Arbeitsblatt: AB für Unit 2, New World 4


AB "Find someone who..." als Vorbereitung für das Portrait am Ende der Unit 2 im New World 4
Gemischte Themen
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Sara Malik
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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UMT_EN_09_207696_AB_fuer_Unit_2_New_World_4.docx KSU Find someone who Find for each sentence different person. This person cant be classmate of yours. Find someone who. Name Languages speaks more than one language. speaks different language with their family. reads and writes more than one language. knows the same language as you. has friends and/or family who live in different country. is learning another language. wants to learn another language. 20. novembre 2023 Seite 1 3 UMT_EN_09_207696_AB_fuer_Unit_2_New_World_4.docx KSU Part 2 interview 20. novembre 2023 Seite 2 3 UMT_EN_09_207696_AB_fuer_Unit_2_New_World_4.docx KSU Choose two people from the previous task. Ask them the following questions: Person 1, name: Questions Answer Where is your family from? How long have you lived here? Do you plan to live abroad someday? If yes, where and why? If no, why not? Person 2, name: Questions Answer Where is your family from? How long have you lived here? Do you plan to live abroad someday? If yes, where and why? If no, why not? 20. novembre 2023 Seite 3 3