Arbeitsblatt: past tense


Rewrite the sentences into the Past Simple Tense. Then write an interrogative sentence. Look at the example below Arbeitsblatt +Lö
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Tom drank some milk for breakfast. Negation: Question: opened the door. Negation: Question: We talked to the teacher. Negation: Question: Change the following sentences into interrogative then give short answers according to the sign. Look at the examples. 1) became doctor. 2) We had dinner at 6 oclock yesterday. 3) Father bought food. 4) Sam could see you. 5) Tom and Mary caught cold. 6) Paul learnt the irregular verbs. 7) It cost 20 p. 8) Tim broke the world record. Rewrite the sentences into the Past Simple Tense. Then write an interrogative sentence. Look at the example below. 1) You do your homework. 2) She eats ham and eggs for breakfast. 3) learn the new words every day. Lösungen: Negation: Tom didnt drink any milk for breakfast. Question: Did Tom drink any milk for breakfast? Negation: didnt open the door. Question: Did open the door? Negation: We didnt talk to the teacher. Question: Did we talk to the teacher? Change the following sentences into interrogative then give short answers according to the sign. Look at the examples. 1) 2) 3) 4) Did / you become doctor? Yes, did. Did we you have dinner at 6 oclock yesterday? No, we didnt. Did father buy food? Yes, he did. Could Sam see you? No, he couldnt. 5) Did Tom and Mary catch cold? Yes, they did. 6) Did Paul learn the irregular verbs? No, he didnt. 7) Did it cost 20 p? Yes, it did. 8) Did Tim break the world record? No, he didnt. Rewrite the sentences into the Past Simple Tense. Then write an interrogative sentence. Look at the example below. 1) You did your homework. Did you do your homework? 2) She ate ham and eggs for breakfast. Did she eat ham and eggs for breakfast? 3) learned learnt the new words every day. Did / you learn the new words every day?