Arbeitsblatt: Past simple Present continuous


8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Marie Spriet
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Grammar 1 Unterstreiche in diesem Text die passenden Verbformen, past simple oder past continuous. Teenager injured in motorbike crash The 16-year-old boy didnt wear/was not wearing helmet when he crashed/was crashing with Mazda on Sunday. An unknown person stole/was stealing the motorbike while everybody else helped/was helping the injured boy. 2 Fulle die Lucken in den Sätzen c–g mit den passenden Verbformen im present perfect aus dieser Auswahl. has bought has decided has made has seen has visited have bought have decided have made have seen have visited Adeline stylish Freitag bag. Peter, Sue and Marc the Freitag-cut website cool website, and they to make their own Freitag bag. They plans how to sew their bag. Marc some great tarpaulins already. tarpaulins Blachen, Planen (eines Lastwagens) 3 Wähle in den Sätzen h–m das passende Wort und schreib es in die Lucke. This black/sleeveless/fashionable cotton shirt is definitely good choice – its so hot today! To make sure that the skirt is long enough, its better to cutting. spread out/connect/measure If you cant guess the agreement/origin/corner twice before of this material, just look it up in the Internet. No, these jeans are not old! Its just fashionable to have hole/pattern/safety in them. Its not my clothes, hes old enough to decide. duty/battle/protection to tell him that he shouldnt spend all his money on These trainers are randomly/artificially/definitely more comfortable; its absolutely clear.