Arbeitsblatt: A music review
Unterrichtsmaterialien, die als Erweiterung für das selbe Thema im Lehrmittel Open World 2 dienen. Vorhanden sind Leseverständnisaufgaben sowie die Schreibaufgabe "Writing a music review", die schrittweise eingeführt wird. Zudem findet man Wortschatz zum Thema und eine Checkliste, die auch als Kriterienliste für die Bewertung dienen kann.
Texte schreiben
8. Schuljahr
21 Seiten
Stefanka Geissmann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
A music review 1. You are going to hear three different songs. Look at the pictures of three famous bands. What do you think, which song was performed by each band? Match the band to the song. Song number 1 Song number 2 Song number 3 2. Look at some other photos of the three bands shown on the smartboard. Discuss in pairs. Share your ideas in class. Have you heard about these bands? Where? Do you know something about them? Where do they come from? Mark the correct answer. The Beatles Queen a. USA b. England a. USA ABBA a. Sweden c. Irland b. Australia c. Great Britain b. England c. Finnland What do you think, when were they popular: in the 60s (1960-1969), in the 70s (1970-1979), in the 80s (1980-1989), in the 90s (1990-1999) or noughties (2000-2009)? How can you tell that? Do you know any other bands or artists who were popular at that time? 3. Work in pairs. Look at the sentences and the underlined words. Choose the correct definition and write it down next to the sentence. Share your ideas in class. song on an album used as the albums title extremely good makes you feel happier first album interesting and easy to remember make known in public emotional He released his new single month ago. Waterloo is the title song of the Abbas album. The Beatles are outstanding musicians. love the song «Come together». Its so catchy. Waterloo is Abbas début album. « Here comes the sun » has uplifting lyrics. Soulful and passionate songs are usually very 4. Read the text quickly. Match the name of the album with the correct band and the correct description. Queen Abbey Road sweet voices, easy lyrics ABBA News of the world powerful voice, heroic lyrics The Beatles Waterloo rock album with blues and pop 5. Read the text again and find the following information to fill in the chart. Share your ideas with the class. The Beatles: Abbey Road Number of copies sold in the first two months when Beatles released Abbey Road. The year «Abbey Road» was released. The Beetle with the lovely voice. The city in which the album cover photo was taken. Queen: News of the world The year in which «News of the world was released». The names of the two songs which are still popular around the world. The name of Queens singer. ABBA: Waterloo The name of the title song of ABBAs debut album The time when the band ABBA was popular 6. Read the text again and answer the following questions. The Beatles: Abbey Road Why is «Abbey Road» not the writers favourite Beatles album? What does the writer think of Beatles as musicians? What is the best song according to the writer? Why? What do many fans try to do Why is that dangerous Queen: News of the world Where do you often hear «We will rock you»? How long has Queens album remained popular What do people think of this album? ABBA: Waterloo What do people do when they hear «Honey, honey» on the radio Which song does the writer think its terrible? Whats the overall rating of «Waterloo»? If you finish earlier, find the following information on the Internet. What were the names of all the Beatles? In which part of London is Abbey Road? Is Freddy Mercury still alive? Why is ABBA called ABBA? 7. You have just read three music reviews. Choose the correct definition. Circle the correct answer: What is music review? a. fun activity where people gather to listen to music together and share their thoughts and opinions about it. They can dance, sing along and have good time. b. Some important information about piece of music such as the artists name, album title and when it was released. c. written evaluation (rating) or critique of song, album or concert by someone who is interested in or knows lot about music. It the persons opinion of the quality, style and influence of the music, helping readers decide if they might enjoy it. 8. What is the writers overall opinion of the album he or she has written about? Tick one of the smileys next to each music review. 9. Work in pairs. Look for adjectives that describe the album, the songs/the music, the singers/the band and the lyrics. Mark them with different colours and add them to the list below. Find other adjectives throughout the unit and add them to the correct list. Conduct short research on the internet and enrich your list with three more adjectives. Adjectives which describe the album Adjectives which describe the singers/the band Adjectives which describe the songs/the music Adjectives which describe the lyrics 10. Write down 5 sentence starters or expressions from the three texts that you would like to remember. Writing music review 1. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. Share your ideas with the class. Where can we find music reviews? Who reads them? What does the writer want to inform his or her readers about? What kind of language do we use: formal or informal? 2. How should music review be structured? Fill in the gaps with the correct words. introduction summary three main part structure summary music review should be well organised with clear . One way of doing this is to divide the review into paragraphs. The first paragraph is general to what you are reviewing. The of the review is an evaluation of the music. The last paragraph is the of your impressions. 3. Look at the three music reviews. Do you recognize the three parts? Mark the introduction, the main part and the summary with vertical line. Work in pairs. In which part of the music review would you answer these questions? Match the questions to the correct part of the review. What is the name of the singer/band? How would you describe the lyrics, vocals, instruments, rhythm, beat, tune Whats the release date? Whats the name of the song/album? Is this song still popular today? Why? Or was it popular in the past? How does the song/the album make you feel What style of music is it Do you know an interesting fact about this song/album/singer/band? What is the message of the song/of the album? What is your overall rating/impression of the album/song? How many points out of 5 or 10 would you give Why do you like this album/this song? Would you recommend this song Who to and why What do other people think about this song/album Introduction Main part Summary 4. You are going to write music review of song or an album that you like. Complete the following steps Step 1: Listen to the album or the song you are going to write review about with concentration. Maybe you will have to listen to the music three or four times. Step 2: While listening, take notes on what is good and bad, what you like or dont like. Step 3: Use the list of adjectives to help you describe the different aspects of music. Step 4: Create mind map using the structure from exercise 3. Step 5: Write your first draft. Step 6: After you have finished your first draft, control if you have everything using the checklist below and edit your text. Write clean copy of the corrected version. Step 7: Review your text with two of your classmates. Give each other feedback using the checklist. Correct any spelling mistakes. Note down some ideas. Write clean copy of the corrected text. Step 8: Present your song and read your review out loud in front of your class. Checklist for the music review Headline have found catchy headline which refers to the topic. Introduction have written an interesting beginning which makes my readers want to continue reading. have written the name of the singer/the band, the name of the song, the release date, the style of music. have included an interesting fact about the song/the album/the singer/the band. Main Part have described two/three of the aspects mentioned above. have described how this song/album makes me feel. have described why like this song/album. have explained the message of the song/album. Summary have included other peoples opinion about this song/this album. have mentioned if this song is still popular today. have given an overall impression/rating of the album/the song. My review has an interesting ending. Language and structure have used paragraphs to structure the text. have linked my ideas in logical way. have used different words to start my sentences. have used different adjectives to describe the different music aspects. have edited the text. Textsortenspezifisches Schreiben im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe Materialien zum selbstständigen Lernen (HANDREICHUNG_ONLINEFINAL_06.05.16.pdf) music review (worksheet for weaker learners) 1. You are going to hear three different songs. Look at the pictures of three famous bands. What do you think, which song was performed by each band? Match the band to the song. Song number 1 Song number 2 Song number 3 2. Look at some other photos of the three bands shown on the smartboard. Discuss in groups of three. Share your ideas in class. Have you heard about these bands? Where? Do you know something about them? Where do they come from? Mark the correct answer. The Beatles Queen ABBA a. USA b. England a. USA a. Sweden c. Irland b. Australia c. Great Britain b. England c. Finnland What do you think, when were they popular: in the 60s (1960-1969), in the 70s (1970-1979), in the 80s (1980-1989), in the 90s (1990-1999) or noughties (2000-2009)? How can you tell that? Do you know any other bands or artists who were popular at that time? Use the chunks in the toolbox to share your experience or begin the Yes, have. /No, havent. have heard about them on the Internet/on the radio/on TV/ from my parents know that They come from They were popular in theI can tell by their clothes/haircut/style also know. sentence. 3. Work in pairs. Look at the sentences and the underlined words. Choose the correct definition and write it down next to the sentence. Share your ideas in class. song on an album used as the albums title extremely good first album interesting and easy to remember makes you feel happier make known in public emotional He released his new single month ago. Waterloo is the title song of the Abbas album. The Beatles are outstanding musicians. love the song «Come together». Its so catchy. Waterloo is Abbas début album. « Here comes the sun » has uplifting lyrics. Soulful and passionate songs are usually very 4. Read the text quickly. Match the name of the album with the correct band and the correct description. Share your ideas with the class. Queen Abbey Road sweet voices, easy lyrics ABBA News of the world powerful voice, heroic lyrics The Beatles Waterloo rock album with blues and pop 5. Read the text again and find the following information to fill in the chart. Share your ideas with the class. The Beatles: Abbey Road Number of copies sold in the first two months when Beatles released Abbey Road. The year «Abbey Road» was released. The Beetle with the lovely voice. The city in which the album cover photo was taken. Queen: News of the world The year in which «News of the world was released». The names of the two songs which are still popular around the world. The name of Queens singer. ABBA: Waterloo The name of the title song of ABBAs debut album The time when the band ABBA was popular 6. Read the text again and answer the following questions. The Beatles: Abbey Road Why is «Abbey Road» not the writers favourite Beatles album? a. Some of the songs are really strange. b. The writer doesnt like that its rock album. What does the writer think of The Beatles as musicians? What is the best song according to the writer? Why? a. «Come together» because its really catchy. b. «Here comes the sun» because of the uplifting lyrics and George Harrisons lovely voice. What do many fans try to do Why is that dangerous Queen: News of the world Where do you often hear «We will rock you»? How long has Queens album remained popular a. 40 years. b. 14 years. What do people think of this album? ABBA: Waterloo What do people do when they hear «Honey, honey» on the radio a. They dance along. b. They sing along. Which song does the writer think its terrible? Whats the overall rating of «Waterloo»? a. Very entertaining. b. Terrible. 7. You have just read three music reviews. Choose the correct definition. Circle the correct answer: What is music review? a. fun activity where people gather to listen to music together and share their thoughts and opinions about it. They can dance, sing along and have good time. b. Some important information about piece of music such as the artists name, album title and when it was released. c. written evaluation (rating) or critique of song, album or concert by someone who is interested in or knows lot about music. It the persons opinion of the quality, style and influence of the music, helping readers decide if they might enjoy it. 8. What is the writers overall opinion of the album he or she has written about? Tick one of the smileys next to each music review. 9. Work in pairs. Look for adjectives that describe the album, the songs/the music, the singers/the band and the lyrics. Mark them with different colours and add them to the list below. Find other adjectives throughout the unit and add them to the correct list. Conduct short research on the internet and enrich your list with three more adjectives. Adjectives which describe the album Adjectives which describe the songs/the music Adjectives which describe the singers/the band Adjectives which describe the lyrics 10. Write down 5 sentence starters or expressions from the three texts that you would like to remember. Writing music review 1. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. Share your ideas with the class. Where can we find music reviews? Who reads them? What does the writer want to inform his or her readers about? What kind of language do we use: formal or informal? 2. How should music review be structured? Fill in the gaps with the correct words. introduction summary three main part structure summary music review should be well organised with clear . One way of doing this is to divide the review into paragraphs. The first paragraph is general to what you are reviewing. The of the review is an evaluation of the music. The last paragraph is the of your impressions. 3. Look at the three music reviews. Do you recognize the three parts? Mark the introduction, the main part and the summary with vertical line. Work in pairs. In which part of the music review would you answer these questions? Match the questions to the correct part of the review. What is the name of the singer/band? How would you describe the lyrics, vocals, instruments, rhythm, beat, tune Whats the release date? Whats the name of the song/album? Is this song still popular today? Why? Or was it popular in the past? How does the song/the album make you feel What style of music is it Do you know an interesting fact about this song/album/singer/band? What is the message of the song/of the album? What is your overall rating/impression of the album/song? How many points out of 5 or 10 would you give Why do you like this album/this song? Would you recommend this song Who to and why What do other people think about this song/album Introduction Main part Summary 4. You are going to write music review of song or an album that you like. Complete the following steps Step 1 Listen to the album or the song you are going to write review about with concentration. Maybe you will have to listen to the music three or four times. Step 2: While listening, take notes on what is good and bad, what you like or dont like. Step 3 Use the list of adjectives to help you describe the different aspects of music. Step 4 Create mind map using the structure from exercise 3. Step 5 Write your first draft. Step 5 After you have finished your first draft, control if you have everything using the checklist below and edit your text. Write clean copy of the corrected version. Step 6 Review your text with two of your classmates. Give each other feedback using the checklist. Correct any spelling mistakes. Note down some ideas. Write clean copy of the corrected text. Step 7: Present your song and read your review out loud in front of your class. Criteria Headline have found catchy headline which refers to the topic. Introduction have written an interesting beginning which makes my readers want to continue reading. have written the name of the singer/the band, the name of the song, the release date, the style of music. have included an interesting fact about the song/the album/the singer/the band. Main Part have described two of the aspects mentioned above. have described how this song/album makes me feel. have described why like this song/album. have explained the message of the song/album. Summary have included other peoples opinion about this song/this album. have mentioned if this song is still popular today. have given an overall impression/rating of the album/the song. My review has an interesting ending. Language and structure have used paragraphs to structure the text. have linked my ideas in logical way. have used different words to start my sentences. have used different adjectives to describe the different music aspects. have edited the text. Use these sentence starters to help you. When (the bands name) released (the songs name) in (year), Its pop/rock/hiphop song which was recorded . first heard this song when This song makes me feel because It reminds me of What really like is It is about do love because Best of all for me is listen to this song when Some people think that It is still very popular not so popular recommend this song to Textsortenspezifisches Schreiben im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe Materialien zum selbstständigen Lernen (HANDREICHUNG_ONLINEFINAL_06.05.16.pdf)