Arbeitsblatt: Creating interview questions
Die SuS lernen, wie sie gute Fragen stellen können für eine anschliessende Speaking Activity.
Gemischte Themen
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Nikola Vukmirovic
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Interviewing each other. Learning objective: can make questions to learn more about my classmates ideas and stories about movies, music, or writing articles. Steps to make good questions: 1. Pick topic you like: Think about which movies, series, music, events etc. are interesting to you. 2. Write questions that need more than Yes or No: Your questions should start with words like What, How, Why, Who, Where, or When. For example, dont ask, Do you watch TV shows? Ask, What TV show do you like the most and why? 3. Ask for story or opinion: Make sure one question asks for story or what your classmate thinks about the topic. You could ask What your favorite memory of going to the movies/watching that movie? 4. Check your questions: Look at your questions. Can they be answered with just yes or no? If so, change them. Are they easy to understand? Make sure theyre not too hard or confusing. Write 5 questions in your workbook or on piece of paper. Use some of the words from our vocabulary list.