Arbeitsblatt: English Reading


English Texte
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6. Schuljahr
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2 Grade Reading Comprehension Level STORIES INCLUDED Not Just an Empty Can What is on the Moon? On the Right Track Megans Discovery Second Grade Substitute and 5 more! Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Level Workbook by K5 Learning K5 Learning 2020 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Permission is granted to reproduce this material to be used with one (1) teacher students by virtue of the purchase of this book. In other words, one (1) teacher may make copies of these worksheets to be used with his/her students. Permission is not given to reproduce the material for resale. Please visit for more workbooks from K5 Learning. Level Reader Table of Contents Introduction Tips . 1 List of Vocabulary Words 3 Stories Exercises: Allens Ghost . 4 Not Just an Empty Can . 10 Megans Discovery 17 What is on the Moon? . 24 Second-Grade Substitute 30 Trip to the CN Tower . 37 Noodle Dinner . 44 Dragons 51 On the Right Track 57 Man, Pumpkin Walnuts 63 More from K5 Learning . 69 K5 Learning 2020 Level Reader Introduction Tips Welcome to our series of levelled reading workbooks. Each workbook contains number of texts. Each text is followed by exercises designed to reinforce literacy skills including reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and writing. The books include both fiction and non-fiction passages and explore wide range of topics in social studies, nature, history, science and more. Our readers are leveled from to based on number of factors related to text complexity such as vocabulary, average word size and sentence length, amount of repetitiveness of words and sentence structures and subject matter complexity. Early reading levels use short simple words and sentences in big fonts in highly repetitive manner. Stories relate to subjects young children are familiar with. Each successive level introduces greater reading challenge. About K5 Learning K5 Learning provides thousands of free worksheets and affordable workbooks for children in kindergarten to grade 5. We work with award-winning teachers to create materials in support of independent learning. Our aim is to help parents help their kids develop their reading, math and study skills. Visit us at K5 Learning 2020 1 Level Reader Some tips on using our leveled readers Review the vocabulary words on the first page of each story with your student. Ask your child to read these words and talk about what they mean. Ask younger students to read the stories out loud and use their finger to point to words as they read from left to right. Help them as needed. Ask younger students to also read the directions of the exercises out loud. Remind them to use complete sentences when answering. Ask older students to look up words they dont know in dictionary. Point out punctuation; for example, when there is an exclamation mark ask them to reread the sentence using more enthusiasm. Review your students work and guide him or her through any answers that are not correct. Discuss the stories, the characters, the topics, the settings, the pictures – anything about the text to make it more interesting, relevant or fun. Monitor your students progress and adjust reading levels as needed. Keep the reading fun! Other books in this series This book is one of series of levelled reading workbooks. The levelled reading approach makes it easy for parents to find appropriate materials for their kids. The books range from Levels A-C (kindergarten) to Levels X-Z (grade 6). The books can be purchased and downloaded exclusively from the online bookstore at K5 Learning Questions Feedback If you have any questions or feedback for us, please contact us at K5 Learning 2020 2 Level Reader List of Vocabulary Words The following vocabulary words are introduced in this workbook: admire balanced beat breathe bulk cabin comfortable craters culture diet disappear dragon dream earth elevator engine environmental factory furnace ghost grocery guide haunted king litter machine melted menu moon muscles neighbors noodles observation package plastic potluck project pumpkins recycling restaurant revolves revolving sandwich scars scary science sighed steam stories structure substitute tattoo tower train transport traveling villages waiter walnuts weighing K5 Learning 2020 3 Level Reader haunted project environmental ghost litter plastic Allens Ghost Allen hurried home from his new school, walking pas the old house on the hill. He shivered. The house stood there tall and dark. Its paint peeled. Its fence rusted. Paper scraps, plastic bottles, newspapers and other junk littered the tall grass. The house is haunted with ghosts, said his classmates. Allen always walked past the house as fast as he could. Suddenly, bird screeched. Allen walked faster. The next morning on his way to school he saw plastic bag caught on the old houses rusty fence. His class was collecting plastic for an ecology project. Allen yanked the bag off the fence. He tucked it into his backpack. The door of the old house squeaked open. An old woman smiled and waved. K5 Learning 2020 4 Level Reader Not much of ghost, thought Allen. After school, Allen walked home trying to think of an environmental project for science class. As he passed the old house, the gate stood open with large garbage bag taped to it. sign said: PLEASE FILL ME. Allen looked at the yard full of litter. Sudde nly, he knew what his project would be. Allen started picking up the litter. He noticed that the old lady was watching him from the big window, but he pretended not to see her. When the bag was full, he walked up the steps and rang the bell. The creaky door opened. Excuse me, he said, may have more bags? big smile came across the old womans face. Her eyes twinkled. She got him box full of bags. Thank you, he said. K5 Learning 2020 5 Level Reader No, she said, her voice as creaky as the door. Thank you. Ive grown too old to clean the yard. You are helping me very much. When you finish, have gift for you. Allen filled the bags with bottles, newspapers and other litter. He would bring the bags to school. He name his project: Recycling My Neighborhood. The door opened and the old lady handed him box. These are for you, she said. Allen looked inside. Books! Some covers were torn, some pages yellow. It looked as if they had been read many times. My grandchildren loved these books, she said. hope you enjoy them. On his walk home, Allen decided it was pretty cool having non-ghost, book-loving neighbor. It was even nicer to get gift just for doing his homework. Most of all, he felt good because he had helped the lady and made her happy. K5 Learning 2020 6 Level Reader Allens Ghost 1. 2. (exercises) True or False? Allens classmates said the house was haunted. True False Lions and tigers littered the yard. True False The old lady likes having litter in her yard. True False Allen put the litter in bags. True False Name three different items Allen found littering the yard. a. b. c. K5 Learning 2020 7 Level Reader 3. Put the events of the story in order. The woman gave Allen bag of books. bird screeched and Allen walked faster. Allen saw plastic bag stuck on the rusty fence. Allen asked the old woman for more bags. K5 Learning 2020 8 Level Reader Allens Ghost (answers) 1. True or False? 2. Name three different items Allen found littering the yard. Answers may vary. (bottles, newspapers, pieces of paper, junk) 3. Put the events of the story in order. 4 The woman gave Allen bag of books. 1 bird screeched and Allen walked faster. 2 Allen saw plastic bag stuck on the rusty fence. 3 Allen asked the old woman for more bags. K5 Learning 2020 9 Level Reader recycling weighing furnace machine factory melted Not Just an Empty Can Ethan finished his orange soda. Heres one more can, Uncle Joe! Thats enough for this bag, called out Uncle Joe. Today, Ethan would find out what happens to old cans. He and his uncle were going for tour of the recycling center. They drove to the center. lady at the counter took their bags of cans. Whats she doing? Ethan asked. Shes weighing the cans, Uncle Joe xplained. Eight pounds, the lady told Uncle Joe. She handed Uncle Joe back the empty bags and some money. K5 Learning 2020 10 Level Reader man wearing hard hat and funny looking glasses came up to them. He gave them hats and glasses to wear. This is Mr. Green, Uncle Joe told Ethan. Hes going to give us the tour. Ethan felt proud and grown-up in his hat and safety glasses as he followed the men into another building. Wow! Ethan shouted. Its whole mountain of cans! At one end of the building there was huge pile of cans, just like the ones he and his uncle had brought in. The pile was over 10 feet high. What busy and noisy place! The cans were lined up, and then all their color was zapped off. Then, they were crushed together and hammered into little bits of metal. The metal was then scrubbed clean. K5 Learning 2020 11 Level Reader Mr. Green took them to the furnace room. Be careful! We have to stand way back over here. The furnace is super-hot! he warned them. Ethan saw fire when big door opened. Buckets filled with small pieces of metal were emptied into the furnace to be melted. At the other end of the furnace, red-hot metal poured back out into giant tubs. It looks like lava! Ethan shouted. This way, men! Mr. Green led them to big truck. Huge silvery bricks filled the back of the truck. This is what happens to the hot liquid in the tubs when it cools, he told them. What are they going to do with those? Ethan wanted to know. K5 Learning 2020 12 Level Reader They got in their car and fol lowed the truck down the road. At the next factory, they watched the bricks get rolled into long and flat shiny strips. Then machine cut circles out and started shaping them. What were they making? Something was coming out the other end of the machine. Ethans eyes opened wide when he saw hundreds of shiny new cans! Uncle Joe grinned. Now you know where your old cans go! K5 Learning 2020 13 Level Reader Not Just an Empty Can 1. (exercises) Fill in the blanks. a. The cans Ethan and Uncle Joe brought to the collection center weighed pounds. b. The pile of cans was over feet high. c. Ethan saw when the door of the furnace was opened. 2. Multiple choice. What did Mr. Green give Ethan and Uncle Joe to wear? a. overalls and safety boots b. hard hats and safety glasses c. clown noses and floppy shoes K5 Learning 2020 14 Level Reader What filled the back of the truck they saw? a. giant frogs b. huge silvery bricks c. mountain of cans What did the last factory make? 3. a. new cans b. pop tarts c. silver bells Number each sentence in the order that it happened in the story. Ethan saw the new cans coming out of the machine. The bricks got rolled out long and flat and shiny. The lady weighed the cans they brought. The color got zapped off the cans K5 Learning 2020 15 Level Reader Not Just an Empty Can 1. Fill in the blanks. a. b. The cans Ethan and Uncle Joe brought to the collection center weighed eight pounds. The pile of cans was over ten feet high. Ethan saw fire when the door of the furnace was opened. c. 2. (answers) Multiple choice. What did Mr. Green give Ethan and Uncle Joe to wear? b. hard hats and safety glasses What filled the back of the truck they saw? b. huge silvery bricks What did the last factory make? a. new cans 3. Number each sentence in the order that it happened in the story. 4 Ethan saw the new cans coming out of the machine. 3 The bricks got rolled out long and flat and shiny. 1 The lady weighed the cans they brought. 2 The color got zapped off the cans. K5 Learning 2020 16 Level Reader restaurant balanced menu sandwich waiter diet Megans Discovery Megan only likes to eat cereal for breakfast, peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, and pasta for dinner; nothing else! Megans mom doesnt like Megans diet. She tells Megan that it is unhealthy to eat the same foods over and over again. Everyone needs balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables. Megans friends offer to share their lunches with her. Try my soup and crackers, Jane offers. They taste really good. Megan shakes her head. Why not try some of my salad? Its really fresh, Eli offers. K5 Learning 2020 17 Level Reader Megan shakes her head again. Megan does not want other peoples lunches. She just wants to eat her peanut butter sandwich. One day, Megans mom and dad take her to nice restaurant. The waitress gives Megan menu. Megan already knows exactly what she wants. When she opens the menu, Megan is shocked. This restaurant does not serve pasta! Her mom tells her that this is the perfect chance for Megan to try something new. Megan does not want anything new. Megan decides to not order anything. She puts on long face and stares off into space. The waiter soon brings the food and everyone else starts eating. Megan starts to feel hungry. K5 Learning 2020 18 Level Reader Dinner continues, and Megan feel more and more hungry. She looks down at her plate, and to her surprise, there is some food there. Her mom had quietly slipped part of her dinner onto Megans plate. Megan ignores the food on her plate. Its not pasta! She keeps staring off into space. After little while, Megan is really hungry. She looks at the food on her plate and decides that little bit couldnt hurt. Megan takes tiny bite, and she is amazed. The bread crunches lightly as she ites. The melted cheese fills her mouth, and she can taste tomato sauce. The cheese and the sauce taste so good together. Megan looks at her mom who has been watching her. Its vegetarian pizza, and its one of my favorites, says Mom. K5 Learning 2020 19 Level Reader See what you discover when you try something new? Megans dad orders Megan pizza to eat. Megan eats the whole pizza with big grin on her face. After dinner is over, Megan announces, OK, from now on Ill eat cereal, peanut butter sandwiches, pasta and pizza, but nothing else! Everyone laughs. K5 Learning 2020 20 Level Reader Megans Discovery 1. Fill in the blanks and re-write the words. a. diet b. waiter c. restaurant e t d. vegetable g l 2. (exercises) Choose the right answers. What was Megans favorite food for dinner? a. lasagna b. vegetables c. pasta d. popcorn K5 Learning 2020 21 Level Reader Why did Megans mom not like her daughters diet? a. She did not like pasta. b. It was not balanced. c. She thought Megan should only eat bananas. d. Pasta was too expensive. What does Megan learn at the end of the story? 3. a. Pasta is not good for you. b. The world had run out of pasta c. Everything tastes bad except pasta d. You should be open to trying new things. Write three foods that you think Megan should try. K5 Learning 2020 22 Level Reader Megans Discovery 1. 2. (answers) Fill in the blanks and re-write the words. a. diet diet diet b. waiter waiter waiter c. restaurant restaurant restaurant d. vegetable vegetable vegetable Choose the right answers. What was Megans favorite food for dinner? c. pasta Why did Megans mom not like her daughters diet? b. It was not balanced. What does Megan learn at the end of the story? d. 3. You should be open to trying new things Answers will vary. K5 Learning 2020 23 Level Reader disappear science revolving craters earth Moon What is on the Moon? Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered about the Moon? For many years, the Moon has fascinated people. What is it made of? Why is it so bright? How does it move across the sky? Why does it disappear during the day? Why does it keep changi ng shape? Before modern science, people made up stories to try to understand the Moon. Many people thought the dark spots on the Moon looked like face. For years, people told stories about the man in the Moon. The Inuit believed that the Sun and Moon were brother and sister. They told stories about the Sun chasing the Moon. To them, this explained why we have day and night. K5 Learning 2020 24 Level Reader One German legend tells of giant on the Moon. He was thrown off Earth for stealing from his neighbors. The giant causes tides when he pours water onto Earth. Perhaps the silliest belief was that the Moon was made out of cheese! man in England once wrote poem about the Moon. He joked that the Moon was made of green cheese. Even though it was strange, people began to think it as true. Now, we know that our Moon is made out of rock, not cheese. It is bright because it reflects light from the Sun. It changes position in the sky and disappears during the day because the earth is spinning. The Moon looks like it changes shape bec ause sometimes part of it is hidden in the Earths shadow. K5 Learning 2020 25 Level Reader About 50 years ago, the first stronauts landed on the Moon. They didnt find any people or animals or cheese. Astronauts discovered dusty plains, high mountains, and huge craters. These craters were formed by volcanoes that erupted billions of years ago. The craters are the dark spots that we see on the surface. Next time you look up at full Moon, look closely at the surface. Do you see face or an animal? K5 Learning 2020 26 Level Reader What is on the Moon? (exercises) 1. Select the correct answers. The Moon is made out of: a. rock b. cheese c. hard candy Spots on the Moon are caused by: a. rabbits b. mountains c. craters The Moon moves across the sky because: a. The Sun is chasing it. b. The Earth is spinning. c. It wants to get to the other side. K5 Learning 2020 27 Level Reader 2. Fill in the blanks. The Inuit believed that the Sun and were brother and . They told stories about the Sun the Moon. For them, this explained why we have and . 3. Name three things that astronauts found on the moon. a. b. c. K5 Learning 2020 28 Level Reader What is on the Moon? 1. (answers) Select the correct answers. The moon is made out of: a. rock Spots on the Moon are caused by: c. craters The Moon moves across the sky because: b. 2. The Earth is spinning. Fill in the blanks. The Inuit believed that the Sun and Moon were brother and sister They told stories about the Sun chasing the Moon. For them, this explained why we have day and night 3. Name three things that astronauts found on the moon. dusty plains high mountains huge craters K5 Learning 2020 29 Level Reader substitute sighed scary muscles tattoo scars Second-Grade Substitute Josh waved to his mom, sat down, sighed, and looked out the window. He checked his watch. He would be at school in about ten minutes. His stomach was full of butterflies. The bus stopped, and five more students got on. Maddox sat down next to him and gave him nervous look and half-smile. Are you ready? he asked him. Josh shrugged his shoulders. Their teacher, Mrs. Whitman, was gone for the day, and they were having substitute. K5 Learning 2020 30 Level Reader Normally, they wouldnt mind this, but their teacher had told them that r. Stafford would be filling in for her. The boys had never had Mr. Stafford before, but the older kids had told them all about him. Brendan said Mr. Stafford had tattoos all over and the biggest muscles he had ever seen! Max said that he had piercing blue eyes, thick dark beard, big teeth and huge scar on his face. They both said that Mr. Stafford was the biggest, meanest and scariest teacher they had ever had! The bus came to stop and Josh looked up. They had arrived at the school. He took deep breath and walked off the bus. K5 Learning 2020 31 Level Reader Josh and Maddox headed up the second-grade hallway. They were walking little more slowly than normal. Josh noticed that Mrs. Whitman wasnt standing at the classroom door like she usually was. He sighed again, put his head down and walked into the classroom. He looked around the room for their substitute teacher. He didnt see the big, scary man anywhere Puzzled, he said to Maddox, dont see him. Do you? Maddox pointed, and Joshs eyes followed the direction of his finger. He spotted their substitute in the reading area with several students. Maddox and Josh instantly felt better and smiled. Mr. Stafford didnt have huge muscles or scars. He didnt have tattoos all over him, and his eyes and teeth were normal. He didnt look scary at all. K5 Learning 2020 32 Level Reader He was an older man, wearing grey pants, plaid shirt, dark green cardigan sweater and glasses. He had warm smile and gentle laugh. The kids all began to clap as he finished reading story. Second grade, hope you enjoyed that book. Are you ready to start our day together? Im looking forward to it! he told them. Josh smiled. Suddenly, he was really looking forward to it too. K5 Learning 2020 33 Level Reader Second-Grade Substitute 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answers. How is Josh feeling at the beginning of the story? a. angry b. nervous c. excited d. brave What is another word for piercing in the story? a. pointy b. intense c. sad d. large What does the teacher wear? a. red necktie b. black boots c. leather jacket d. green cardigan K5 Learning 2020 34 Level Reader 2. Put the events in the correct order. Josh and Maddox ride the bus. The teacher reads story. Mrs. Whitman tells the students about substitute. Josh and Maddox look around the classroom. 3. What made Josh change his mind about the day ahead? K5 Learning 2020 35 Level Reader Second-Grade Substitute 1. (answers) Choose the correct answers. How is Josh feeling at the beginning of the story? b. nervous What is another word for piercing in the story? b. intense What does the teacher wear? d. 2. green cardigan Put the events in the correct order.2 3. Josh and Maddox ride the bus. 4 The teacher reads story. 1 Mrs. Whitman tells the students about substitute. 3 Josh and Maddox look around the classroom. What made Josh change his mind about the day ahead? When he saw Mr. Stafford and realized that he didnt look scary at all. K5 Learning 2020 36 Level Reader tower guide revolves observation elevator structure Trip to the CN Tower Mr. Peters class was on field trip to Toronto to visit the CN Tower. guide was telling them about the tower as the children stared up at the huge structure. Can you guess how tall the tower is? the guide asked the class. The children called out their guesses. As tall as the tallest tree, called out one student. As tall as my Uncle Richard, called out another. So tall that it reaches the Moon, shouted Tommy. The children and Mr. Peters burst out laughing. K5 Learning 2020 37 Level Reader Its 1,815 feet tall, the guide said. Thats like taking 300 Mr. Peters and stacking them one on top of each other. Its the tallest structure in North America. The class was excited to take the elevators to the observation deck, near the top of the tower. The whole class could go up at the same time because there were six elevators. Ill take the stairs, Aidan said. You might want to rethink that, the guide warned. It is over 2,500 steps to get to the top of the tower. When the class reached the observation deck, they were surprised to find that there was glass floor they could walk on. Quinn was worried. He remembered how easily the glass of milk that he knocked over at home had broken. dont think Im going to walk on that. What if fall through? K5 Learning 2020 38 Level Reader Dont worry, the guide said. The glass floor is very thick and very safe and wont break. You can even jump up and down on it. Students started stepping onto the glass floor. The view looking down was amazing. They were up so high. The people look like ants from up here, Aidan said. Cars look like ant cars, giggled Tommy. You can even eat while youre in the tower, the guide pointed out. There is restaurant here that is 1,150 feet off the ground. Or almost 200 Mr. Peters! Quinn laughed. The restaurant slowly revolves around the tower so you can get look at the whole city, the guide explained. K5 Learning 2020 39 Level Reader Are we eating here? Aidan asked. Can we check out the glass floor again? Will we have time to ride the elevator one more time? Mr. Peters laughed. Well Aidan, if we dont go on the elevator again, how will we get down? Right, Aidan said. guess forgot about that part! The class laughed. K5 Learning 2020 40 Level Reader Trip to the CN Tower 1. 2. (exercises) Fill in the blank with the missing numbers. a. The CN Tower is feet tall. b. There are over steps in the CN Tower. c. There are elevators inside the CN Tower. d. The restaurant is feet above the ground. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the right answer. The upper floor of the CN Tower is made of glass. The restaurant at the CN Tower bounces up and down. The CN Tower is in New York. Everything on the ground looks really small from the top of the CN Tower. K5 Learning 2020 41 Level Reader 3. Would you walk (or jump!) on floor made of glass that is really high off the ground? Explain why or why not. K5 Learning 2020 42 Level Reader Trip to the CN Tower 1. (answers) Fill in the blank with the missing numbers. a. The CN Tower is b. There are over Tower. c. There are CN Tower. d. The restaurant is ground. six 1,815 2,500 feet tall. steps in the CN elevators inside the 1,150 feet above the 2. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the right answer. 3. Would you walk (or jump!) on floor made of glass that is really high off the ground? Explain why or why not. Answers may vary. K5 Learning 2020 43 Level Reader neighbors grocery noodles package potluck bulk Noodle Dinner When the new grocery store opened, they hung up GRAND OPENING sign with red ribbons and balloons in front of the store. Everyone in town went shopping that weekend. Wow! Mom exclaimed. Look at all this food Why is everything so big? Mandy asked, eyeing jar of jelly the size of her head. Its bulk store, Mom explained. You can buy large amount of one thing at good price, and then you dont have to go buy it again for very long time. K5 Learning 2020 44 Level Reader It saves time and money, Dad added. They walked around the store looking at all the giant packages, but Mom didnt put anything in the cart. cant think of anything that we need this much of she said. have an idea. What foods do you like that Tod will also eat? Dad asked andy. Mandy thought for moment while looking at her little brother. He was chewing on the seatbelt strap on the cart. Tod would eat anything, she thought, wrinkling her nose. Macaroni and cheese, she said. It was her favorite meal. K5 Learning 2020 45 Level Reader Elbow noodles it is! Dad said picking up package that was almost as tall as Mandy and as wide around as tree trunk. That week, they ate macaroni and cheese for dinner every night. Mom didnt know what else to make with elbow noodles, so they had it again for dinner the next week and the week after that. Finally, Mandy admitted, cant eat any more macaroni and cheese. Same here, agreed Dad. But we still have so many noodles. Dad was right. The large package was still half -full. have an idea, Mom said. K5 Learning 2020 46 Level Reader Mom had Mandy pack even amounts of noodles into small bags until the large bag was empty. Then they wrote out notes that said, Bring your favorite noodle dish to our potluck. Noodles supplied. They stapled the notes to the bags and passed them out to their neighbors. On the day of the potluck, everyone brought different dishes made with the noodles. There was so much to choose from! Mandy ate chicken casserole, soup, and pasta salad. Everything is so good! Mandy said. Can we make some of these dishes for dinner? Everything is good, but were all out of noodles now Mom laughed. Well have to go back to the bulk store and buy another bag! Dad chuckled. K5 Learning 2020 47 Level Reader Noodle Dinner 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. What kind of noodles did Dad pick up at the bulk store? a. spaghetti b. knee noodles c. elbow noodles d. rigatoni Who is Tod? a. toad b. Mandys little brother c. Mandys cat d. neighbor How did Mom use up all the noodles? a. She ate them. b. She passed them out with invitations to potluck. c. She made macaroni necklaces. d. She made Mandy eat them for lunch as well as dinner. K5 Learning 2020 48 Level Reader 2. Give short answers. a. What is Mandys favorite food? b. What did Mom cook with the noodles? c. What is one thing that Mandy ate at the potluck? 3. Answer in complete sentences. a. What is your favorite food? b. What noodle dinner would you want your mom to cook every night? c. What would you bring to potluck? K5 Learning 2020 49 Level Reader Noodle Dinner 1. (answers) Multiple choice. What kind of noodles did Dad pick up at the bulk store? c. elbow noodles Who is Tod? b. Mandys little brother How did Mom use up all the noodles? b. She passed them out with invitations to potluck. 2. 3. Short answers. a. What is Mandys favorite food? macaroni and cheese b. What did mom cook with the noodles? macaroni and cheese c. What is one thing that Mandy ate at the potluck? chicken casserole, soup and pasta salad Answer in complete sentences. Answers may vary. K5 Learning 2020 50 Level Reader villages breathe stories dragon culture beat Dragons Dragons are make-believe animals. They appear in stories in many countries. Some dragons have legs and wings. Some have long necks and more than one head. Some have feathers while others have scales. Many of them breathe fire. In fairy tales, dragons often look like giant lizards with four legs, wings and thick skin. The places they live are different, too. Some dragons live in palaces under the sea. Some make mountains and caves their homes. K5 Learning 2020 51 Level Reader Many dragons in stories are mean. They are greedy and steal cattle from villages. Sometimes they kidnap princesses. They hide treasure in their caves because they like shiny things. Good dragons exist, too. In these stories, they help the heroes fight to protect towns and villages. Dragons in Asian stories look like combinations of many different animals. Their bodies are long and scaly, like snake or fish. Their claws are sharp like an eagles talons. They can have antlers on their heads like deer and manes on their backs like horses. Eastern dragons do not have wings, but they can fly without them! K5 Learning 2020 52 Level Reader In Asian folklore, dragons are often beloved. They bring good luck. Some stories tell of dragons that can control the weather. They can bring rain and even cause heavy floods when they are angry. In other stories, dragons live underground and can make the ground shake. On Chinese New Year, many people do dragon dance. The make huge dragon and carry it on poles. The people dance beneath the dragon to the beat of drum, and the dragon moves. They believe that the longer the dragon is, the more luck it will bring. Dragon boat racing is very old sport which is still popular today. People decorate long canoe with dragon head and tail. One person sits in the boat and plays drum while everyone else paddles to the drums beat. Although dragons only exist in stories and folk tales, they still play part in our lives. K5 Learning 2020 53 Level Reader Dragons 1. (exercises) Write True or False beside each sentence. Dragons are real. In stories, dragons can often fly. All dragons are bad. Dragons often live in igloos. Dragons often live in caves. Dragons like to race boats. 2. Pick the correct answer. Which one of the locations below is NOT where dragon lives? a. in palace under the sea b. in the mountains c. in an apartment building d. in cave K5 Learning 2020 54 Level Reader Some dragons can: a. sit in tree b. bring rain or storms c. talk to birds d. drive trucks Good dragons: 3. a. burn villages b. kidnap princesses c. steal cattle d. protect towns and villages Draw good dragon and bad dragon. Why is the good dragon good? Why is the bad dragon bad? K5 Learning 2020 55 Level Reader Dragons 1. 2. (answers) Write True or False beside each sentence. False Dragons are real. True In stories, dragons can often fly. False All dragons are bad. False Dragons often live in igloos. True Dragons often live in caves. False Dragons like to race boats. Pick the correct answer. Which one of the locations below is NOT where dragon lives? c. in an apartment building Some dragons can b. bring rain or storms Good dragons: d. protect towns and villages 3. Draw good dragon and bad dragon. Why is the good dragon good? Why is the bad dragon bad? Picture of good dragon, bad dragon and descriptions. K5 Learning 2020 56 Level Reader cabin steam comfortable train engine transport On the Right Track Trains have been around for much longer than cars or trucks. The first steam engine was built in England over two hundred years ago. It was called Puffing Billy because of all the steam puffing out of its chimney. It brought large amounts of coal from mines to ships near the sea. The first train in the United States was light green and was nicknamed the Grasshopper. It only went ten miles an hour. Some people can run faster than that. That same year, another train was built by an American. This train went thirty miles an hour. Thats twice as fast as an average bicycle speed. People were amazed. This train was called The Rocket. K5 Learning 2020 57 Level Reader At first, people were afraid trains we re going too fast. Soon, though, traveling by train became very popular. Traveling by train was affordable and easy. People who had never traveled before could visit other cities. trip that used to take days would now only take few hours. Traveling by trai was exciting and comfortable. People liked to watch the countryside go by as they sat on the train and talked. For long -distance trip, people could buy ticket for cabin on the train. Each cabin would have its own bed, so you could sleep while the train kept moving. Big trains would even have restaurant cars where you could have fancy meal. K5 Learning 2020 58 Level Reader Trains not only transported people, but also goods. Food was now easier to share across the country. Crops grown in the West could be taken to the East before they went bad. Tools made in the East could be taken to the people in the West who needed them, quickly and cheaply. The railroads helped everyone. Trains still play big part in our lives. They still move people and goods all over the world. The fastest trains can go almost 10 times as fast as The Rocket. Special underground trains, called subways, help people travel in big cities. They dont have beds or restaurants or cool nicknames, but they do get you where you need to go quickly. K5 Learning 2020 59 Level Reader On the Right Track 1. (exercises) Circle the names which were nicknames for famous trains. The Grasshopper The Rocket The Beetles Stinky Sam The Spaceship Apollo Puffing Billy 2. True or False. Traveling by train was exciting and comfortable. True False Car and trucks have been around longer than trains. True False If you are traveling long distance, you can eat and sleep on train. True False Every train had big swimming pool. True False K5 Learning 2020 60 Level Reader 3. Name three things that can be transported by train. a. b. c. K5 Learning 2020 61 Level Reader On the Right Track 1. (answers) Circle the names which were nicknames for famous trains. The Grasshopper The Rocket The Beetles Stinky Sam The Spaceship Apollo Puffing Billy 2. True or False. 3. Name three things that can be transported by train. Answers will vary. (people, crops and tool s) K5 Learning 2020 62 Level Reader traveling pumpkins walnuts dream admire king Man, Pumpkin Walnuts One day, boy was walking home from school through the countryside. It was very hot day and he was tired. He decided to sit under tree to rest for while. The tree was near pumpkin patch. Huge orange pumpkins were growing in the patch. The boy admired thei size. He sat down under the tree and leaned against the trunk. It was large walnut tree with huge branches. The boy lay on his back and gazed up at the walnuts hanging from the branches. He thought it was strange that huge pumpkins grow on the ground, while small walnuts grow on huge tree. K5 Learning 2020 63 Level Reader The boy fell asleep and started to dream. He dreamed that he was king of all the land He was riding fine horse and traveling through all the villages and towns he ruled. He was wise king, and people listened to all that he said. He could answer any question that people asked on any topic. As king, he could make rules to help all the people. The boy ruled that, from now on, pumpkins should grow on trees, and walnuts should grow on the ground. He believed large fruit should grow on large trees, and small nuts should grow on the ground. Just like that, the pumpkins and walnuts changed places. You could see pumpkins hanging from tree branches. Walnuts grew on vines on the ground. The king was very happy. He liked the look of the large orange pumpkins hanging from the trees. Such K5 Learning 2020 64 Level Reader beautiful big fruit should grow high up in the trees where everyone could admire them. Just then, walnut fell from the tree right on top of the boys head. He was surprised to be woken in this manner. He saw the walnut on the ground and understood what had happened. Then he looked out at the pumpkin patch with its huge pumpkins lying on the ground. He thought to himself: Im glad these huge pumpkins dont grow on trees like walnuts. If they did, the bump on my head would be much larger! Maybe it is better that large fruit grow on the ground and not on trees. He saw for himself that everything has its place, and that its best not to interfere with nature. K5 Learning 2020 65 Level Reader Man, Pumpkin Walnuts 1. 2. (exercises) Fill in the blanks with words from the story a. He to sit under tree to rest for while. b. In his dream, he was of all the land. c. He saw the walnut on the ground and what had happened. Match the words and phrases to make sentences pumpkins grow on trees walnuts dreamed that he was king the boy are big and grow on the ground K5 Learning 2020 66 Level Reader 3. If you were king, what rules would you make? Use full sentences. a. b. c. K5 Learning 2020 67 Level Reader Man, Pumpkin Walnuts 1. (answers) Fill in the blanks with words from the story a. He decided for while. to sit under tree to rest b. In his dream, he was c. He saw the walnut on the ground and understood what had happened. king of all the land. 2. Match the words and phrases to make sentences 3. If you were king, what rules would you make? Use full sentences. Answers may vary. K5 Learning 2020 68 More from K5 Learning Math Workbooks We carry comprehensive range of kindergarten to grade 7 math workbooks, organized by subject matter and grade level. Highly recommended! Levelled Readers Our online bookstore carries full series of levelled readers from the kindergarten to grade 6 level, available for download and printing. Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling Workbooks We have grammar, vocabulary and spelling workbooks for grades 1-5. We also have cursive writing workbooks and phonics and sight words flashcards. 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