Arbeitsblatt: Exam English Open World 1 Unit 5
Prüfung zur Unit 5 im Open World 1.
Gemischte Themen
7. Schuljahr
7 Seiten
Laura Leuzinger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Summative Lernkontrolle Datum: Unterschrift Eltern: Prüfungsthema: Unit 5, Open World 1 Name: Vorname: Totale Punktzahl: 45 Klasse: Note: Erreichte Punktzahl: Vorgehen: Du hast für diese Prüfung maximal 45 Minuten Zeit. Lies dir die Fragen gut durch. Löse die Aufgaben und kontrolliere deine Angaben sorgfältig. Erlaubte Hilfsmittel: Schreibmaterial Good Luck! Future with going to: Subject You am is are am are going to going to going to main verb walk get your hair done Subject going to main verb You am not is not are not am not are not going to going to walk get your hair done Am is are Am Is Subject she going to going to going to main verb walk? get her hair done? 2 1 Future with going to 3 10 2 Weather idioms 8/ Weather idioms Complete the following sentences with the idioms from above. Example: as right as rain was ill last week but now Im as right as rain! its raining cats and come rain or shine to break the ice dogs to be on cloud nine to be under the weather storm in teacup to be snowed under to have your head in the clouds 1. Its not that big of deal. They shouldnt be arguing. Its just 2. cant work anymore. It is just too much for me. Im and cant do any more work. 3. Oh no! Its and forgot my umbrella! What pity! 4. My friend wants to take break and go to Italy. But she hasnt saved much money yet. think she has because Italy is really expensive, and she should save more money first. 5. Im so happy with my life right now. am really. 6. Dont worry, Ill help you with this, . 7. didnt know her, so we first had to and get to know each other. 8. Unfortunately, Im not feeling well. Im completely . 4 3 Amplifiers and downtoners 5 8/ 4 Writing 9/ My summer holiday Imagine you are spending your summer holiday in England and want to tell friend all about it. Look at the weather information below. 1. Write text of 7 sentences on what you would tell your friend about the weather in England. Look carefully at the weather information and use any clue (Hinweis). 2. Make sure to use the given words and idioms below in your text. umbrella cloudy mild wet lucky rainy sunny Example: using the word «winter» and the information of how warm it is today (21C). à Luckily, it isnt winter right now, so we get warmer days of 21C here in England. 6 5 Vocabulary 10 Vocab – Weather dynamics Complete the word table with either the German or English translation. English German blizzard calm storm kind of of course rainy wet air pressure surface cause damage Küste gefährlich starker Schneefall vorhersagen Himmel Fotos machen, fotografieren wertvoll krank Witz Realität, Wirklichkeit 7