Arbeitsblatt: The legend of Pele
Lesen / Literatur
7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten
Tanja Spörri
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Reading comprehension 1.Bez. Name:_ Unit 1 Grade:_ Mark:/ 20 Parents‘ signature:_ Hawaii: The Legend of Pele Aloha! My name is Leilani (in the Hawaiian language, it means heavenly flower). My friends call me Jasmine. live in California, but last week flew to Hawaii to visit my grandmother. love to listen to Grandma stories about the legends of Hawaii. My favourite is the legend of Madam Pele, Hawaii Goddess of Fire. The legend says that Pele father sent her away from Tahiti (another island in the Pacific) because she had hot temper. It seems she was always fighting with her older sister (Na-mako-o-Kahai), who was the Goddess of the Sea. Pele left Tahiti in canoe and went to Hawaii where she made many fiery volcanoes. However, every time she made volcano, her sister (who had followed her) flooded the fire and put it out. Finally, they had very big fight and Pele was torn apart by her sister. Then, Pele spirit was free and she became goddess. It is said that Pele spirit lives in the Kilauea volcano (one of the most active volcanoes on earth). Pele is still known for her violent temper. Some people say that if any visitors take her volcanic rock (lava), she puts curse on them. When got to Grandma house, Grandma looked just as remembered her. On the table were pineapples, bananas, and coconuts. As we snacked, told her my goal was to take some pictures of the Kilauea volcano for school report. She looked at me with worried expression because she knew there would be some danger. Grandma reminded me that Pele spirit could be quite cruel and destructive. assured Grandma that would be very careful and that respected the power of the Fire Goddess. The next morning, woke up early. put my camera and lunch into my backpack, and left to meet the Goddess of Fire. When arrived at the base of the volcano started my climb. After an hour, looked down. Far below me, the earth looked like lush green carpet. could see the blue ocean surrounding the peaceful island. Suddenly felt the earth tremble. Some rocks started to slide down the path. The calm puffy smoke from the volcano turned into black clouds. The sky looked dark and scary. thought that this might be warning, signal from Pele, telling me to stop. stood there thinking about what should do. Should go on further or should stop? then did very strange thing. began talking to Pele. told her that was not there to disturb her, but rather to become her friend. told her that did not have magical powers like she did. said that had heard so many wonderful stories about her and wanted to write story. promised not to take any of the lava rocks from the volcano. In other words, asked for permission to continue up the mountain. Finally, the earth stopped shaking. got my camera and began taking pictures of the awesome site. Many different colored flames caught the camera lens as if Pele was doing dance for me. In my eyes, she was truly the Goddess of Fire. A. Answer true (T) or false (F). 1. Pele wurde von Tahiti weg geschickt, weil sie Fieber hatte. 2. Peles Schwester war Göttin des Meeres. 3. Pele wurde zu einer Göttin, weil sie den Kilauea Vulkan zum Ausbruch gebracht hatte. 4. Die Grossmutter der Erzählerin, Leilani, sieht nicht mehr gleich aus wie früher. 5. Die Grossmutter erinnerte Leilani daran, dass Peles Geist zerstörerisch sein konnte. 6. Als Leilani auf den Vulkan stieg und auf die Erde hinunter schaute, sah diese aus wie ein grüner Teppich. 7. Die Wolken über dem Vulkan wurden zu Rauch. 8. Die Erde hörte nach vier Stunden auf zu beben. 9. Beim Fotografieren schien es Leilani, als würde Pele ihr einen Tanz vorführen. 10. Leilani gab der Göttin des Feuers den Namen „Pele. /10m. B. Erkläre auf Deutsch. 1. Was geschah jedes Mal, wenn Pele einen Vulkan zum Ausbruch brachte? 2. Z.12. Was bedeutet:.she puts curse on them. 3. Z.14. Was goal was to take some pictures /3m. C. In English 1. Write down 3 fruits (except pineapples, bananas, coconuts). 2. Leilani spoke to Pele when the earth started to tremble. Write down 3 things that she told her. 3. Write possible end of Leilanis story (30 to 40 words). (text:/3 grammar /1 spelling/1) /7m.