Arbeitsblatt: Vacoabulary Test New World 4 Unit 3


New World 4 Unit 3 - Test Wörli - vereinfacht und normal
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Huguette Meyer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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VOCABULARY TEST NEW WORLD 4, UNIT 3 Name: Date: Points: Mark: /32 1. Write the words below the pictures. (_/6) to to to 2. Fill in the correct words. (_/10) limits athlete aim free time loves scanned tough motivates skimmed formal 1. What do you do in your 2. My team me to train hard. 3. cant swim in the Aare, know my 4. the text to check some details. 5. My is to win the race. 6. We learnt how to write letter. 7. She swimming and diving, doesnt she? 8. the text to find out what it was about. 9. Who do you think is the greatest today? 10. We really had training session yesterday. 3. Translate into German. (_/8) 1. improve 2. imagine doing 3. enjoy doing 4. thrill 5. would rather do than 6. risk 7. suitable 8. suggest 4. Translate into English. (_/8) 1. faul 2. Schulleiter/in 3. ich kann es nicht ausstehen, . zu tun 4. Ausrüstung 5. liebend gern . tun 6. sicher, ungefährlich 7. sich beklagen 8. es macht mir nichts aus, zu tun VOCABULARY TEST NEW WORLD 4, UNIT 3 easy Name: Date: Points: Mark: /22 1. Write the words below the pictures. (_/6) signature to climb crash to sign to ride bike helmet 2. Fill in the correct words. (_/8) limits athlete aim free time loves tough motivates formal 1. What do you do in your 2. My team me to train hard. 3. cant swim in the Aare, know my 4. My is to win the race. 5. We learnt how to write letter. 6. She swimming and diving, doesnt she? 7. Who do you think is the greatest today? 8. We really had training session yesterday. 3. Welche Wörter gehören zusammen? Schreibe die entsprechend Zahl in die leeren Boxen. (_8) 1 2 improve imagine doing lazy ich würde lieber als tun 3 4 5 6 faul thrill sich beklagen Schulleiter/in geeignet, passend verbessern Risiko cant stand suitable doing . sich vortsellen . 8 9 10 11 12 sicher, ungefährlich enjoy doing . liebend gern . tun risk would rather do zu tun head teacher equipment safe vorschlagen adore doing . 13 14 than Ausrüstung Ich kann es nicht ausstehen, . zu tun 7 15 16 suggest es macht mir nichts aus, zu tun gern tun dont mind doing complain Nervenkitzel