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Test "U2 - Fascinating animal fact"
6. Schuljahr
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Land: Schweiz
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Englishtest – Young World 4, Unit 2 – Fascinating animal facts Name: Datum: 15.12.2023 Anzahl erreichte Punkte: Reading: Setze die Angaben richtig in den Text ein. Abschreibefehler geben Minuspunkte! The barn swallow Weight: 16 – 25 Size: about 19 cm Food: insects Breeding: Migration: lays 4 – 6 eggs in nests in barns and cowsheds Africa Europe (March – May), Europe to Africa (Aug. – Nov.) Speed: 40 km per hour Distance: up to 9000 km The barn swallow is small bird that can grow up to and weighs only grams. It spends most of its life in the air, flying. It also catches while flying with its beak open. Even though it is quite small, this bird can fly quite fast, it flies about_. The barn swallow spends the month in Africa, where it is warm, but at the beginning of , the swallow flies north to Europe. Some birds fly as far askilometres back to Europe in order to breed. 1 The swallow builds ist nest in and_. There it laysin its nest. Fülle die fehlenden Informationen aus dem Text in die „Fact box ein. Abschreibefehler geben Minuspunkte! Another animal that migrates is the grey whale. It doesnt travel as far as the Arctic tern, but it is number two in the distance it swims over 20000 km. Like the Arctic tern, the grey whale lives in the north in the Arctic sea, where it spends its time feeding on plankton and small fish. Its one of the biggest mammals on earth Its size is between 13 and 15 metres. So of course its very heavy too. fully grown whale can weigh up to 33 tons, or as much as bus full of people. Its not surprising that this big underwater animal is good swimmer. Its speed is around 10 km per hour. /4 Writing: Gebrauche „have oder „has um die Lücken zu füllen. 10 2 1) Claudia red and white T-shirt. 2) You blue jeans. 3) green pullover. 4) Claudia and Cathy ribbons for their hair. 5) We bottle of apple juice. 6) She sunglasses and suntan. 7) But they shoes. Maria hilft ihren Eltern im Haushalt mit. Lese die Liste mit den Dingen, welche sie tun muss und beantworte die untenstehenden Fragen. Die Rechtschreibung wird hier nicht speziell angeschaut! Maria: prepare breakfast on Saturdays clean the bathdoom cook wash the dishes ( Abwasch machnen) Does she have to wash the dishes? /4 Does she have to take the dog for walk? Does she have to cook? Does she have to empty ( ausräumen) the dishwasher ( Geschirrspühlmaschine) Listening: Höre deiner Lehrperson gut zu. Du hörst nun der Reihe nach (1 -12) verschiedene Sätze, die zu einem Tier gehören. Schreibe die entsprechenden Nummern hinter das Tier in die Tabelle. /7 /5 3 Numbers: Numbers: Numbers: Numbers: Numbers: Vocabulary: Deutsch /4 Englisch die Gefahr stork der Angriff beetle 4 8 5