami science searching shoot sign skate sparkles swimming tadpoles tails teammate trampoline visitor volcano water worried K5 Learning 2019 3 Level Reader apartment elevator salami behaved favorite fear Ernest and the Elevator Liam has dog named Ernest. He is very good dog. Ernest rarely barks. He never bites. Hes very well behaved, except that he loves chewing Liams shoes. Every day after school Liam takes Ernest for walk. Time for walk, Ernest, Liam calls. Ernest wags his tail and runs over to Liam. Liam clips Ernests leash to his collar. Liam and Ernest live in an apartment building. Ernest does not like to ride in the elevator. Every day, Liam tries to get Ernest to go into the elevator. And every day, Ernest refuses to go inside. K5 Learning 2019 4 Level Reader Ernest whines, cries and pulls on the leash. Hes too scared to ride the elevator. Most of the time, Liam and Ernest take the stairs. Not today! Today, Liam decides to help Ernest conquer his fear. First, Liam tries to lure Ernest into the elevator with his favorite dog toy. He takes Ernests stuffed monkey out of his doggie bed and puts it on the elevator floor. Come on, Ernest! he exclaims, holding the elevator door open. Come get your toy. Ernest looks at the stuffed monkey. He looks at the elevator. Then he lies down and makes soft whining noise. He wont get in the elevator. Liam has another idea. He finds some salami in the fridge and puts it on the floor of the elevator. Come get the salami, Ernest, he says. K5 Learning 2019 5 Level Reader Ernest looks at the salami. He looks at the elevator. He inches little bit forward, then stops. rnest still wont get in the elevator. Liam is about to give up. Will nothing help Ernest overcome his fear? Then, Liam has another idea. He takes off one of his shoes and tosses it inside the elevator. Ernest, go get the shoe! Before Liam can even finish his sentence, Ernest jumps inside the elevator. He starts chewing on Liams shoe. They get to the bottom floor. You are so brave, Ernest, Liam says. Ernest wont let go of the shoe, but Liam doesnt mind. He takes Ernest for walk in one shoe and one sock. K5 Learning 2019 6 Level Reader Ernest and the Elevator 1. 2. (exercises) True (T) or False (F)? Circle the correct answer Ernests favori te thing to chew is salami Liam takes Ernest for walk every day. Ernests favorite dog toy is stuffed giraffe. Circle the correct answer. Ernest looks at the stuffed monkey. He looks at the elevator. Then he lies down and barks makes soft whining noise ). Ernest wont let go of the stuffed monkey shoe ), but Liam doesnt mind. Other than the fact that he loves hiding chewing Liams shoes, Ernest is very well-behaved. K5 Learning 2019 7 Level Reader 3. Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events of the story in the correct order. Liam tries to lure Ernest into the elevator with salami. Liam tries to lure Ernest into the elevator with stuffed monkey. Liam takes Ernest for walk earing only one shoe. Liam lures Ernest into the elevator with one of his shoes. K5 Learning 2019 8 Level Reader Ernest and the Elevator (answers) 1. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the correct answer. 2. Circle the correct answer. 3. Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events of the story in the correct order. 2 Liam tries to lure Ernest into the elevator with salami. 1 Liam tries to lure Ernest into the elevator with stuffed monkey. 4 Liam takes Ernest for walk wearing only one shoe 3 Liam lures Ernest into the elevator with one of his shoes. K5 Learning 2019 9 Level Reader predators opossum liquid cinnamon creature odor Stinky and Safe Animals protect themselves in all sorts of ways. Some animals have hard shells. Some animals have sharp teeth and claws. Some animals can run very fast. Some animals are really good at hiding. Other animals protect themselves by being stinky. When you smell something really bad, you probably plug your nose and run away. Some animals try to be so stinky that predators run away, too. One animal that makes itself stink is the opossum. The opossum is related to the kangaroo. When the opossum feels scared, it lies down and plays dead. It also releases very stinky odor so predators wont come close. K5 Learning 2019 10 Level Reader Skunks can also be smelly. You can recognize skunk by its black fur and the white stripe on its back. When skunk gets scared, it lifts up its tail and sprays stinky liquid. If the liquid lands on you, youll be stinky, too! Its very hard to wash off the smell of skunk on your clothes. Insects also use smelly sprays to protect themselves. Millipedes are long, skinny bugs with lots and lots of legs. When millipede is scared, it will curl into ball and spray out stinky liquid. Some people say this makes it look like cinnamon bun. stinky cinnamon bun! Another insect you might find around your house is stink bug. These bugs are shaped like shield with legs. You probably wont be surprised to hear that stink bugs are very stinky. If you try to squish one, it will release smelly odor. K5 Learning 2019 11 Level Reader Did you know sea creatures can be smelly, too? The sea hare looks like colorful, und erwater slug. To protect itself, it squirts sticky, stinky, purple ink. Animals have all sorts of ways to protect themselves. Even stinky ones! K5 Learning 2019 12 Level Reader Stinky and Safe 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. Which of these animals plays dead? a. opossum b. stink bug c. sea hare d. millipede Which of these animals is stinky? a. skunk b. sea hare c. opossum d. all of the above Which of these animals is an insect? a. stink bug b. opossum c. skunk d. sea hare K5 Learning 2019 13 Level Reader 2. Answer the questions below. Why do some animals use stinky sprays? What does skunk do right before spraying What does millipede look like when it curls into ball? 3. Match each of these pictures to the correct animal name. millipede skunk opossum K5 Learning 2019 14 Level Reader Stinky and Safe 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. Which of these animals plays dead? a. opossum Which of these animals is stinky? d. all of the above Which of these animals is an insect? a. stink bug 2. Answer the questions below. Why do some animals use stinky sprays? They spray to protect themselves from predators What does skunk do right before spraying? It lifts up its tail What does millipede look like when it curls into ball? It looks like cinnamon bun. 3. Match each of these pictures to the correct animal name. K5 Learning 2019 15 Level Reader observation tadpoles water swimming habitat tails Missing Tadpoles Mrs. Jones held up clear jar to the class. Boys and girls, look at what have, she said. Can you see what in this jar? see water, Mark told her. Yes, but what else do you see? asked his teacher. He looked puzzled. Look closely, the teacher smiled. Then the students saw them. They saw some small things swimming in the water. Leah raised her hand. Those are fish, she said. Not quite. They are tadpoles. Im going to add them to our animal habitat, so we can observe them. K5 Learning 2019 16 Level Reader The students watched the tadpoles every day. They made observations about their big eyes and long tails. The tadpoles seemed to never blink and never stop swimming. They never seemed to go to sleep. The students liked the tadpoles and gave each one name. One Friday afternoon, after the kids had gone home, Mrs. Jones saw something that would surprise her students after the weekend. On Monday, Mark went to sharpen his pencil and paused by the animal habitat. He peered in. Puzzled, then worried, he called to Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones, our tadpoles are gone! She walked over and looked in. Sure enough, the tadpoles were no longer there. Smiling, she said, Boys and girls, come on over and take look at what Mark has found. K5 Learning 2019 17 Level Reader They rushed over and looked in the water. Concerned, one student asked, What happened to the tadpoles? Why arent they in the habitat? The teacher smiled. They are in the habitat. They grew so quickly that they are no longer tadpoles. The students looked at their teacher, confused She explained, As tadpoles grow older and bigger, they no longer need to stay in the water. Their tails go away and they grow legs. Theyre still n our habitat. Do you see them? The students looked again, just as small frog jumped near the glass wall. Wow, they have grown into frogs! Mark said, grinning. Great observation, Mark! Mrs. Jones replied, smiling. Ribbit! responded Mark, and the whole class burst out laughing. K5 Learning 2019 18 Level Reader Missing Tadpoles 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. What does Leah think is in the jar? a. tadpoles b. seashells c. snails d. fish The students liked to watch the tadpoles do what? a. play b. dance c. swim d. sleep Which word is another word for concerned in the story? a. happy b. worried c. excited d. confused K5 Learning 2019 19 Level Reader 2. Put the events in the correct order. The tadpoles swim in their new habitat. The tadpoles become frogs. Mrs. Jones shows the class jar. The students return to school after the weekend. 3. Draw tadpole. Describe what it looks like in sentence. K5 Learning 2019 20 Level Reader Missing tadpoles 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. What does Leah think is in the jar? d. fish The students liked to watch the tadpoles do what? c. swim Which word is another word for concerned in the story? b. worried 2. Put the events in the correct order. 2 The tadpoles swim in their new habitat. 4 The tadpoles become frogs. 1 Mrs. Jones shows the class jar. 3 The students return to school after the weekend. 3. Draw tadpole. Describe what it looks like in sentence. Picture of tadpole with description. K5 Learning 2019 21 Level Reader autographs reporters guitar audience crowds fans Who Were the Beatles? Almost 60 years ago, in 1964, band came to the United States from England. This band was called the Beatles. They became the most popular band of all time. The Beatles had four members: John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Their nickname was the Fab Four Ringo played the drums. The others sang and played guitars. The band members also had long hair. At that time, most boys in America had very short hair. The Beatles played rock and roll, but it sounded different to Americans. Their music was loud and fast. Their songs were easy to sing along with and dance to. Students all over America started listening to the Beatles on the radio. K5 Learning 2019 22 Level Reader The Beatles wrote famous songs such as Want to Hold Your Hand Yesterday, and Let It Be. They made movies as well, includi ng one where they traveled in yellow submarine! One night, the Beatles were on The Ed Sullivan Show. On this show, bands played music to live audience. Over 74 million people tuned in to watch the Beatles on television. People began to call the excitement Beatlemania. People would scream and faint when they saw the Beatles. At concert in Chicago, the audience cheered so loudly the band couldnt hear their own instruments. People were so excited to see the Beatles that it became hard for the band members to go outside. Fans would keep asking for their autographs or pictures. K5 Learning 2019 23 Level Reader Reporters would follow the Beatles wherever they went. Crowds of people would wait outside of their homes or hotels. If the band members tried to leave, people would chase them. Being so famous became hard for the Beatles. They couldnt do normal things like go to store or to the movies. They stopped doing concerts so that they could avoid the crowds. The Beatles stopped playing as band after only eight years, but they are still famous around the world. People of all ages still buy their songs and records. K5 Learning 2019 24 Level Reader Who Were the Beatles? 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. The Beatles were: a. famous rock and roll band b. type of guitar c. creatures that live under rocks The Beatles came from: a. the United States b. England c. The Ed Sullivan Show In which year did The Beatles come to America? a. 2001 b. 1964 c. 1886 K5 Learning 2019 25 Level Reader 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. A. When people saw the Beatles, they would or faint. B. The band was together for years. C. At concert in Chicago, the crowd cheered so loudly, the band couldnt hear their own. 3. One of The Beatles most famous songs is called Yellow Submarine. Fill in the missing words to the song: We all live in yellow submarine. Yellow submarine, submarine. We all in yellow . submarine, yellow submarine. K5 Learning 2019 26 Level Reader Who Were the Beatles? 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. The Beatles were: a. famous rock and roll band The Beatles came from: b. England In which year did The Beatles come to America? b. 2. 3. 1964 Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. A. When people saw the Beatles, they woul scream or faint. B. The band was together for eight years. C. At concert in Chicago, the crowd cheered so loudly, the band couldnt hear their own instruments. One of The Beatles most famous song is called Yellow Submarine. Fill in the missing words to the song: We all live in yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. We all live in yellow submarine. Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. K5 Learning 2019 27 Level Reader principal science erupt volcano judge lava Slimy Situation Cathy grinned at her science fair project. She had worked so hard on it. Her project was homemade volcano. It was special volcano. It was volcano that could erupt! She finished painting it and went to the garage to get big box to put it in. She shut the lid and wrote her name on it. Her dad promised to drive her to school as the box was so big. The next morning, she climbed into her dad car with her project next to her. Ready to go? he asked. cant wait to show my project today! she said. She wanted to see everyones faces when the volcano erupted. K5 Learning 2019 28 Level Reader Cathy walked inside to set up the volcano. That looks amazing! her dad said. He noticed all of the materials she had used on her volcano. Paint from his art supplies, paper from her mom office and some other materials from around the house. What does this big red button do? he asked. Before she could answer, judge came over and smiled. bet know what it does, he said, still smiling. If press this button, will this volcano erupt? By this time, several students, teachers, and the principal had walked over to watch. The judge continued, Why dont you press the button and show us what it can do? Cathy smiled and nodded. She was excited but little nervous. Cathy walked p and pressed the bright red button. She waited. Everyone else waited too. Nothing happened; not even small gurgle. Her teacher suggested pressing it again. K5 Learning 2019 29 Level Reader This time, Cathy pushed the button bit harder. Suddenly, the volcano began to rumble, but then stopped. They waited some more, but still nothing happened. guess it doesnt work, she said softly. Its still great volcano, the judge told her. He smiled and turned his back to walk away. Just then, everyone heard loud rumble. The volcano began to shake. Hot pink lava slime erupted from the top. It shot up high into the air as everyone watched in awe. Then the hot pink lava slime fell down right on the top of the principals head! Cathys eyes grew huge. Before she could begin to apologize, her principal started to laugh. That certainly is great volcano! The classroom filled with everyones laughter. K5 Learning 2019 30 Level Reader Slimy Situation 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. What is special about Cathys volcano? a. It is pink. b. It can sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. c. It can erupt. d. It is bigger than house. What is the last step Cathy takes before going to school? a. painting the volcano b. putting the volcano in box c. writing her name on the box d. fixing the button Which of the following means almost the same as the word rumble in this story? a. cream b. growl c. sing d. whistle K5 Learning 2019 31 Level Reader 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Cathy makes. The judge says it is . The lands on the principal. 3. How do you think Cathy felt when the button did not work the first time? K5 Learning 2019 32 Level Reader Slimy Situation 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. What is special about Cathys volcano? c. It can erupt. What is the last step Cathy takes before going to school? c. writing her name on the box Which of the following means almost the same as the word rumble in this story? b. 2. growl Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Cathy makes volcano. The judge says it is great volcano. The hot pink lava slime lands on the principal 3. How do you think Cathy felt when the button did not work the first time? Answers will vary. K5 Learning 2019 33 Level Reader breadcrumbs nature human searching visitor sign Dont Feed the Ducks group of six ducks lived in pond in big park. They were happy and lucky ducks. Some people who visited the park fed them. The visitors would give the ducks breadcrumbs, donuts and crackers. The ducks liked the breadcrumbs the most. They didnt like the crackers. They only ate the crackers if they were really hungry. One day man put up sign. The ducks could not read, so they just swam past it. Soon, the ducks noticed that visitors were not giving them breadcrumbs or donuts anymore not even crackers! K5 Learning 2019 34 Level Reader The youngest duckling looked at the sign. Ever since that man put up that sign, no one has given us food! The duckling was angry. How can find food for us? thought the duckling. toad croaked beside him. The croak made the duck jump. The toad was friendly and just wanted to help. The toad told the duckling that ducks dont need human food. Ducks need to eat grass, plants and fish eggs. Eating duck food is better for ducks, croaked the toad as he hopped away. Of course, said the duckling. Donuts, crackers and breadcrumbs are not duck food! Ducks should eat what they find in nature. All the ducks agreed to try this new diet. There was plenty of grass in the park. They ate the leaves that fell from the trees. They even learned how to dive underwater to find food. K5 Learning 2019 35 Level Reader The ducks enjoyed searching for their own food. It was much better than sitting around waiting for it. Duck food also made them feel better. One day, little boy threw whole donut into the pond. The ducks were surprised. They all turned toward the donut which looked so colorful! Duckling raced toward the donut. He grabbed it in his beak. All the ducks held their breath. Was the duckling going to eat human food again? Then, the duckling swam towards the boy. He returned the soggy donut to the surprised boy with loud quack. Donuts are not duck food, after all! K5 Learning 2019 36 Level Reader Dont Feed the Ducks 1. (exercises) Fill in the blanks. A. One day, man put up . B. Visitors were not giving them anymore. 2. C. toad beside him. D. There was of grass in the park. Answer the questions. Use complete sentences. What human food did the ducks like the most? What human food did the ducks like the least? What did duckling do with the soggy donut? K5 Learning 2019 37 Level Reader 3. What do you think the sign said? Draw the sign and write the words on it. K5 Learning 2019 38 Level Reader Dont Feed the Ducks 1. 2. (answers) Fill in the blanks. A. One day, man put up sign. B. The visitors were not giving them food anymore. C. toad croaked beside him. D. There was plenty of grass in the park. Answer the questions. Use complete sentences. What human food did the ducks like the most? The ducks liked the breadcrumbs the most. What human food did the ducks like the least? The ducks liked the crackers the least. What did duckling do with the soggy donut? Duckling returned the soggy donut to the surprised boy with loud quack 3. What do you think the sign said? Draw the sign and write the words on it. Picture of sign saying not to feed the ducks K5 Learning 2019 39 Level Reader explosion pyrite mirror sparkles fooled gold Fools Gold or Real Gold? A-ha! cried Danny the gold digger. struck gold! He held shiny yellow rock in his hand. Unfortunately, he was fooled. What he found was fools gold. Real gold is very valuable. People make rings and jewelry from it. In many places, gold has been used as type of money. Like Danny, people have always been trying to find gold. If you find enough gold you will be very rich! Fools gold is not very valuable. It is re ally rock called pyrite (sounds like pie right). Pyrite can be yellowish or shiny metal lic color. It sparkles like gold when it reflects the sun. That is why people are fooled into thinking it is real gold. Pyrite is useful but it will not make you rich. K5 Learning 2019 40 Level Reader The word pyrite comes from the Greek word pyr, which means fire. If you hit pyrite, it will create spark. People have used this spark to start fires or explosions. Polished pieces of pyrite were used as mirrors. Today, pyrite is used in batteries and other things. So, how does Danny the gold digger know if he has found gold or pyrite? He can test it. • Gold is very soft; it will bend. Pyrite is hard. It will break into little pieces if you hit it. • You can cut gold, but you cannot even scratch pyrite. • Gold flakes will not move around in pan of water. They will stay on the bottom but pyrite will move around. K5 Learning 2019 41 Level Reader • If you rub gold on white dinner plate, it will leave yellow streak. Pyrite will leave greenish black streak. • Gold has no odor, but pyrite smells like rotten eggs! Now, you know how not to be fooled into thinking you have struck gold. The best places to look for gold or pyrite are along riverbeds or hillsides. If you find big, yellow shiny rock, and it turns out to be pyrite, then dont be disappointed. They can still be beautiful rocks. Danny used his fools gold as paper weight. Happy digging! K5 Learning 2019 42 Level Reader Fools Gold or Real Gold? 1. (exercises) Fill in the blanks. A. The Greek word pyr means . B. Pyrite can be yellowish or shiny color. C. The best places to look for pyrite are along riverbeds or . D. Gold has no odor, but pyrite smells like . 2. True or False? Circle the correc answer. Pyrite is very soft, and it will bend with pressure. True False Pyrite is not as valuable as gold. True False The sun is made out of gold. True False Pyrite is used in batteries. True False K5 Learning 2019 43 Level Reader 3. Why is pyrite called fools gold? Answer in full sentence. K5 Learning 2019 44 Level Reader Fools Gold or Real Gold? 1. (answers) Fill in the blanks. A. The Greek word pyr means fire. B. Pyrite can be yellowish or shiny metallic color. C. The best places to look for pyrite are along riverbeds or hillsides. D. Gold has no odor, but pyrite smells like rotten eggs. 2. True or False? Circle the correct answer. 3. Why is pyrite called fools gold? Answer in full sentence. Pyrite is called fools gold because it sparkles like gold when it reflects the sun. K5 Learning 2019 45 Level Reader determination worried shoot teammate hockey skate The Underdogs Cole and Jane were worried about their hockey game. They were playing against the Aces. The Aces were big and fast and had not lost game all year. The dressing room was quiet. The other players were worried about the game, too. It wasnt until Coach Joe entered the room that the silence was broken. Good morning, everyone! Coach Joe said with smile. Lets have great game today! Keep your feet moving, keep your head up, and have some fun! Lets hear your cheer! 1-2-3 The players shouted, Go Stars! and then headed for the ice. K5 Learning 2019 46 Level Reader Right away, it was clear that the Aces ere strong team. Their players could skate fast and shoot hard. After two periods, it was 3-0 for the Aces. During the break, the players crowded around Coach Joe. know youve been worried about playing the Aces, he said. They are good team, but were good team, too! When we work hard, stay positive, and dont give up, great things can happen. 1-2-3 Go Stars! the players shouted. Back on the ice, Jane made great pass to Cole and he took shot. Goal! The Stars were working harder than ever. Coles goal had given them even more determination. It wasnt long before another teammate scored. 3-2! Jane yelled. K5 Learning 2019 47 Level Reader Time was running out for the Stars. The puck was in the Aces end, and Cole took shot. The goalie kicked out his leg to make the save. The puck bounced off his pad and came towards Jane, who wound up, shot, and Goal! Cole shouted. Jane looked up at he clock to see only two seconds left in the game. The Stars and the Aces ended up tied, 3-3. The dressing room was filled with excitement after the game as Coach Joe spoke to his players. This is why you never give up, he said. We knew the Aces were going to be strong team, but we worked hard, right up until the last second of the game. You should be proud of yourselves for not giving up. 1-2-3 Go Stars! the team shouted. K5 Learning 2019 48 Level Reader The Underdogs 1. (exercises) Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events from the story in order. Jane passed the puck to Cole and he scored. The dressing room was quiet. After two periods, it was 3-0 for the Aces. Jane saw that there were only two seconds left in the game. 2. True or False? Circle the correct answer. Both Cole and Jane were worried about playing the Aces. True False The Stars scored the first goal of the game. True False The Stars and Aces were playing basketball True False Cole scored three goals during the game. True False K5 Learning 2019 49 Level Reader 3. List two reasons why the Aces were such good hockey team. K5 Learning 2019 50 Level Reader The Underdogs 1. (answers) Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events from the story in order. 3 Jane passed the puck to Cole and he scored.1 The dressing room was quiet.2 After two periods, it was 3-0 for the Aces.4 Jane saw that there were only two seconds left in the game. 2. True or False? Circle the correct answer. 3. List two reasons why the Aces were such good hockey team. They skate fast and shoot hard. K5 Learning 2019 51 Level Reader trampoline high bounce basketball dunk ankle The Slam Dunk The kids were having great time at the trampoline park. This is so much fun! Marie screamed as she jumped up and down. wish we could come here every day! Annie yelled. Mom watched as the girls played on the trampolines. Marie and Annie spotted bouncy area with basketball net. Marie got ball and bounced toward the net. She jumped as high as she could and then threw the ball. It just missed the net! My turn, Anni said. K5 Learning 2019 52 Level Reader Marie passed the ball to Annie so she could try. She bounced up to the net and took shot. She missed, too! Mom thought about her days of playing basketball when she was in high school. She had been pretty good player, and basketball had been so much fun. She missed those days. Mom climbed onto the trampoline. Youre going to play? Annie asked. Mom replied, was great basketball player when was kid. Watch this, girls! Mom started bounci ng on the trampoline, higher and higher. All the kids stopped what they were doing and watched. K5 Learning 2019 53 Level Reader Mom bounced close to the net, and then she made her biggest jump yet. She raised her arm and slam dunked the ball into the basket! The girls started cheering for Mom, but they quickly stopped. Oh, no! Mom cried. She sat down on the trampoline, holding her ankle. Marie and Annie rushed over to see what was wrong. think hurt my ankle when land ed, Mom said, holding her leg. guess Im not the basketball star used to be. Annie smiled. Well, you did make really cool slam dunk. think you are star. Thanks, Annie. Mom laughed. That makes it all worthwhile. K5 Learning 2019 54 Level Reader The Slam Dunk 1. (exercises) Multiple choice. At the trampoline park, Annie and Marie decided to play . a. hockey b. basketball c. tag Mom was good basketball player when she was. a. baby b. Girl Scout c. in high school Mom sat down on the trampoline because. a. she needed rest b. she felt dizzy from jumping so high c. she had hurt her ankle K5 Learning 2019 55 Level Reader 2. Write 1, 2, and 3 to put the events from the story in order. Mom hurt her ankle. Annie missed the net when she threw the basketball. Mom climbed onto the trampoline. Mom slam dunked the basketball 3. How did Mom feel at the end of the story? Embarrassed or proud, or both? Write sentence. K5 Learning 2019 56 Level Reader The Slam Dunk 1. (answers) Multiple choice. At the trampoline park, Annie and Marie decided to play . b. basketball Mom was good basketball player when she was. c. in high school Mom sat down on the trampoline because. c. 2. she had hurt her ankle Write 1, 2, and 3 to put the events from the story in order. 3. 4 Mom hurt her ankle.1 Annie missed the net when she threw the basketball.2 Mom climbed onto the trampoline3 Mom slam dunked the basketball How did Mom feel at the end of the story. Embarrassed or proud, or both? Write sentence. Answers may vary. K5 Learning 2019 57 Level Reader oxygen burning breathe fire heat fuel The Fire Triangle The best part of camping is making smores. Before we can make smore, we must have campfire. It takes three things to start fire: oxygen, fuel, and heat. We call these three things the fire triangle. Oxygen is part of the air around us. We cannot see it, smell it or taste it. We breathe in oxygen all the time. Fire needs oxygen to burn. Fuel is anything that will burn. For campfires, we use wood. Wood is easy to find in the forest from old trees which have fallen down. K5 Learning 2019 58 Level Reader The final part of the fire triangle is heat. Heat is needed to start the fire. We use heat source to start the fire. Most of us light fire with matches. Once fire has started, it can make its own heat, so we dont have to keep using more and more matches. Before we start fire, we should also know how to stop fire. To stop fire, we take away one of the things from the fire triangle. The easiest way is to stop putting more wood on the fire. When the fire runs out of fue l, it will stop. We can also try to take away the oxygen by pouring water, or shoveling sand, over the fire. That stops the air from reaching the fire. Without oxygen, the fire will stop burning. Now we know how to start and stop fire. Let make some smores! K5 Learning 2019 59 Level Reader Get your graham crackers and chocolate ready. Take your marshmallow and put it on the end of long stick. Roast the marshmallow over the fire. Its turning brown! Quickly, place the marshmallow on cracker. Put piece of chocolate on top of the marshmallow. Put another cracker on top of the chocolate. Now press the smore together gently. Enjoy your smore! K5 Learning 2019 60 Level Reader The Fire Triangle 1. (exercises) Answer the questions below. What are the three parts of the fire triangle?,, and. What is the fuel most people use for campfire? . 2. Fill in the blanks. A. Once fire starts burning, it can make its own. B. Pouring over the fire over the fire will stop it from burning. C. Smores are made with,, and. K5 Learning 2019 61 Level Reader 3. True or False? Choose the correct answer. Oxygen smells like rotten eggs. True False You can put out fire by shoveling sand over it. True False To keep fire burning, you need lot of matches. True False K5 Learning 2019 62 Level Reader The Fire Triangle 1. (answers) Answer the questions below. What are the three parts of the fire triangle? oxygen, fuel, and heat What is the fuel most people use for campfire? wood 2. 3. Fill in the blanks. A. Once fire starts burning, it can make its own heat B. Pouring water over the fire will stop it from burning. C. Smores are made with graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. True or False? Choose the correct answer. K5 Learning 2019 63 More from K5 Learning Math Workbooks We carry comprehensive range of kindergarten to grade 7 math workbooks, organized by subject matter and grade level. Highly recommended! Levelled Readers Our online bookstore carries full series of levelled readers from the kindergarten to grade 6 level, available for download and printing. Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling Workbooks We have grammar, vocabulary and spelling workbooks for grades 1-5. We also have cursive writing workbooks and phonics and sight words flashcards. 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