Arbeitsblatt: Übungsblatt zu “Should” und “Could”
Übungsblatt zu “Should” und “Could”
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Michi (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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English Exercise Sheet: Should and Could Name: Date: Part 1: Making Decisions Fill in the blanks with hould or houldnt to give advice or recommendations. 1. You have an important test tomorrow. You go to bed early. 2. It raining heavily. We maybe stay inside. 3. have toothache. see dentist. 4. It very cold outside. You wear your scarf. 5. She not feeling well. She maybe take the day off from work. Part 2: Expressing Possibilities Use could or couldnt in the following sentences to express possibilities. 1. As child, run very fast. 2. not call my friend yesterday due to network issue. 3. With some practice, you easily master this dance step. 4. Without the necessary equipment, we not go camping. 5. He have forgotten his lunch, so he probably hungry. Part 3: Rewriting Sentences Rewrite the following sentences to include hould or could. 1. It possible that he lost the key. He have lost the key. 2. Jogging in this weather isnt good idea. You not jog in this weather. 3. We might visit my grandparents this weekend. We visit my grandparents this weekend. 4. It wasnt possible to solve the puzzle without help. We not solve the puzzle without help. 5. It would be better to start studying now. You start studying now. Part 4: Writing Your Own Sentences Write four of your own sentences: Two using hould (one affirmative and one negative) and two using could (one affirmative and one negative). 1. Should: 2. Shouldnt: 3. Could: 4. Couldnt: