Arbeitsblatt: reading


5. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




Marian Carigiet
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Grade 1 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Read the short story. Then answer each question. Shoveling Snow want new toy. Mom says toys cost money. How can get money? look outside. There is lot of snow! Mom says can earn money if shovel our driveway. do. It is fun! do not have enough money for my new toy. look around. Mrs. Jen has shovel. Can shovel her driveway? She says yes! almost have enough money for my new toy. Mr. Tom has shovel. Can shovel his driveway? He says yes! can get my new toy! Reading and Math for K-5 Grade 1 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Questions: 1. Who are the characters? 2. Where is the setting? 3. What is the problem? 4. How does he solve the problem? 5. What other jobs could he do to earn money? Reading and Math for K-5 Grade 1 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Answers: 1. Who are the characters? The characters are the child, mom, Mrs. Jen and Mr. Tom. 2. Where is the setting? The setting is the driveways of mom, Mrs. Jen and Mr. Tom. 3. What is the problem? The problem is the child wants toy, but has no money to buy the toy. 4. How does he solve the problem? The child shovels his/her moms driveway and the driveways of Mrs. Jen and Mr. Tom to earn the money. 5. What other jobs could he do to earn money? Answers will vary, most likely other chores. Reading and Math for K-5