Arbeitsblatt: LED Desklampe


LED Lampe aus Acryl und Holz.
Werken / Handarbeit
8. Schuljahr
10 Seiten




Claudia Longhi
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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instructables Led Light Lamp by abr1313-1 Hello guys, in this Instructable, we are gonna learn how to make led light lamp. (Includes 3D printing) Led Light Lamp: Page 1 Step 1: Measuring How Big the Pieces of Wood Are Gonna Be Get big piece of wood and measure how big you want your lamp. We did it 11.5cm Width, 11.5 Length and 8 pieces. Step 2: Sanding Then, sand the pieces so they are soft and smooth and there are not pointy edges. Led Light Lamp: Page 2 Step 3: Plotting Points in the Middle of the Pieces and Cutting the Circle Afterwards, do an on the pieces and mark circle in the middle so you can punch circle to put inside the led lights in 6 pieces not 7 because one has to be full so it the top of the lamp. Led Light Lamp: Page 3 Step 4: Staining After that, paint the sides of the pieces with the holes with stain and the one without the hole, the sides and the top. Let it dry fully for 30 minutes. Led Light Lamp: Page 4 Step 5: Using Tinkercad Meanwhile the stain is drying, use the program to design 6 pieces with the same measures of the wood pieces. After finishing design them, 3D print them with transparent PLA. Led Light Lamp: Page 5 Step 6: Led Lights Buy led lights so you can put them inside the lamp. Led Light Lamp: Page 6 Step 7: Arranging the Led Lights Inside the Lamp Arrange all the 3D pieces and wood pieces together and measure how long the led lights are gonna be. Led Light Lamp: Page 7 Step 8: Gluing After measuring the length of how the led lights are gonna be, start gluing the pieces together with silicone or school glue, preferably silicone. Step 9: Clamping the Lamp After gluing the pieces, use clamp to press on the lamp so it perfectly together. Let it dry for 2 or 3 hours. Led Light Lamp: Page 8 Step 10: Your Lamp! And this are the steps to make led light lamp! Led Light Lamp: Page 9 Led Light Lamp: Page 10