Arbeitsblatt: Young World 4 unit 5


Begleitheft 12 Seiten zum Lehrmittel Young World
6. Schuljahr
17 Seiten




Ernst Meier
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Young World 4 unit 5 1 Pupil Book 40 and 41 The Story of Chocolate task 1: Look at the pictures on the top right (p. 41). Form sentences. 6th century: The Aztecs and the Mayans brew drink called xocolatl. 16th century: Spanish 17th century: 19th century: 20th century: 21st century: 2 task 2: Check if you were right. task 3: A. Countries near the equator B. First cocoa fruit grows on cocoa tree. Then the farmers After that Then Finally Mmh, love the taste of chocolate bars. Pupil Book p. 42 and 43 On the Cocoa Plantation task 4: Look at the pictures. What do they show? 3 task 5: Read the texts and match them to the pictures. 4 5 6 7 task 6: Compare your answers. task 7: Watch the film together and read out loud the matching text. Continue work in your Activity Book on pages 60 and 61. Pupil Book p. 44 What are they doing? INPUT: Use present continuous when something happens or is done at the moment – right now – today and the simple present when it done constantly every day – every week – every year – usually task 8: 8 ABC D_ Fill in the missing sentences: simple sail fly You climb They eat We drink She runs It looks He laughs cry finish continuous 9 task 9: What are you doing at the moment? task 10: What is your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, your teacher doing now? 10 Pupil Book p. 45 day? What do they do every task 11: Look at the pictures on PB p. 45. Read the questions and answer them. B task 12: What do you do every day? task 13: What do other people do? 11 Continue work in your Activity Book on page 62. Pupil Book p. 46 Trade or Fair Trade task 14: Read the questions and answer them B D task 15: Read the text and look at the picture. What is the advantage of fair trade? 12 Continue work in your Activity Book on page 67. Pupil Book p. 47 Choco-Late task 16: Look at the picture and describe the characters What could the chocolate rap be about? task 17-20: Challenge What facts of the history of chocolate can you remember 13 Continue work in your Activity Book on page 68. Activity Book Adam Brown Chocolate Mousse p. 63 Hello everyone. We are going to make chocolate mousse today. Youll need 100 of plain chocolate or milk chocolate and at least 50 ml of cream. Heres the recipe: First, break the chocolate into small 14 pieces. Then put the cream into pan. Bring it to the boil quickly. As soon as it boils, remove it from the heat. Then, add the chocolate pieces and stir until they have melted. Pour the mixture into bowl. When it is cool, you can put the mixture in the fridge for at least three to four hours. You can even leave it in the fridge overnight. Before you serve it, you must beat the mixture with whisk until it is fluffy. Thats it! Your chocolate mousse is ready! 15