Arbeitsblatt: Voices 2 - Unit 4 - Readers Suspense
Examples With Fairy Tales
Lesen / Literatur
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten
Mara Mischol
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Little Red Riding Hood Bring the Story into the right order! She escapes from the wolf with the help of woodsman. Little Red Riding Hood lives with her mother in village. The woodsman rescues Grandma from the wolf stomach. Little Red Riding Hood learns the importance of obedience and caution. She sets out to visit her grandmother in the woods. Little Red Riding Hood arrives at Grandma house and encounters the wolf disguised as her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood realizes the wolf deception. Her mother warns her not to stray from the path. Little Red Riding Hood encounters the wolf in the woods. The wolf arrives at Grandma house and devours her. The wolf learns about her destination and decides to get there first. Cinderella Bring the Story into the right order! The kingdom prepares for royal ball. She loses her glass slipper while fleeing the palace. Cinderella wishes to attend the ball but is forbidden by her stepmother. Cinderella lives with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters after her father death. She is treated as servant in her own home. Cinderella and the prince are reunited, and they live happily ever after. Cinderella stepmother tries to prevent her from trying on the slipper, but she fits perfectly. The prince searches for Cinderella using the glass slipper as clue. With the help of her fairy godmother, Cinderella gets beautiful gown and carriage. Cinderella dances with the prince at the ball, but has to leave before midnight. Hansel and Gretel Bring the Story into the right order! They reunite with their father, who regrets abandoning them. The family lives happily ever after. They stumble upon house made of candy and sweets. Gretel tricks the witch and pushes her into the oven. Hansel and Gretel live with their father and stepmother in famine-stricken village. The witch plans to fatten Hansel up and eat him. Hansel and Gretel leave breadcrumbs to find their way back but are led astray. Their stepmother convinces their father to abandon them in the woods. Hansel and Gretel find their way home with treasures from the witch house. The children are captured by the witch who lives in the candy house. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Bring the Story into the right order! Snow White is forced to flee her jealous stepmother, the Queen. The Queen disguises herself and tricks Snow White into eating poisoned apple. Snow White falls into death-like sleep. Snow White and the prince marry, and the evil Queen meets her demise. prince comes across Snow White and awakens her with kiss. The dwarfs place Snow White in glass coffin. She finds refuge in the forest and befriends seven dwarfs. Snow White is crowned queen, and she and the prince live happily ever after. Sleeping Beauty Bring the Story into the right order! On her 16th birthday, she encounters the spindle and pricks her finger. They live happily ever after. The good fairies put the entire kingdom to sleep to await Aurora awakening. wicked fairy curses Princess Aurora to die on her 16th birthday from pricking her finger on spindle. To protect her, the good fairies send Aurora to live as peasant. prince braves the thorns and wakes Aurora with kiss. The curse is broken, and Aurora is reunited with her family. Aurora, now called Briar Rose, grows up unaware of her true identity. She and the prince marry, uniting their kingdoms. Aurora falls into deep sleep, fulfilling the curse. Rapunzel Bring the Story into the right order! They reunite and return to the prince kingdom. Rapunzel finds the prince, and her tears restore his sight. He learns how to climb it using Rapunzel hair. prince hears Rapunzel singing and discovers the tower. The witch discovers the prince visits and cuts Rapunzel hair, sending her into exile. Rapunzel hair grows long and becomes her only means of entry and escape. Rapunzel parents are overjoyed to find her alive. They live happily ever after. witch keeps Rapunzel locked in tower as punishment for her parents theft of her rampion. The prince is blinded by thorns and wanders the wilderness searching for Rapunzel. Little Red Riding Hood Solution Exposition: 1. Little Red Riding Hood lives with her mother in village. 2. She sets out to visit her grandmother in the woods. 3. Her mother warns her not to stray from the path. Rising Action: 4. Little Red Riding Hood encounters the wolf in the woods. 5. The wolf learns about her destination and decides to get there first. 6. The wolf arrives at Grandma house and devours her. Climax: 7. Little Red Riding Hood arrives at Grandma house and encounters the wolf disguised as her grandmother. Falling Action: 8. Little Red Riding Hood realizes the wolf deception. 9. She escapes from the wolf with the help of woodsman. 10. The woodsman rescues Grandma from the wolf stomach. Closure: 11. Little Red Riding Hood learns the importance of obedience and caution. Cinderella Solution Exposition: 1. Cinderella lives with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters after her father death. 2. She is treated as servant in her own home. 3. The kingdom prepares for royal ball. Rising Action: 4. Cinderella wishes to attend the ball but is forbidden by her stepmother. 5. With the help of her fairy godmother, Cinderella gets beautiful gown and carriage. Climax: 6. Cinderella dances with the prince at the ball, but has to leave before midnight. Falling Action: 7. She loses her glass slipper while fleeing the palace. Closure: 8. The prince searches for Cinderella using the glass slipper as clue. 9. Cinderella stepmother tries to prevent her from trying on the slipper, but she fits perfectly. 10. Cinderella and the prince are reunited, and they live happily ever after. Hansel and Gretel Solution Exposition: 1. Hansel and Gretel live with their father and stepmother in famine-stricken village. 2. Their stepmother convinces their father to abandon them in the woods. Rising Action: 3. Hansel and Gretel leave breadcrumbs to find their way back but are led astray. 4. They stumble upon house made of candy and sweets. Climax: 5. The children are captured by the witch who lives in the candy house. Falling Action: 6. The witch plans to fatten Hansel up and eat him. 7. Gretel tricks the witch and pushes her into the oven. Closure: 8. Hansel and Gretel find their way home with treasures from the witch house. 9. They reunite with their father, who regrets abandoning them. 10. The family lives happily ever after. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Solution Exposition: 1. Snow White is forced to flee her jealous stepmother, the Queen. 2. She finds refuge in the forest and befriends seven dwarfs. Rising Action: 3. The Queen disguises herself and tricks Snow White into eating poisoned apple. 4. Snow White falls into death-like sleep. Climax: 5. The dwarfs place Snow White in glass coffin. Falling Action: 6. prince comes across Snow White and awakens her with kiss. Closure: 7. Snow White and the prince marry, and the evil Queen meets her demise. 8. Snow White is crowned queen, and she and the prince live happily ever after. Sleeping Beauty Solution Exposition: 1. wicked fairy curses Princess Aurora to die on her 16th birthday from pricking her finger on spindle. 2. To protect her, the good fairies send Aurora to live as peasant. Rising Action: 3. Aurora, now called Briar Rose, grows up unaware of her true identity. 4. On her 16th birthday, she encounters the spindle and pricks her finger. Climax: 5. Aurora falls into deep sleep, fulfilling the curse. Falling Action: 6. The good fairies put the entire kingdom to sleep to await Aurora awakening. Closure: 7. prince braves the thorns and wakes Aurora with kiss. 8. The curse is broken, and Aurora is reunited with her family. 9. She and the prince marry, uniting their kingdoms. 10. They live happily ever after. Rapunzel Solution Exposition: 1. witch keeps Rapunzel locked in tower as punishment for her parents theft of her rampion. 2. Rapunzel hair grows long and becomes her only means of entry and escape. Rising Action: 3. prince hears Rapunzel singing and discovers the tower. 4. He learns how to climb it using Rapunzel hair. Climax: 5. The witch discovers the prince visits and cuts Rapunzel hair, sending her into exile. Falling Action: 6. The prince is blinded by thorns and wanders the wilderness searching for Rapunzel. Closure: 7. Rapunzel finds the prince, and her tears restore his sight. 8. They reunite and return to the prince kingdom. 9. Rapunzel parents are overjoyed to find her alive. 10. They live happily ever after.