Arbeitsblatt: Song - Imagine - John Lennon


Listening task: Finding missing words in the song text
Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Pascal Stadler
Quellenstrasse 24
8200 Schaffhausen

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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OW 2 Unit 3: John Lennons Imagine Original demo: Official video: Live in New York City 1972: Imagine by World leaders (2020): UNICEF version (2015): One of the top 10 songs of all time turned 50 in 2021. The song Imagine was published by the Beatles singer John Lennon in 1971. It shows the spirit of whole generation at the beginning of the 70ies of the 20ieth century. 1. Listen to the song and find out: 2. What instruments can you hear? How would you describe the tune? What is the song about? What do you think of the song? Do you like it? Why (not)? How many of the gaps in the song text can you fill in after first time listening? Imagine there no It if you try No below us Above us only Imagine all the people living for Imagine there no It isnt to do Nothing to or for And no too Imagine all the people living life in You may say Im But Im not the hope some day youll And the world will be Imagine no wonder if you No need for or of man Imagine all the people all the world, you You may say Im But Im not the hope some day youll And the world will be Memorial in New Yorks Central Park