Arbeitsblatt: Northern Ireland Murals
Writing Task (Picture Description)
Texte schreiben
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Saskia Heiniger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Writing Task Google the term „Northern Ireland Mural and go to image search. Take look at all the murals and choose one that you like. Print out the mural in good size (whole A4 oder even A3). Figure out what the mural is about. Translate the slogan or look up the words/abbreviations. Write text where you: Part 1: Part 2: say? Describe the picture in detail. (What can you see? Colors, People, Symbols) Write in ENGLISH. Try to think about what the artist wanted to Remember that the murals in Northern Ireland are often done because of the political situation. Who does the mural support (Protestants or Catholics?) Write in GERMAN. Part 3: You will present your mural next time in class. The presentation will be in German. Explain the mural, what it shows and how it is connected to the Ireland/Northern Ireland conflict. (Remember the printout!) Writing Task Google the term „Northern Ireland Mural and go to image search. Take look at all the murals and choose one that you like. Print out the mural in good size (whole A4 oder even A3). Figure out what the mural is about. Translate the slogan or look up the words/abbreviations. Write text where you: Part 1: Part 2: say? Describe the picture in detail. (What can you see? Colors, People, Symbols) Write in ENGLISH. Try to think about what the artist wanted to Remember that the murals in Northern Ireland are often done because of the political situation. Who does the mural support (Protestants or Catholics?) Write in GERMAN. Part 3: You will present your mural next time in class. The presentation will be in German. Explain the mural, what it shows and how it is connected to the Ireland/Northern Ireland conflict. (Remember the printout!)