Arbeitsblatt: Präsentation Mega City Open World 2 Unit 7
Präsentation Mega City Open World 2 Unit 7
Anderes Thema
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Joel Stuber
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
English – Presentation of mega city Youve got to go there! My travel gems. work in travel agency and present special place of my own choice. For the presentation either prepare PowerPoint presentation or poster. Content requirements: Why should somebody travel to this place? What makes it such special place? Most important sights Highlight important facts keywords only – no complete sentences you will speak freely with the help of your keywords presentation some nice pictures (good quality) min. 4 max. 5 minutes presentation time The presentation has to be structured and clear, well organised and appealing to readers or an audience. Present mega city. Bring in personal experiences from previous visit to this place, if possible. Make sure you research and evaluate sources for information outline important information prepare mentally rehearse in front of friends prepare notes set the room and check the equipment if necessary Additional notes for my presentation: . . . . . . Assessment criteria: Speaking Date Name Presentation Mark Signature