Arbeitsblatt: Future Tenses Grammar Overview


Alle Future Tenses auf einem Blatt, in Englisch oder Deutsch
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




CG (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Future tenses The going to future is used: 1. to talk about future plans, intentions (Absichten). Next year, Im going to study in Paris. (planned action) 2. to predict future actions for which we have proofs that they are going to happen. Look at the black clouds. Its going to rain! Oh look, shes going to have baby. The present continuous is used: to talk about future things that are fixed, planned or definitely decided. The speaker must refer to the future and not to the present. am visiting my grandparents tomorrow. What are you doing next Friday? The will future is used: 1. to talk about future actions we cant influence or control. Will you be at home this evening? – think so. 2. to foretell future actions or to express hopes, expectations, fears, offers, promises, refusals,. The fortune teller told me, Ill be famous and rich one day. 3. with / we for spontaneous reactions or making promises (I shall is sometimes used instead of will). Its hot in here. – Ill go and open the window, shall I? Present simple To talk about timetables, arrival and departure of transportation means and times of events. The train leaves at 10.20. The English lesson starts at 8.30. When does the concert start? Future tenses Going to future 1. feste Absichten und Pläne Im going to study in Paris My father is going to paint my room. 2. Ereignisse, die unmittelbar bevorstehen Look at the black clouds. Its going to rain! Oh look, shes going to have baby. Present continuous as future form für festgeplante zukünftige Ereignisse, für die schon ein Zeitpunkt feststeht am visiting my grandparents tomorrow. What are you doing next Friday? Will future 1. Für zukünftige Handlungen, die wir nicht beeinflussen oder kontrollieren können. Will you be at home this evening? – think so. 2. Um zukünftige Handlungen vorauszusagen oder Hoffnungen, Erwartungen, Ängste oder Versprechungen auszudrücken The fortune teller told me, Ill be famous and rich one day. think/I hope/I expect, he will marry his girlfriend. 3. bei spontanen Entscheidungen („ohne gross nachzudenken) (I shall is sometimes used instead of will). Its hot in here. – Ill go and open the window, shall I? Present simple um über Abfahrts- bzw. Ankunftszeiten von Verkehrsmittel sowie Vorstellungs- und Veranstaltungsbeginn zu sprechen The train leaves at 10.20. The bus goes at 8.30. When does the concert start?