Arbeitsblatt: True and false game food
Einstieg in eine Lektion welche mit Essen und Kochen zu tun hat
Gemischte Themen
1 Seiten
Sybille Frei
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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WARMER THE true false GAME – food and cooking The teacher or student pops questions and the students answer them by either standing up (true) or sitting down (false) or going to the left or right side of the classroom. prefer fast food over homemade meals. enjoy experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen. sometimes do grocery shopping for my family. believe that cooking at home is healthier than eating out. cant survive single day without sweetened drink. enjoy cooking or baking with my family. prefer sweet snacks over savory ones. like trying foods from different cultures. choose vegetarian food when eating at restaurant. In our family we often eat convenience food. Living without chocolate or gummy bears is impossible for me. dont like vegetables. prefer pizza to hamburger. am willing to try new foods even if they look unfamiliar. enjoy watching cooking shows or tutorials online. believe it important to learn basic cooking skills. Im looking forward to cooking myself in domestic science classes in 8th grade.