Arbeitsblatt: Conversation paper reality TV


Zum Einstieg NI2 U7 sprechen die SuS über das Thema Reality TV
Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Sybille Frei
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Lets talk about reality shows! 1. What reality shows do you know? Mention as many as you can think of. 2. What is your favorite reality show and why? What makes it stand out from other shows in the same genre? 3. Do you think reality shows accurately represent real life or are they scripted for entertainment purposes? Share examples to support your opinion. 4. How do you think reality shows impact society perception of relationships, friendships, and personal interactions? 5. Are reality shows an accurate reflection of the contestants true personalities, or do you believe they often portray manufactured persona for the camera? Why? 6. What ethical concerns, if any, do you have about reality shows? For instance, issues related to privacy, mental health of participants, or manipulation of events for dramatic effect. 7. Do you believe that reality shows promote healthy competition and talent recognition, or do they contribute to unhealthy comparisons and unrealistic expectations? 8. How have reality shows evolved over the years in terms of content, themes, and viewer engagement? What changes have you observed? 9. Are there any reality shows that you believe have had positive impact on society or have brought attention to important social issues? Explain. 10. Do you think reality shows accurately represent diverse cultures and societies, or do they tend to stereotype certain groups of people? Give examples to support your view. 11. How do you think technology and social media have influenced the production and popularity of reality shows in recent years? Has it changed how audiences interact with these shows?