Arbeitsblatt: new open world 1 unit 1


Abschlusstest unit 1 inkl. Lernziele und Lösung
7. Schuljahr
8 Seiten




Ruth Gschwend
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Open World new edition unit 1 going places Englisch 1sa Unit 1 grammar Open world unit 1 vocabulary Unterschrift Eltern Name 27.09.2023 Maximale Punkte 100 Erreichte Punkte 60 Grundanforder ungen erreicht bei Beurteilung Grundanforderung en nicht erreicht Grundanforderung en erreicht 60 3 Grundanforderungen übertroffen 60 3.5 4 80 4.5 5 5.5 Listening Arriving at the youth hostel. / 14p Answer the following questions in English. 1. In which city do they arrive. 2. How many nights did they book? 3. Whats the name of the person who has done the booking? 4. How did the person do the booking? 5. How many people are in the room? 6. Where do the other people in the room come from? 7. When are the doors locked? 8. Can they enter when they arrive late? How? 9. Is breakfast included in the price? 10. What do they offer them? Mention two things. (2p) 11. What are the rules they mention? Mention two things. (2) 12. Do they have the possibility to stay longer? 6 Open World new edition unit 1 going places Spelling: / 5p Write in the names. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr Jane Miss Mr Mark 1. Words a) Put in the right word. / 12p Jugendherberge überhaupt nicht einander schottisch gerade Glück haben Einen Unterschied machen Check – in Formular Anschluss Passagier perfekter Sitz Mahlzeit, Essen b) Put in the right word. It is word of unit 1. / 11p The to Africa was long and tiring. Do you play any other sports football? We went on guided around the city. The was very simple, but clean and light, we stayed one night. We are going to the tonight and we will watch film. S can be very cold in winter because it is northern country. of my classmates has red hair. nobody Open World new edition unit 1 going places The of Scotlands landscape is breathtaking. It is very beautiful. Do you pay by credit card or in? like her because she is always very f_. invited 30 to the party. Grammar: 2. Comparative forms: put in the comparative Ex. warm big easy good bad fit far/ 6p warmer a) Make sentence with the following words. Use the comparative. London – big- Zürich Weather good today yesterday Angelina – beautiful – Joanna 3. Question Words: Insert the correct question word./ 5p are you so happy? – Because have birthday party. is sitting behind you? – Elia. do you go to school? – By bicycle. does the first lesson start? – At 7.20 a.m. is the police-station? – In front of the railway-station. is the weather like in Newcastle? – Its cold. has he usually got for lunch? – Fish and Chips. book is this? – Marias. questions are in this exercise? Open World new edition unit 1 going places is your way home? – It takes me 3 minutes. 4. Write the correct form of the past simple. / 5p Yesterday (be) 1 great day for Cindy. Her school (make) 2 big school-party. Cindy (go) 3 there with her friend Maggie. They had lot of fun. Cindy (attend) (teilnehmen) 4 all the games. One game (be) 5 stone-throwing. She (throw) 6 her stone just 40 cm. She (lose) 7 the game. At the end, Mirco, tall boy, (win8 the game. Cindy and Maggie (talk) 9 to many friends and they (play) 10 the whole day long. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.Comparative Forms: Write the correct comparative form of the adjective./ 10p am 1 at English than my brother. (good) Singing song is 2 than writing story. (interesting) turtle is 3 than fox. (slow) Im not sure, but think Chinese is 4 than English. (difficult) My brother and my cousin are terrible. But my little sister is 5 than them. (terrible) think learn the French vocabulary 6 (intensive) than Fabio. In Canada summers are 7 (cool) than in Spain. When you do sports you are 8 (fit) than when you just lay round. dont know what to do. Shall ask my friend? Its 9 (easy) to ask your mother. Open World new edition unit 1 going places An elephant is 10 (big) than cat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6.Transform the sentences. (questions without question word) 15p He is student. We were in Rome. He came to us. They have got dog. They didnt arrive. He can ski. He drives car. He arrives at nine. He went to school. He came late They sing song. She drinks coke. They made cake. He has got dog. She doesnt wash the shirt. He doesnt go to school. ? ? He isnt student. Open World new edition unit 1 going places Reading: 1 bigger, 2 warmer, 3 higher, 4 older, 5 more beautiful, 6 easier, 7 more interesting, 8 fitter, 9 better Discover the city True or false Tick the right answer. / 8p Open World new edition unit 1 going places Von der Schweiz aus gibt es Direktflüge nach Edinburgh von drei Flughäfen aus. false true Edinburgh bietet leider in Sachen Musik nicht allzu viel. false true Eine Fahrt mit dem Doppelstöckigen Bus ist lohnenswert. false true Edinburgh ist auch für Fans von Geistergeschichten eine gute Destination. false true Edinburgh hat eine Grösse, die kaum zu Fuss oder per Velo zu bewältigen ist. false true Das älteste Gebäude in Edinburgh ist über 1000 Jahre alt. false true Im Sommer ist es in Edinburgh milder als in der Hauptstand von Island. false true Die Royal Mile ist sehenswert wegen den schönen Gebäuden. false true modern tradition / 9p Which statements are true, false or not sure? Howies son likes to wear kilts. Howies parents also produced kilts. Every piece is unique and individually. Howies kilts are very traditional. His kilts are more comfortable than the old ones. When Howie was child he liked to wear Kilts. Howie has lot of customers. The making of new kilt takes several days. Open World new edition unit 1 going places The slogan of the company is: Its pleasure to leisure.