Arbeitsblatt: English Reading
Gemischte Themen
6. Schuljahr
48 Seiten
Marian Carigiet
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Arbeitsblattsammlung Verschiedene Schwerpunkte Englisch, 5. Klasse Wiederholung des Jahresstoffes Sammlung 1 Mit dieser Arbeitsblättersammlung könnt Ihr gezielt die Themen in Englisch aus dem fünften Schuljahr wiederholen und vertiefen. 2. Auflage Das Werk und seine Teile sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Nutzung in anderen als den gesetzlichen zugelassenen Fällen bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Herausgebers. Hinweis §52a UrhG: Weder das Werk noch seine Teile dürfen ohne eine solche Einwilligung weitergegeben oder in ein Netzwerk eingestellt werden. Das gilt auch für Intranets von Schulen und sonstigen Bildungseinrichtungen. Fotomechanische oder andere Wiedergabeverfahren nur mit Genehmigung der Herausgebers. 2022 Grundschulkönig GmbH Klotzersiedlung 4, 94227 Zwiesel Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Redaktion: Anja Mahl, Harald Mahl, Manuela Winter ISBN: 978-3-96979-283-4 1 Cardinal Numbers Use the same colour. 3 Irregular Verbs Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb. Grundform Simple Past German word (to) make rode rennen (to) eat fell (to) see haben, besitzen read (to) sing kommen sang sein caught (to) fall (to) swim sat schreiben (to) hold gewinnen chose (to) go left 4 Simple Past – Closed Questions with did/didnt 1. Find the correct questions to the answers. a) No, he didnt watch TV. b) Yes, Mia washed her hair. c) Yes, ate cornflakes yesterday. d) Yes, Michaels grandpa died in 2002. e) No, my dad didnt make breakfast on Monday. f) Yes, the horse liked the grass. 2. Give short answers. a) Did you have lunch at the restaurant? Yes, b) Did James read the book? No, c) Did the Millers go on holiday last year? Yes, d) Did William buy new computer game? Yes, 5 Simple Past – Gap Texts Complete the sentences using the correct past tense form. Emily tells her friend Mel about the breakfast in the new café on the riverside last weekend: Well, first (to drive) to the opening with my parents. We (to look) for parking space, everything (to seem) to be (to occupy), but eventually we (to find) one. In the café it (not to look) good either. But we (to be) lucky again. The waiter (to be) very busy, so we (to decide) to try the buffet area. (to choose) from all sorts of bread and pastries and (to go) for some toast and jam. They also (to have) every kind of muesli and cereal. On the left sideboard you (can) find cheese and baked beans. cook (to ask) us if we (to want) fried or boiled eggs. Later we (to pay) and (to leave) the café. My sister (to want) to go for walk along the river, so we (to decide) to do that. It (to be) so warm and sunny that we all (to smile). On our way back we (to buy) some cake for grandma and toy for Charlie, our dog. Before we (to reach) the car, we (to meet) our neighbours in front of the ice cream parlour. We all (to have) ice cream and milk shakes and it (to be) delicious. All in all, we really (to have) wonderful day. 6 Homophones 1. Fill in there, their or theyre. a. Where are your parents? in the garden. b. My brother and my cousin are doing homework together. c. The boys are playing basketball with new ball. d. Where is my English book? – Oh, your book is over . e. Lilly and Bob are waiting for grandparents. f. Look. are Tom and James. good friends. g. Over Wendy and Ben are playing with mobiles. h. The Millers are so funny. great neighbours. i. Lets walk down to Bridge Street. is great café. 2. Translate the sentences. a. Da sind Jill und Tina. Ihre Fahrräder sind toll. b. Das ist unser Auto. Es ist neu und seine Farbe ist weiß. c. Das ist Peter. Er ist aus London und sein Freund Steve aus Newcastle. d. Du bist zehn und dein Bruder ist sieben. e. Das ist unser neuer Lehrer. Er ist wirklich nett. f. Deine neue Schultasche ist toll. 7 Modal Auxiliaries 1. Fill in the gaps using can, cant, must, mustnt and neednt. a. go to the cinema with my friends? b. Nick do his homework for school tomorrow. c. Jenny go to school because she is ill. d. It wont rain so take an umbrella. e. go to the swimming pool. Its closed. f. Tom make so much noise because its late. g. You tell my secret to anyone else. h. We be at school at 8.30. 2. Fill in the gaps using can, cant, must, mustnt and neednt. a. Clara: Mum, go to cinema with some friends tonight? Mum: No, you ! Today is your aunts birthday so we visit her. Clara: Why I go with you? All my friends meet tonight. It is not fair! Mum: You go out with them tomorrow. And now take your jacket, please. We are very late! b. Max: Luca, have you got time to play football? Luca: No sorry, tidy up my room. But maybe come to your garden later. Max: Then you come because go shopping with my mum. Luca: Maybe we play tomorrow. Max: Yes, see you then. 8 Ordinal Numbers Write up the number. 04th 18th 72nd 11th 53rd 52nd 68th 71st 12th 49th 06th 37th 105th 82nd 01st 30th 43rd 14th 76th 22nd 9 Present Participle Fill in the missing form. infinitive present participle infinitive (to) go present participle eating watching (to) win (to) run falling catching (to) wake up (to) lie sitting (to) see telling hearing (to) dance (to) live choosing listening (to) sound reading (to) hurry cleaning (to) collect (to) forget guessing waiting (to) try coming (to) throw loving (to) jump asking dying finishing (to) ride (to) help visiting learning (to) stop 10 Present Progressive 1. Fill in the correct answer. a) Tim to church now. x) is going y) are goes z) am going b) She the piano. x) play y) is playing z) are playing c) Sally after the dog. x) is not look y) isnt looking z) isnt looks d) Come inside! We are getting wet because it to rain. x) starting y) are starting z) is starting e) Listen! the cello or the violin? x) Is she playing 2. y) Is she plays z) do she plays Fill in the gaps. Use the present progressive. a) The pupils (to do) their homework now. b) We (to eat) hamburgers at the moment. c) Ella (to leave) the room. d) Caroline (to meet) her boyfriend now. e) Harry (to clean) the windows. f) The children (to do) the dishes. g) Grandma (to cook) my favourite dish. h) Our neighbours (to wash) their car. i) My cat (to sleep) in the sun. 11 Pronouns and Possessive Determiners 1. Fill in the gaps. a) Is this cat? Yes, it is cat. name is Molly. b) This is my brother Jim with best friend Matthew. are 11 years old. c) love new dress! – Thank you! like new dress, too. d) The pullover is not green. orange. e) Do you have pet? Whats name? f) My grandparents are very nice. very old. g) Our new neighbours are strange. are painting house pink. h) are many dogs in our street. 2. Translate the following sentences a) Tom und Jane spielen gerade ihr neues Spiel. Sie sind glücklich. b) George kann sein Mäppchen nicht finden. Er ist in Eile. c) Da sind Carol und Susan. Sie sind meine neuen Freunde. d) Unsere Nachbarn fahren gerade ihr neues Auto. e) Sind Sie unser neuer Englischlehrer, Herr Miller? f) Deine neue Jacke sieht gut aus. Du bist jetzt sehr cool. 12 Questions in the Simple Past Ask for the underlined parts in the sentence. 1a. Tracy had party last spring. 1b. Tracy had party last spring. 1c. Tracy had party last spring. 1d. Tracy had party last spring. 2a. Frank went to London with his family. 2b. Frank went to London with his family. 2c. Frank went to London with his family. 2d. Frank went to London with his family. 3a. Carol played the guitar in the living room yesterday. 3b. Carol played the guitar in the living room yesterday. 3c. Carol played the guitar in the living room yesterday. 3d. Carol played the guitar in the living room yesterday. 13 Questions in the Simple Present Ask for the underlined parts of the sentences. 1a. Mary takes shower every evening. 1b. Mary takes shower every evening. 1c. Mary takes shower every evening. 2a. Lily washes the dishes after lunch. 2b. Lily washes the dishes after lunch. 2c. Lily washes the dishes after lunch. 3a. Susan reads book every evening. 3b. Susan reads book every evening. 3c. Susan reads book every evening. 4a. John plays tennis in the park. 4b. John plays tennis in the park. 4c. John plays tennis in the park. 14 s-Genitive 1. Make new sentences. Use ‘s or s. a) Sarah has got new swimsuit. swimsuit is new. b) My brother is called Louis. name is Louis. c) My teachers have got black schoolbags. schoolbags are black. d) My friend Steve has got two nice sisters. sisters are nice. e) John has got an old football. football is old. 2. Make questions. Is Are your sister your cats your grandma your cousin your friends s-genitive schoolbag new hair grey parents nice brothers young names silly 15 Simple Present Is there an s? 1. Fill in the gaps with the right form of verb. a. (to love) gardening. b. Tom (to play) football every day. c. Sue and Sally (to go) shopping every Saturday. d. She always (to have) lunch at 12 oclock. e. Chris and Tom (to watch) TV every evening. f. He often (to wait) for the bus. g. They never (to read) the newspaper in the bathroom. 2. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. a. Every Monday Bill late for work. b. School at 8 oclock every day. c. The Smiths the dog for walk every evening. d. Katie cats. e. Kevin often at clothes in the shop windows. f. My sister her boyfriend every afternoon. g. always to music in my room. h. Fred and Jim e-mails all the time. i. Harry never jeans. j. Karen lot about London in her English classes. (to) wear – (to) take – (to) love – (to) start – (to) learn (to) listen – (to) call – (to) write – (to) get up – (to) look 16 Simple or Progressive? 1. Underline the tense markers in the following text. Use red for simple present tense markers and green for present progressive tense markers. 2. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the present tense. funny Saturday Every Saturday Susan, Emma and Megan (sleep) very long. But today they (go) shopping. Usually they (have) breakfast until 12 oclock, but not today. Now they (walk) through their towns High Street. Susan: Look, (try on) this pink dress. It (be) beautiful. Emma (do like) it: The dress (be) lovely, but (prefer) light blue colour. Megan (look for) pair of high heels now: „Oh, (need) those shoes, but right now they (sell) only sandals. Mum always (buy) sandals for me. Emma (listen) to music at the moment. She (not like) shopping for clothes, so this morning she (wait) for the two girls to finish. Now Emma (look for) bookshop, she often (look for) the best bookshops and record shops in town. 3. Find at least four tense markers for each tense. simple present present progressive 1 Es wird britisches Englisch zugrunde gelegt. Zur Vereinfachung wird auf Betonungszeichen (stress marks) bewusst verzichtet. 20 Cardinal Numbers Whats the number? 03 17 75 94 33 42 66 78 15 49 06 55 46 73 13 30 67 24 86 22 21 Simple Past – Closed Questions with did/didnt 1. Find the correct questions to the answers. a) No, didnt make sandwiches for you. b) Yes, my cat slept in the kitchen. c) Yes, he took picture of you with his mobile. d) No, we didnt take part in the quiz. e) Yes, Aunt Anne gave me birthday present. f) Yes, they went for long walk through the park. 2. Give short answers. a) Did your sister really paint this nice picture? Yes, b) Did Jenny pass the test? Yes, c) Did the band play the new song at the concert last week? No, d) Did your dog bark? No, 22 Present Participle Fill in the missing form. infinitive present participle infinitive waking up (to) learn present participle (to) throw waiting (to) be running (to) finish (to) hear sounding riding cleaning (to) spell (to) think having (to) read seeing (to) catch (to) sit going (to) listen (to) call (to) choose (to) collect hurrying (to) tell loving stopping jumping (to) die (to) do (to) come (to) try helping forgetting (to) turn lying (to) ask guessing 23 Questions in the Simple Past Ask for the underlined parts in the sentence. 1a. Joe went to burger restaurant last Friday. 1b. Joe went to burger restaurant last Friday. 1c. Joe went to burger restaurant last Friday. 1d. Joe went to burger restaurant last Friday. 2a. Anne wrote letter in the kitchen yesterday afternoon. 2b. Anne wrote letter in the kitchen yesterday afternoon. 2c. Anne wrote letter in the kitchen yesterday afternoon. 2d. Anne wrote letter in the kitchen yesterday afternoon. 3a. Stephen watched football match yesterday evening. 3b. Stephen watched football match yesterday evening. 3c. Stephen watched football match yesterday evening. 3d. Stephen watched football match yesterday evening. 24 Questions in the Simple Present Ask for the underlined parts of the sentences. 1a. My parents watch TV in the living-room every evening. 1b. My parents watch TV in the living-room every evening. 1c. My parents watch TV in the living-room every evening. 1d. My parents watch TV in the living-room every evening. 2a. Karen reads the paper in her study every morning. 2b. Karen reads the paper in her study every morning. 2c. Karen reads the paper in her study every morning. 2d. Karen reads the paper in her study every morning. 3a. Dad talks to Mr. Miller at school once month. 3b. Dad talks to Mr. Miller at school once month. 3c. Dad talks to Mr. Miller at school once month. 3d. Dad talks to Mr. Miller at school once month. 25 Simple Past – Regular Verbs 1. Complete the sentences using the correct past tense form. a) (to borrow) pencil. b) He (to like) the schoolbag. c) The teacher (to talk to) the children. d) Liam (to act) in the history drama. e) He (to answer) the question. f) Jalen (to listen to) the song. g) Grandpa (to open) the door. h) Grandma (to close) the door. i) My sister (to look at) new blazer. j) My little brother (to learn) to speak. 2. Fill in the correct verb from the box in the correct form. ask, want, invite, happen, turn off, walk, visit a) John new mobile for his birthday. b) My sister to school last Wednesday. c) Jane me to her party. d) Dad the radio in the kitchen. e) My cousin Charles me last August. f) John silly question yesterday. g) terrible accident near our house yesterday afternoon. 26 s-Genitive 1. Fill in s, ‘s or s‘. The Miller house have big pet hamster name is Lynn and is They Wendy not have very got Boo Boo are Boo big so grey sister are friend Lynn they hamster and cant The Wendy 2. Translate the sentences. a) Das Auto meines Bruders ist gelb. b) Die Mutter meines Freundes ist nett. c) Das Hemd meines Vaters ist blau. d) Der Name meiner Cousine ist Cindy. e) Die Antwort meiner Freunde ist richtig. 3. Error spotting. Underline the mistakes and correct them. a) Johns new pencils are great. b) Our cats toys are expensive. c) The Millers new bikes‘ are really cool. d) English policemens uniforms are black. 27 Simple or Progressive? 1. Make sentences and use the tense markers given in the table below. Name always, often, every day, usually but today Marcus Zoe Tommy Elizabeth Marcus always 2. Fill in the gaps and underline simple present tense markers in red and present progressive tense markers in green. a. Sandra sometimes (listen to) the radio, but today she (to play) the piano. b. Edward usually (have) lunch at home, but today he (eat) at the restaurant. c. Every Sunday Charlotte (go) for walk, but today she (sleep) on the sofa. d. At the moment Tina (take) pictures of animals, but she never (make) films of animals. 1 Es wird britisches Englisch zugrunde gelegt. Zur Vereinfachung wird auf Betonungszeichen (stress marks) bewusst verzichtet. 29 Text Production Describe Describe this family. You can give the family members names and also write about their clothes or which hobbies you think they have. Write about 100 words. 31 Cardinal Numbers Numbers 1 000 1 000 000 Which number is it? 10 000 11 000 12 000 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 700 000 800 000 900 000 1 000 000 320 000 450 000 870 000 910 000 123 000 264 000 793 000 32 Simple Past – was or were? a) Use was wasnt or were werent. 1. The three families late for the train. 2. The pirates on the ship. 3. My sister (not) at school yesterday. 4. We (not) the only guests at the hotel. 5. She at the stadium. 6. We in the classroom. 7. (not) busy, but mum 8. Which lesson more interesting? English or maths? 9. Our old neighbours very friendly. 10. The scones (not) very nice. 11. How your lunch? b) Error Spotting Find the mistakes, underline them and correct the sentences. 1. My parents was in the theatre last Saturday. 2. We was happy when we was at home. 3. Carol were fourteen when we was in the swim team. 4. George and Steve was the first to finish the race. 5. Uncle Fred were very good football player when he were young. 33 Questions in the Simple Present Ask for the underlined parts of the sentences. 1a. On Mondays and Wednesdays Karen has lunch in the canteen. 1b. On Mondays and Wednesdays Karen has lunch in the canteen. 1c. On Mondays and Wednesdays Karen has lunch in the canteen. 1d. On Mondays and Wednesdays Karen has lunch in the canteen. 2a. In summer our cat catches mice in the garden. 2b. In summer our cat catches mice in the garden. 2c. In summer our cat catches mice in the garden. 2d. In summer our cat catches mice in the garden. 3a. Ann looks at her mobile every five minutes. 3b. Ann looks at her mobile every five minutes. 3c. Ann looks at her mobile every five minutes. 3d. Ann looks at her mobile every five minutes. 34 Telling Time What time is it? 35 Cardinal Numbers Calculations Write up the calculations. (Formuliere die Berechnungen aus.) 1. 7 3 10 2. 8 4 12 3. 14 7 2 4. 8 4 32 5. 9–63 6. 18 – 5 13 7. 4 3 12 8. 45 16 61 9. 64 8 8 10. 99 11 88 11. 7 9 63 12. 44 55 99 36 Text Production – Family Tree Here you can see Brian Atwoods family tree. Describe his family in about 90 words. Albert Atwood Nathan McBride Ashton Smith Beth Atwood Ashley McBride Diana Smith Jakob Smith George Atwood Nicole Smith Brian Atwood Hannah Smith Anna Atwood Joe McBride Jenny Atwood Jake Atwood Marie Smith dead divorced Start like this: Hi, Im Brian Atwood. My parents 37 Simple Past – Gap Texts Complete the sentences using the correct past tense form. At the party Last Sunday we all (to wear) costumes and (to go) to Joes house because it (to be) his birthday and he (to have) great party. Tom (to be) pirate. He (to say) he (to sail) the seven seas and (to rob) four ships per day. Tina (to come) as magician. She (to show) us cool tricks and she (to look) really cool in her black suit. Dave (to dress up) as diver in wetsuit. That (to be) really nice, but he (cannot) walk and it (to take) very long when he (to have to) go to the toilet. Sandy (to be) cowgirl. Later she (cannot) find her cowboy hat. We all (to look for) the hat and eventually Harry (to find) it behind the sofa. George (to be) completely green. He (to come) as dinosaur. With his big mouth and sharp teeth he (to look) scary but when we (to eat) the birthday cake, George (to have) cake all over his costume. That (not to be) scary at all. Joe (to be) clown and he (to jump) up and down when we (to give) him his surprise present: two tickets for concert of his favourite band. 38 Homophones 1. Fill in the correct answer a) Tim and sister are walking to school. x) his y) their z) hes b) Can we still have lunch? – No, Im sorry, too late. x) its y) its z) hes c) Can we go to Italy in the summer? – No, dont like it . x) theyre y) their z) there d) Is new pupil in our form? x) theyre y) their z) there e) really like the Millers. garden is fantastic. x) theyre y) their z) there 2. Error spotting. Underline the mistakes and correct them. a. Look! Over their are our cousins. b. Youre grandparents live near to youre family. c. Its half past nine. d. Tom loves hes new football shoes, his really proud of them. e. Linda and Phillip ride to school with theyre bikes. f. Tina comes to youre house after school today. 39 Modal Auxiliaries 1. Translate the following sentences into English. a. Papa muss zur Arbeit gehen. b. Jake muss mit dem Hund nicht Gassi gehen. c. Sandra darf sich ein neues Handy kaufen. d. Ich muss für meine Mutter einen Kuchen backen. e. Wir dürfen nicht auf den alten Baum klettern. f. James muss nicht zu Fuß zu gehen, weil er ein neues Fahrrad hat. 2. Error Spotting Find the mistakes, underline them and correct the sentences. a. George must writes letter to his sister. b. Jimmy neednt watch this film, because he is only 5. c. Jill makes lunch for us all, make she not? d. Can my sister goes to the zoo today? e. The team must the match not lose tonight. 40 Ordinal Numbers Dates Write up the dates. 1. 2nd March: 2. 28th February: 3. 17th July: 4. 5th December: 5. September 14: 6. October 25: 7. April 7: 8. November 1: 9. 19th August: 10. 21st March: 11. May 11: 12. 23rd June: 13. December 12: 14. January 22: 15. 1st April: 41 Present Progressive 1. Fill in the gaps. Use the present progressive. a) The tourists (to look) at the famous skyscraper. b) (to climb) in the mountains. c) My mom (to bake) cake for my brothers birthday party. d) (to ride) my new bike. e) Steve (to jump) up and down. f) Jack and Thomas (to play) basketball. g) Olivia (to draw) picture of her cat. h) The birds (to fly) away because of the kids. i) Hannah (to make) breakfast for the whole family. 2. Form negative sentences and underline the tense markers. a) You are watching silly movie now. b) Listen, Frank is listening to the radio. c) My cats are catching mice at the moment. d) We are having lunch now. e) My brothers are jumping on the trampoline at the moment. f) Just now Charly is writing text message. 42 Pronouns and Possessive Determiners 1. Connect. Tom my sister Jane and Jenny the car the neighbours my family the cup you he she it we they 2. Write new sentence using possessive determiner. a) Tom has got red bike. His bike is red. b) My sister has got red jacket. c) The boys have got black skateboards. d) Our teacher, Mr. Miller, has got brown raincoat. e) We have got an old car. f) Linda, have you got new mobile? g) The bus has got cool colour. h) have got silly brother. i) Susan has got new bike. 43 Questions in the Simple Present Ask for the underlined parts of the sentences. 1a. Uncle Sam often goes for walk in the park. 1b. Uncle Sam often goes for walk in the park. 1c. Uncle Sam often goes for walk in the park. 1d. Uncle Sam often goes for walk in the park. 2a. Your brother plays computer games in his room every evening. 2b. Your brother plays computer games in his room every evening. 2c. Your brother plays computer games in his room every evening. 2d. Your brother plays computer games in his room every evening. 3a. Freddy sometimes goes skiing in Colorado. 3b. Freddy sometimes goes skiing in Colorado. 3c. Freddy sometimes goes skiing in Colorado. 3d. Freddy sometimes goes skiing in Colorado. 44 Questions in the Present Progressive Ask for the underlined parts of the sentences. 1) a) You are listening to the radio in our car. b) You are listening to the radio in our car. c) You are listening to the radio in our car. d) You are listening to the radio in our car. 2) a) Simon and Sally are planning trip with their families. b) Simon and Sally are planning trip with their families. c) Simon and Sally are planning trip with their families. d) Simon and Sally are planning trip with their families. 3) a) Louis is drawing picture for his sisters birthday in his room. b) Louis is drawing picture for his sisters birthday in his room. c) Louis is drawing picture for his sisters birthday in his room. d) Louis is drawing picture for his sisters birthday in his room. 45 Simple Present – Is there an s? 1. Error spotting. Find the mistakes and correct them. a. Eric like basketball. b. Paul and Mike eats hamburgers every Sunday. c. We loves to go swimming. d. Where do Simon buys his clothes? e. Does Harry and Michael play chess? f. She watchs TV every evening. g. Sally haves lunch in the canteen. h. The Millers plays tennis every Saturday. 2. Fill in the gaps with the right form of verb. a. You (to love) sunny weather. b. Henry (to write) an e-mail to his cousin every day. c. We always (to have) tea for breakfast. d. George and Jill never (to take) the bus. e. She (to listen to) the radio every evening. f. Ben sometimes (to drink) glass of milk. g. Mr. Carter (to wash) his car every Saturday. h. often (to take) shower in the morning. i. They (to go) to the park every afternoon. 46 Forms of (to) be Tick the correct form of to be. [ 1. Kangaroos am is are [ 2. Our neighbours [ 3. Tom 4. am is are [ am is are 5. My sister [ 6. They [ am is are from Australia. seven years old. in cool sports club. am is are am is are 7. Jim and James funny animals. in her room. friends. [ am is are very clever kids. 8. We [ am is are at new school. 9. Tom, [ am is are you in the living-room?