Arbeitsblatt: Logicals


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, nach den Logicals für den Englischunterricht (Grundschule) halten Sie nun die Logicals für die Sekun- darstufe in den Händen. Die beliebten Logicals machen den Kindern viel Spaß. Sie lesen, knobeln, kom- binieren und lösen die Frage zu jedem Logical. Die Logicals richten sich thematisch nach den Anforde- rungen der Rahmenlehrpläne und fördern die Lesekompetenz der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Die Logicals bieten Ihnen als Fachlehrkraft oder auch als fachfremd unterrichtende Lehrkraft zahlreiche Einsatzmöglichkeiten: zur Vertiefung und Wiederholung von Unterrichtsthemen zur Differenzierung als Einstieg in ein Unterrichtsthema als Hausaufgabe im Frontalunterricht in der Stationsarbeit in der Freiarbeit in der Wochenplanarbeit als Vertretungsstunde in der Partner- oder Gruppenarbeit. Die in jedem Logical enthaltene Frage, wird durch sorgfältiges, sinnentnehmendes Lesen beantwortet. Denn nur wer genau liest, die Informationen kombiniert und mitdenkt, kommt zur Lösung. Auf diesem Weg lernen die Kinder systematisch vorzugehen, sich zu konzentrieren und Spaß am Denken zu haben. Der Einsatz der Logicals fördert also die Lesefähigkeit und Denkfähigkeit. Die Kinder fühlen sich wie kleine Detektive und haben schnell Erfolgserlebnisse. Bereits bekannte wie auch neu zu lernende Voka- beln werden gefestigt. Die verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen der Logicals werden den unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten jedes Kindes gerecht und ermöglichen die erforderliche Differenzierung. Jedes Thema beinhaltet zwei Schwie- rigkeitsstufen: easy besteht aus 9 Sätzen und more difficult aus 11 Sätzen. Je mehr gelesen werden muss, desto mehr muss kombiniert und mitgedacht werden, denn sowohl die Fülle an Informationen als auch die Anforderungen der Satzstrukturen nehmen zu. So können Sie die Logicals zur Leistungsdifferenzierung verwenden. Voraussetzungen sind die Kenntnisse der Zahlen (Kardinal- und Ordinalzahlen) und Farben im Eng- lischen sowie die Lagebeziehungen rechts, links, neben und zwischen. Falls den Kindern die Übungsform der Logicals noch unbekannt sein sollte, empfiehlt es sich, zuvor ein deutschsprachiges Logical gemeinsam in der Klasse zu bearbeiten (siehe Beispiel auf Seite 5). Sätze, aus denen Informationen verarbeitet wurden, können abgehakt werden. Dies erleichtert die Übersicht. Wenn die Logicals in der Freiarbeit eingesetzt werden und die Kinder zur Kontrolle Einsicht in die Lö- sung erhalten, fördert dies zusätzlich das selbstständige Arbeiten. Bei der Bearbeitung der Logicals gibt es unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen. So sind viele Logicals hauptsächlich durch Ausmalen von Bildern zu lösen. Es gibt aber auch Logicals, bei denen eine Tabelle ausgefüllt oder selbstständig gezeichnet werden soll. In der Übersichtstabelle (siehe Seite 6 und 7) können Sie sich einen Überblick über den jeweiligen Schwierigkeitsgrad, die Art der Bearbeitung und die verwendeten Vokabeln verschaffen. Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern viel Spaß beim Lösen Jessica Gherri
Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
114 Seiten




Anja Götschmann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Bergedorfer Unterrichtsideen Jessica Gherri Logicals für den Englischunterricht 5. 6. Klasse Rätsel für die 5./6. Klasse in zwei Differenzierungsstufen Jessica Gherri Logicals für den Englischunterricht Die Autorin: Jessica Gherri unterrichtet Englisch bis zur 6. Klasse an einer Grundschule in Berlin. 2012 Persen Verlag, Buxtehude AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Das Werk als Ganzes sowie in seinen Teilen unterliegt dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Der Erwerber des Werkes ist berechtigt, das Werk als Ganzes oder in seinen Teilen für den eigenen Gebrauch und den Einsatz im eigenen Unterricht zu nutzen. Downloads und Kopien dieser Seiten sind nur für den genannten Zweck gestattet, nicht jedoch für einen weiteren kommerziellen Gebrauch, für die Weiterleitung an Dritte oder für die Veröffentlichung im Internet oder in Intranets. Die Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung, Verbreitung und jede Art der Verwertung außerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtes bedürfen der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung des Verlages. Die AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH kann für die Inhalte externer Sites, die Sie mittels eines Links oder sonstiger Hinweise erreichen, keine Verantwortung übernehmen. Ferner haftet die AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH nicht für direkte oder indirekte Schäden (inkl. entgangener Gewinne), die auf Informationen zurückgeführt werden können, die auf diesen externen Websites stehen. Grafik: Stefan Lucas, Julia Flasche Satz: Satzpunkt Ursula Ewert GmbH, Bayreuth ISBN 978-3-403-53158-5 Inhalt Vorwort . Beispiel für ein einfaches Logical in Tabellenform (deutsch) Übersichtstabelle . 4 5 6 Arbeitsblätter und Lösungen 1 At the circus . 2 Bikes 3 Birthdays 4 Breakfast 5 Clocks and time . 6 Clothes in summer – fashion show 7 Clothes in winter – shop windows 8 Clowns . 9 Countries and continents . 10 Families . 11 Farm animals . 12 Fruit 13 Furniture . 14 Going to school 15 Hobbies 16 Houses . 17 Ice cream . 18 Jobs . 19 Jobs at home . 20 London . 21 Pencil cases . 22 Pets 23 Pirates 24 Planets . 25 Rooms 26 Schoolyard . 27 Snowmen . 28 Sports . 29 Subjects . 30 The Royal Family . 31 Toys . 32 Vegetables . 33 Watching TV . 34 Zodiacs. 35 Zoo animals . 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59 62 65 68 71 74 77 80 83 86 89 92 95 98 101 104 107 110 Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 3 Vorwort Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, nach den Logicals für den Englischunterricht (Grundschule) halten Sie nun die Logicals für die Sekundarstufe in den Händen. Die beliebten Logicals machen den Kindern viel Spaß. Sie lesen, knobeln, kombinieren und lösen die Frage zu jedem Logical. Die Logicals richten sich thematisch nach den Anforderungen der Rahmenlehrpläne und fördern die Lesekompetenz der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Die Logicals bieten Ihnen als Fachlehrkraft oder auch als fachfremd unterrichtende Lehrkraft zahlreiche Einsatzmöglichkeiten: zur Vertiefung und Wiederholung von Unterrichtsthemen zur Differenzierung als Einstieg in ein Unterrichtsthema als Hausaufgabe im Frontalunterricht in der Stationsarbeit in der Freiarbeit in der Wochenplanarbeit als Vertretungsstunde in der Partner- oder Gruppenarbeit. Die in jedem Logical enthaltene Frage, wird durch sorgfältiges, sinnentnehmendes Lesen beantwortet. Denn nur wer genau liest, die Informationen kombiniert und mitdenkt, kommt zur Lösung. Auf diesem Weg lernen die Kinder systematisch vorzugehen, sich zu konzentrieren und Spaß am Denken zu haben. Der Einsatz der Logicals fördert also die Lesefähigkeit und Denkfähigkeit. Die Kinder fühlen sich wie kleine Detektive und haben schnell Erfolgserlebnisse. Bereits bekannte wie auch neu zu lernende Vokabeln werden gefestigt. Die verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen der Logicals werden den unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten jedes Kindes gerecht und ermöglichen die erforderliche Differenzierung. Jedes Thema beinhaltet zwei Schwierigkeitsstufen: easy besteht aus 9 Sätzen und more difficult aus 11 Sätzen. Je mehr gelesen werden muss, desto mehr muss kombiniert und mitgedacht werden, denn sowohl die Fülle an Informationen als auch die Anforderungen der Satzstrukturen nehmen zu. So können Sie die Logicals zur Leistungsdifferenzierung verwenden. Voraussetzungen sind die Kenntnisse der Zahlen (Kardinal- und Ordinalzahlen) und Farben im Englischen sowie die Lagebeziehungen rechts, links, neben und zwischen. Falls den Kindern die Übungsform der Logicals noch unbekannt sein sollte, empfiehlt es sich, zuvor ein deutschsprachiges Logical gemeinsam in der Klasse zu bearbeiten (siehe Beispiel auf Seite 5). Sätze, aus denen Informationen verarbeitet wurden, können abgehakt werden. Dies erleichtert die Übersicht. Wenn die Logicals in der Freiarbeit eingesetzt werden und die Kinder zur Kontrolle Einsicht in die Lösung erhalten, fördert dies zusätzlich das selbstständige Arbeiten. Bei der Bearbeitung der Logicals gibt es unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen. So sind viele Logicals hauptsächlich durch Ausmalen von Bildern zu lösen. Es gibt aber auch Logicals, bei denen eine Tabelle ausgefüllt oder selbstständig gezeichnet werden soll. In der Übersichtstabelle (siehe Seite 6 und 7) können Sie sich einen Überblick über den jeweiligen Schwierigkeitsgrad, die Art der Bearbeitung und die verwendeten Vokabeln verschaffen. Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern viel Spaß beim Lösen Jessica Gherri 4 Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Beispiel für ein einfaches Logical in Tabellenform Im Frühjahr sind viele bunte Schmetterlinge zu sehen. Sie sind ganz unterschiedlich, aber alle wunderschön. Lies den Text, fülle die Tabelle aus und finde heraus: Welcher Schmetterling hat blaue Punkte? Schmetterling 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Schmetterling 1 2 3 4 Körperfarbe gelb rot orange grün Flügelfarbe orange blau rosa gelb Farbe der Punkte lila gelb blau rot Der Schmetterling mit den blauen Flügeln ist neben dem mit den rosa Flügeln. Der Schmetterling links hat einen gelben Körper. Der Schmetterling mit den gelben Punkten ist neben dem mit den lila Punkten. Der Schmetterling mit dem grünen Körper hat gelbe Flügel. Der Schmetterling mit den roten Punkten ist nicht neben dem mit den gelben Punkten. Ein Schmetterling hat orangefarbene Flügel und lila Punkte. Der Schmetterling neben dem mit dem gelben Körper hat einen roten Körper. Neben dem Schmetterling mit den gelben Flügeln ist ein Schmetterling mit rosa Flügeln. Der Schmetterling mit dem orangefarbenen Körper ist neben dem mit dem roten Körper. (Satzreihenfolge: 2 – 7 – 9 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 5) Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 5 Übersichtstabelle ausmalen Tabelle ausfüllen Vocabulary Work Sheets easy more difficult 1 At the circus costume, duration of the show (in minutes), juggler, clown, tightrope walker, director, animal trainer costume, trapeze artist, tightrope walker, clown, juggler, animal trainer, snake charmer, balls, confetti, umbrella, lions, cobra, trapeze swing 2 Bikes tyres, carrier, handlebars, saddle, headlight tyres, carrier, handlebars, saddle, headlight, lock, toolkit 3 Birthdays age, months date, months 4 Breakfast coffee, apple juice, water, tea with milk and sugar, cocoa, bacon and eggs, sausages and baked beans, yoghurt, bread rolls with chocolate spread, toast and scrambled eggs cocoa, orange juice, tea with milk and sweetener, coffee with milk and sugar, milk, toast with marmalade, cornflakes with milk, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, toast with bacon and eggs, baked beans and fried eggs 5 Clocks and time time, alarm clock, cuckoo clock, travelling clock, pocket watch time, alarm clock, cuckoo clock, travelling clock, pocket watch, grandfather clock 6 Clothes in summer – fashion show Clothes in winter – shop windows Clowns model, skirt, shoes, high heels, shorts, T-shirt, blouse, scarf, tie model, shoes, high heels, shorts, mini dress, veil, scarf, shirt, tie, hat shop dummy, boots, trousers, coat, scarf shop dummy, boots, trousers, coat, scarf, woolly hat, gloves mouth, nose, eyes, hair, hat mouth, nose, eyes, hair, hat, bow 9 Countries and continents age, Ireland, Sweden, Spain, Greece, Italy age, Italy, Canada, China, Brazil, Morocco, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America 10 Families eyes, grandfathers, uncles, cousins, aunts, grandmother stepmother, stepfather, sisters, brother, aunt, uncles, cousins, great-grandfather, stepbrothers, stepsister, grandfather 11 Farm animals ponies, goats, hens, sheep, cows horses, piglets, lambs, donkeys, cows, cocks 12 Fruit grapefruits, lemons, plums, strawberries pineapples, pears, raspberries, peaches, cherries 13 Furniture lamp, desk, cupboard, bed desk, wardrobe, sofa, shelf, carpet 14 Going to school time, by bike, by car, by bus, on foot, by train time, by car, on foot, by train, by bus, by underground, by bike 15 Hobbies age, collecting stamps, reading books, doing sports, drawing pictures, writing letters age, collecting autographs, reading comics, meeting friends, painting, taking photos, making music 16 Houses door, windows, roof, chimney door, roof, chimney, curtains 17 Ice cream cup, scoop, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, pistachio cone, scoop, hazelnut, lemon, woodruff, raspberry 18 Jobs manager, doctor, shop assistant, bus driver, hair stylist, office building, bus station, supermarket, hospital, hairdressers zookeeper, dentist, lawyer, teacher, nurse, workman, zoo, building site, hospital, clinic, school, court 19 Jobs at home days of the week, cleans the floor, does the washing, washes the dishes, goes shopping, lays the table days of the week, members of the family, vacuums the flat, makes the beds, makes breakfast, does the cooking, waters the plants, takes out the rubbish 7 8 6 selbst zeichnen Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Übersichtstabelle ausmalen Tabelle ausfüllen selbst zeichnen Vocabulary Work Sheets easy more difficult 20 London Big Ben, Tower Bridge, London Zoo, London Eye, Buckingham Palace, on foot, by taxi, by boat, by bus, by underground Houses of Parliament, 10 Downing Street, Shakespeares Globe Theatre, Tower of London, Madame Tussauds, Piccadilly Circus, by boat, by taxi, by bike, by bus, by underground, on foot 21 Pencil cases pen, ruler, pencil sharpener, felt tips, scissors pen, pencil sharpener, felt tips, scissors, rubber 22 Pets budgies, rabbits, dogs, cats tortoise, guinea pig, hamster, mice, snake 23 Pirates eye patch, wooden leg, sabre, head scarf eye patch, wooden leg, treasure chest, Jolly Roger 24 Planets age, hair, Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter age, hair, Jupiter, Earth, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Uranus 25 Rooms childrens room, bathroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom hall, cellar, living room, childrens room, attic, study 26 Schoolyard break, playing with the skipping rope, playing cops and robbers, playing football, playing hopscotch, playing hide and seek, playing with ball, going on the swing, building sandcastle, talking to friends, playing basketball break, playing basketball, playing football, building sandcastle, going on the swing, playing hide and seek, playing cops and robbers, playing with rubber ball, talking to friends, playing hopscotch, playing with the skipping rope, climbing on the monkey bars, going on the seesaw 27 Snowmen broom, scarf, nose, hat broom, scarf, nose, eyes, hat, buttons 28 Sports age, likes, doesnt like, surfing, skiing, riding, playing basketball, playing football, boxing, playing golf, skateboarding age, likes, doesnt like, jogging, sailing, skating, dancing, cycling, playing volleyball, gymnastics, playing badminton, swimming, playing tennis 29 Subjects likes, doesnt like, year, Maths, English, Art, Physics, Biology, History, Music, German likes, dislikes, year, German, History, Physical Education, French, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Science, Religious Education 30 The Royal Family evening dress, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry, Queen, Camilla, Lady Catherine, Prince Andrew birthday, dates of birth, Queen Mum, Prince Edward, Prince Andrew, Lady Diana, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William, Prince Harry 31 Toys brick, puzzle, skateboard, robot skipping rope, cuddly toy, fire engine, guitar, plane 32 Vegetables pepper, onion, tomato, zucchini, cabbage kilos, grams, pounds, ounces, mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, leek, cauliflowers, cucumbers 33 Watching TV days of the week, comics, comedy films, quiz shows, series, action films time of the day, news, documentary films, childrens programmes, action films, soaps, comic series 34 Zodiacs birthday, months, Virgo, Cancer, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius birthday, months, Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini 35 Zoo animals wants to see, crocodiles, jaguars, panthers, buffalos, elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes, gorillas, flamingos saw, didnt see, cheetahs, penguins, polar bears, pandas, monkeys, wolves, hippos, moose, seals, meerkats, snakes, rhinos Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 7 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The juggler has ten-minute-show. The tightrope walker has yellow costume. The show that lasts twenty minutes is between the show that lasts fifteen minutes and the show that lasts eight minutes. The directors costume is not the blue costume. The show on the right lasts fifteen minutes. The director is next to the juggler. The artist with the brown costume is between the artist with the yellow costume and the artist with the orange costume. The clown is between the director and the animal trainer. The show that lasts five minutes is next to the show that lasts eight minutes. duration of the show (in minutes) colour of costume artist Who has red costume? Everybody likes going to the circus. The artists have differently coloured costumes and their show lasts only few minutes. Read, fill in the table and find out: At the circus 1 At the circus Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The artist that tries out the umbrella is next to the artist that tries out confetti. The artist with the golden costume is next to the artist with the purple costume. The clown has blue costume. The trapeze artist is on the left. The artist that tries out the balls is between the artist that tries to work with the cobra and the artist that tries out confetti. The artist that tries to work with the lions is not next to the artist that tries out the umbrella. The artist with the silver costume tries to work with the cobra. The snake charmer is between the juggler and the animal trainer. The artist with the purple costume is next to the artist with the green costume. The tightrope walker is between the trapeze artist and the juggler. The artist with the grey costume is between the artist with the blue costume and the artist with the green costume. equipment colour of costume artist Who tries out the trapeze swing? At the circus every artist practises lot for his or her show. Sometimes they watch the other artists and try out their equipment just for fun. Read, fill in the table and find out: At the circus 1 At the circus 9 Lösungen At the circus Everybody likes going to the circus. The artists have differently coloured costumes and their show lasts only few minutes. Read, fill in the table and find out: Who has red costume? director Possible solution: 5 – 3 – 9 – 1 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 7 – 4 5. 3. 9. 1. 6. 8. 2. 7. 4. artist juggler director clown animal trainer tightrope walker colour of costume blue red orange brown yellow duration of the show (in minutes) 10 5 8 20 15 The show on the right lasts fifteen minutes. The show that lasts twenty minutes is between the show that lasts fifteen minutes and the show that lasts eight minutes. The show that lasts five minutes is next to the show that lasts eight minutes. The juggler has ten-minute-show. The director is next to the juggler. The clown is between the director and the animal trainer. The tightrope walker has yellow costume. The artist with the brown costume is between the artist with the yellow costume and the artist with the orange costume. The directors costume is not the blue costume. At the circus At the circus every artist practises lot for his or her show. Sometimes they watch the other artists and try out their equipment just for fun. Read, fill in the table and find out: Who tries out the trapeze swing? animal trainer Possible solution: 4 – 10 – 8 – 3 – 11 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 6 artist trapeze artist tightrope walker juggler snake charmer animal trainer clown colour of costume silver golden purple green grey blue equipment cobra balls confetti umbrella trapeze swing lions 4. 10. 8. 3. 11. 9. 2. 7. 5. 1. 6. 10 The trapeze artist is on the left. The tightrope walker is between the trapeze artist and the juggler. The snake charmer is between the juggler and the animal trainer. The clown has blue costume. The artist with the grey costume is between the artist with the blue costume and the artist with the green costume. The artist with the purple costume is next to the artist with the green costume. The artist with the golden costume is next to the artist with the purple costume. The artist with the silver costume tries to work with the cobra. The artist that tries out the balls is between the artist that tries to work with the cobra and the artist that tries out confetti. The artist that tries out the umbrella is next to the artist that tries out confetti. The artist that tries to work with the lions is not next to the artist that tries out the umbrella. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. bike 1 Which bike has red tyres? bike 2 Here are pictures of three bikes. With your help they are going to be very colourful. Read and colour the saddles, carriers, handlebars, headlights and tyres. Then find out: The bike on the right has green headlight. blue carrier and orange handlebars are on the same bike. Next to the bike with the purple carrier is bike with yellow carrier and blue handlebars. The bike with the blue headlight has purple carrier. One bike has brown handlebars and yellow saddle. The bike with the green tyres is next to the bike with yellow tyres. The bike with the red saddle is next to the bike with the yellow saddle. Next to the bike with the green headlight is bike with purple headlight. One bike has purple saddle and yellow tyres. Bikes bike 3 2 Bikes 11 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. bike 1 Which bike has green toolkit? bike 2 bike 3 Road safety is important. Therefore lot of things are necessary on bike. And people buy colourful accessories to make their bikes individual. Read and colour not only the locks and toolkits, but also the tyres, carriers, handlebars, saddles and headlights. Then find out: The bike with the pink tyres is next to the bike with the orange tyres. Bike number three has purple saddle. Next to the bike with the blue handlebars is bike with green handlebars and yellow headlight. One bike has red tyres, green carrier and brown lock. The bike with the red saddle is next to the bike with the purple saddle. The bike with the orange carrier has brown toolkit. The bike with the grey headlight has blue handlebars and orange tyres. To the left of the bike with the brown toolkit is bike with pink toolkit. The bike with the yellow lock has red carrier. The bike with the blue lock is between the bike with the brown lock and the bike with the yellow lock. The bike with the yellow saddle has blue handlebars and an orange headlight. Bikes 2 Bikes Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Lösungen Bikes Here are pictures of three bikes. With your help they are going to be very colourful. Read and colour the saddles, carriers, handlebars, headlights and tyres. Then find out: Which bike has red tyres? bike 1 Possible solution: 1 – 8 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 9 – 6 1. 8. 4. 3. 2. 5. 7. 9. 6. bike 1 bike 2 bike 3 saddle yellow red purple handlebars brown blue orange carrier purple yellow blue headlight blue purple green tyres red green yellow The bike on the right has green headlight. Next to the bike with the green headlight is bike with purple headlight. The bike with the blue headlight has purple carrier. Next to the bike with the purple carrier is bike with yellow carrier and blue handlebars. blue carrier and orange handlebars are on the same bike. One bike has brown handlebars and yellow saddle. The bike with the red saddle is next to the bike with the yellow saddle. One bike has purple saddle and yellow tyres. The bike with the green tyres is next to the bike with yellow tyres. Bikes Road safety is important. Therefore lot of things are necessary on bike. And people buy colourful accessories to make their bikes individual. Read and colour not only the locks and toolkits, but also the tyres, carriers, handlebars, saddles and headlights. Then find out: Which bike has green toolkit? bike 3 Possible solution: 2 – 5 –11 – 3 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 10 – 9 – 6 – 8 saddle handlebars carrier headlight tyres toolkit lock 2. 5. 11. 3. 7. 1. 4. 10. 9. 6. 8. bike 1 yellow blue green orange red pink brown bike 2 red green orange yellow pink brown blue bike 3 purple blue red grey orange green yellow Bike number three has purple saddle. The bike with the red saddle is next to the bike with the purple saddle. The bike with the yellow saddle has blue handlebars and an orange headlight. Next to the bike with the blue handlebars is bike with green handlebars and yellow headlight. The bike with the grey headlight has blue handlebars and orange tyres. The bike with the pink tyres is next to the bike with the orange tyres. One bike has red tyres, green carrier and brown lock. The bike with the blue lock is between the bike with the brown lock and the bike with the yellow lock. The bike with the yellow lock has red carrier. The bike with the orange carrier has brown toolkit. To the left of the bike with the brown toolkit is bike with pink toolkit. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 13 14 1. The child whose birthday is in June is between the child whose birthday is in January and the child whose birthday is in March. 2. Gillian is next to Christopher. 3. The nine-year-old child is next to the eight-year-old child. 4. Mahmoud is between Norma and Christopher. 5. The child next to the ten-year-old child is twelve years old. 6. The child on the left is Norma. 7. One girl is ten years old and her birthday is in February. 8. The eleven-year-old childs birthday is in January. 9. Sophie is eight years old. birthday age name Whose birthday is in May? These five children celebrate their birthdays in different months. Their age is different, too. Read, fill in the table and find out: Birthdays 3 Birthdays Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. child 2 child 3 child 4 One childs birthday is on 1st January. Mirco is between Julian and Cybill. Child number one is Maria. One child was born on the 11th of month in 1998. Julians birthday is in March. The child whose birthday is on the 25th of month is next to the child whose birthday is on the 11th. The child whose birthday is in January was born in 1997. The child whose birthday is in February is next to the child whose birthday is in July. The child who was born in 2000 is between the child who was born in 1997 and the child who was born in 1999. One boys birthday is in July. Cybill is next to Maria. year month date name child 1 Whose birthday is on the 3rd of month? Happy birthday to you ! These four children celebrate their special days not only in different months, but of course also on different dates. Read, fill in the table and find out: Birthdays 3 Birthdays 15 Lösungen Birthdays These five children celebrate their birthdays in different months. Their age is different, too. Read, fill in the table and find out: Whose birthday is in May? Mahmouds birthday Possible solution: 6 – 4 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 7 – 5 – 8 – 1 6. 4. 2. 9. 3. 7. 5. 8. 1. name Norma Mahmoud Christopher Gillian Sophie age 10 12 11 9 8 birthday February May January June March The child on the left is Norma. Mahmoud is between Norma and Christopher. Gillian is next to Christopher. Sophie is eight years old. The nine-year-old child is next to the eight-year-old child. One girl is ten years old and her birthday is in February. The child next to the ten-year-old child is twelve years old. The eleven-year-old childs birthday is in January. The child whose birthday is in June is between the child whose birthday is in January and the child whose birthday is in March. Birthdays Happy birthday to you ! These four children celebrate their special days not only in different months, but of course also on different dates. Read, fill in the table and find out: Whose birthday is on the 3rd of month? Cybills birthday Possible solution: 3 – 11 – 2 – 5 – 10 – 8 – 1 – 7 – 9 – 4 – 6 3. 11. 2. 5. 10. 8. 1. 7. 9. 4. 6. 16 child 1 child 2 child 3 child 4 name Maria Cybill Mirco Julian date 1st 3rd 25th 11th month January February July March year 1997 2000 1999 1998 Child number one is Maria. Cybill is next to Maria. Mirco is between Julian and Cybill. Julians birthday is in March. One boys birthday is in July. The child whose birthday is in February is next to the child whose birthday is in July. One childs birthday is on 1st January. The child whose birthday is in January was born in 1997. The child who was born in 2000 is between the child who was born in 1997 and the child who was born in 1999. One child was born on the 11th of month in 1998. The child whose birthday is on the 25th of month is next to the child whose birthday is on the 11th. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The child that drinks tea with milk and sugar has bread rolls and chocolate spread. Elizabeth drinks coffee and is next to Marilyn. Lucas drinks water. The child next to the one that has sausages eats bacon and eggs. Marilyn is on the left. Jack is next to Susan. One boy drinks cocoa. The child that eats yoghurt is between the child that has bread rolls and the child that has sausages and baked beans. The child next to the one that drinks cocoa drinks apple juice. food drink name Who has toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast? Breakfast in Great Britain is different from breakfast in Germany. Here are some children who have typical English breakfast. Yummy! Read, fill in the table and find out: Breakfast 4 Breakfast 17 18 Stefanie is between William and Peter. Paula drinks cocoa at eight oclock. Next to the child that has breakfast at half past seven is child that drinks tea with milk and sweetener. To the right of the child that has baked beans is child that has toast with bacon and eggs. The child that has breakfast at quarter to nine is next to the child that has breakfast at quarter past eight. Between the child that has baked beans and the child that eats toast with marmalade is child that eats cornflakes with milk. William is on the right. The child that drinks milk is between the child that drinks tea and the child that drinks coffee with milk and sugar at quarter past eight. 9. Billy has orange juice and is next to Peter. 10. One child has baked beans and fried eggs at six oclock. 11. The child that has breakfast at half past seven is next to the child that drinks cocoa. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. food drink time name Who has grilled tomatoes and mushrooms for breakfast? typical English breakfast is really nice. But people in Britain mostly enjoy it at the weekend, when they have more time. These children have an English breakfast on Sunday at different times. Read, fill in the table and find out: Breakfast 4 Breakfast Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Lösungen Breakfast Breakfast in Great Britain is different from breakfast in Germany. Here are some children who have typical English breakfast. Yummy! Read, fill in the table and find out: Who has toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast? Susan Possible solution: 5 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 7 – 9 – 1 – 8 – 4 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 9. 1. 8. 4. name Marilyn Elizabeth Lucas Jack Susan drink tea with milk and sugar coffee water cocoa apple juice food bread rolls with chocolate spread yoghurt sausages and baked beans bacon and eggs toast and scrambled eggs Marilyn is on the left. Elizabeth drinks coffee and is next to Marilyn. Jack is next to Susan. Lucas drinks water. One boy drinks cocoa. The child next to the one that drinks cocoa drinks apple juice. The child that drinks tea with milk and sugar has bread rolls and chocolate spread. The child that eats yoghurt is between the child that has bread rolls and the child that has sausages and baked beans. The child next to the one that has sausages eats bacon and eggs. Breakfast typical English breakfast is really nice. But people in Britain mostly enjoy it at the weekend, when they have more time. These children have an English breakfast on Sunday at different times. Read, fill in the table and find out: Who has grilled tomatoes and mushrooms for breakfast? William Possible solution: 7 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 11 – 3 – 8 – 5 – 10 – 4 – 6 7. 1. 9. 2. 11. 3. 8. 5. 10. 4. 6. name Paula Billy Peter Stefanie time eight oclock half past seven six oclock quarter to nine quarter past eight milk coffee with milk and sugar toast with bacon and eggs grilled tomatoes and mushrooms drink cocoa orange juice tea with milk and sweetener food toast with marmalade cornflakes with milk baked beans and fried eggs William William is on the right. Stefanie is between William and Peter. Billy has orange juice and is next to Peter. Paula drinks cocoa at eight oclock. The child that has breakfast at half past seven is next to the child that drinks cocoa. Next to the child that has breakfast at half past seven is child that drinks tea with milk and sweetener. The child that drinks milk is between the child that drinks tea and the child that drinks coffee with milk and sugar at quarter past eight. The child that has breakfast at quarter to nine is next to the child that has breakfast at quarter past eight. One child has baked beans and fried eggs at six oclock. To the right of the child that has baked beans is child that has toast with bacon and eggs. Between the child that has baked beans and the child that eats toast with marmalade is child that eats cornflakes with milk. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 19 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. child 2 child 3 The travelling clock is next to the alarm clock. The purple clock is between the orange clock and the green clock. The cuckoo clock is next to the travelling clock. Oliver has an alarm clock. The red clock says twenty past one. The child on the right is Bill. Next to the clock that says twenty past one is clock that says quarter to four. Josie is between Sally and Bill. The orange pocket watch says half past twelve. time clock colour name child 1 Which clock says twenty-five to three? child 4 These four children have different clocks at home. Read, cut out and colour the clocks. Draw the hands of the clocks, stick them in the table and find out: Clocks and time 5 Clocks and time Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. child 2 child 3 child 4 child 5 Harry is between Charlie and Olivia. The cuckoo clock says ten to five. The child on the left is Emily. The purple clock says half past nine and is between the orange clock and the green clock. Next to the child with the alarm clock is child with travelling clock. One clock is red. The green clock is next to the clock that says ten to five. Charlie is next to Emily. The pocket watch is between the grandfather clock and the travelling clock. The clock that says quarter to three is between the clock that says half past nine and the clock that says eight oclock. Sam has got blue alarm clock. time clock colour name child 1 Which clock says twenty past eleven? Collecting things is common hobby. These five children collect clocks of different kinds and colours. Read, cut out and colour the clocks. Draw the hands of the clocks, stick them in the table and find out: Clocks and time 5 Clocks and time 21 Lösungen Clocks and time These four children have different clocks at home. Read, cut out and colour the clocks. Draw the hands of the clocks, stick them in the table and find out: Which clock says twenty-five to three? Josies cuckoo clock Possible solution: 6 – 8 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 9 – 2 – 5 – 7 6. 8. 4. 1. 3. 9. 2. 5. 7. child 1 child 2 child 3 child 4 name Oliver Sally Josie Bill colour red green purple orange clock alarm clock travelling clock cuckoo clock pocket watch time twenty past one quarter to four twenty-five to three half past twelve The child on the right is Bill. Josie is between Sally and Bill. Oliver has an alarm clock. The travelling clock is next to the alarm clock. The cuckoo clock is next to the travelling clock. The orange pocket watch says half past twelve. The purple clock is between the orange clock and the green clock. The red clock says twenty past one. Next to the clock that says twenty past one is clock that says quarter to four. Clocks and time Collecting things is common hobby. These five children collect clocks of different kinds and colours. Read, cut out and colour the clocks. Draw the hands of the clocks, stick them in the table and find out: Which clock says twenty past eleven? Charlies grandfather clock Possible solution: 3 – 8 – 1 – 11 – 5 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 10 3. 8. 1. 11. 5. 9. 2. 7. 4. 6. 10. 22 child 1 child 2 child 3 child 4 child 5 name Emily Charlie Harry Olivia Sam colour red green purple orange blue clock cuckoo clock grandfather clock pocket watch travelling clock alarm clock time ten to five twenty past eleven half past nine quarter to three eight oclock The child on the left is Emily. Charlie is next to Emily. Harry is between Charlie and Olivia. Sam has got blue alarm clock. Next to the child with the alarm clock is child with travelling clock. The pocket watch is between the grandfather clock and the travelling clock. The cuckoo clock says ten to five. The green clock is next to the clock that says ten to five. The purple clock says half past nine and is between the orange clock and the green clock. One clock is red. The clock that says quarter to three is between the clock that says half past nine and the clock that says eight oclock. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. model 2 model 3 The model with the yellow skirt is to the right of the model with the red shorts. The model with the pink T-shirt and the black tie is to the left of the model with the yellow scarf. The model with orange high heels is next to the model with the red shoes. The model on the left is wearing blue shorts. One model is wearing brown skirt and green blouse. One model is wearing grey T-shirt, blue shoes and purple tie. One boy is wearing red shorts. One girl is wearing an orange blouse and red scarf. One model has yellow scarf. model 1 Which model is wearing pink high heels? These boys and girls are walking on catwalk in Paris to present the newest fashion. Read, colour and find out: Clothes in summer – fashion show model 4 6 Clothes in summer – fashion show 23 24 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. model 2 model 3 One boy is wearing green hat. The model with the red mini dress is wearing yellow scarf. The model with purple high heels is next to the model with brown shoes. Next to the model with the pink veil is model with yellow shirt. Next to the model with the grey shorts is model with pink mini dress. The model with the red tie is wearing purple hat. The model with green shoes is wearing blue shorts. The model with the blue hat is not next to the model with the green hat. One model is wearing red shirt and an orange tie. The model on the right is wearing black high heels. One model has an orange scarf and blue veil. model 1 Which model is wearing yellow hat? model 4 This summer is going to be hot and colourful. Here are some boys and girls presenting designers newest clothes on catwalk in London. Read, colour and find out: Clothes in summer – fashion show 6 Clothes in summer – fashion show Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Lösungen Clothes in summer – fashion show These boys and girls are walking on catwalk in Paris to present the newest fashion. Read, colour and find out: Which model is wearing pink high heels? model 4 Possible solution: 4 – 7 – 1 – 5 – 8 – 9 – 2 – 6 – 3 4. 7. 1. 5. 8. 9. 2. 6. 3. model 1 model 2 model 3 model 4 shoes/high heels red orange blue pink shorts/skirt blue brown red yellow T-shirt/blouse pink green grey orange scarf/tie black yellow purple red The model on the left is wearing blue shorts. One boy is wearing red shorts. The model with the yellow skirt is to the right of the model with the red shorts. One model is wearing brown skirt and green blouse. One girl is wearing an orange blouse and red scarf. One model has yellow scarf. The model with the pink T-shirt and the black tie is to the left of the model with the yellow scarf. One model is wearing grey T-shirt, blue shoes and purple tie. The model with orange high heels is next to the model with the red shoes. Clothes in summer – fashion show This summer is going to be hot and colourful. Here are some boys and girls presenting designers newest clothes on catwalk in London. Read, colour and find out: Which model is wearing yellow hat? model 1 Possible solution: 10 – 3 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 11 – 4 – 9 – 6 – 1 – 8 shoes/high heels shorts/mini dress shirt tie veil hat scarf 10. 3. 7. 5. 2. 11. 4. 9. 6. 1. 8. model 1 purple pink --------blue yellow orange model 2 brown grey red orange ----green ---- model 3 green blue yellow red ----purple ----- model 4 black red --------pink blue yellow The model on the right is wearing black high heels. The model with purple high heels is next to the model with brown shoes. The model with green shoes is wearing blue shorts. Next to the model with the grey shorts is model with pink mini dress. The model with the red mini dress is wearing yellow scarf. One model has an orange scarf and blue veil. Next to the model with the pink veil is model with yellow shirt. One model is wearing red shirt and an orange tie. The model with the red tie is wearing purple hat. One boy is wearing green hat. The model with the blue hat is not next to the model with the green hat. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 25 26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. shop dummy 2 shop dummy 3 shop dummy 4 The shop dummy with grey trousers is not next to the shop dummy with orange trousers. The shop dummy with the orange scarf is wearing black boots. The shop dummy with the pink scarf is wearing yellow coat. Next to the shop dummy with the blue trousers is shop dummy with orange trousers. The shop dummy on the right is wearing purple coat. The shop dummy with red boots is wearing blue trousers. Between the shop dummy with the pink scarf and the one with blue scarf is shop dummy with green scarf. Between the shop dummy with the black boots and the one with the yellow boots is shop dummy with green boots. The shop dummy with the brown coat is between the one with the purple coat and the one with the red coat. shop dummy 1 Which shop dummy is wearing purple trousers? This winter is going to be cold one. Here are some shop dummies that are dressed in this winters fashion. Read, colour and find out: Clothes in winter – shop windows 7 Clothes in winter – shop windows Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag shop dummy 2 shop dummy 3 shop dummy 4 1. Next to the shop dummy with the purple scarf is shop dummy with red scarf and blue woolly hat. 2. Between the shop dummy with the grey boots and the one with the blue boots is shop dummy with green boots and red trousers. 3. One shop dummy is wearing grey woolly hat and blue gloves. 4. Shop dummy number two is wearing grey boots and pink trousers. 5. Between the shop dummy with the blue woolly hat and the one with the green woolly hat is shop dummy with an orange woolly hat and pink scarf. 6. Next to the shop dummy with the blue gloves is shop dummy with green gloves. 7. One shop dummy is wearing red boots and yellow trousers. 8. One shop dummy is wearing green coat and purple scarf. 9. The shop dummy with the grey trousers is wearing an orange coat. 10. One shop dummy is wearing yellow scarf and red gloves. 11. Between the shop dummy with the yellow coat and the one with the orange coat is shop dummy with blue coat. shop dummy 1 Which shop dummy is wearing purple gloves? When you go shopping in town, you can see the shop windows decorated with dummies. In October the dummies are dressed with the fashion of the coming winter. Read, colour and find out: Clothes in winter – shop windows 7 Clothes in winter – shop windows 27 Lösungen Clothes in winter – shop windows This winter is going to be cold one. Here are some shop dummies that are dressed in this winters fashion. Read, colour and find out: Which shop dummy is wearing purple trousers? shop dummy 3 Possible solution: 5 – 9 – 3 – 7 – 2 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 1 boots trousers coat scarf shop dummy 1 shop dummy 2 shop dummy 3 shop dummy 4 red blue yellow pink yellow orange red green green purple brown blue black grey purple orange 5. The shop dummy on the right is wearing purple coat. 9. The shop dummy with the brown coat is between the one with the purple coat and the one with the red coat. 3. The shop dummy with the pink scarf is wearing yellow coat. 7. Between the shop dummy with the pink scarf and the one with blue scarf is shop dummy with green scarf. 2. The shop dummy with the orange scarf is wearing black boots. 8. Between the shop dummy with the black boots and the one with the yellow boots is shop dummy with green boots. 6. The shop dummy with red boots is wearing blue trousers. 4. Next to the shop dummy with the blue trousers is shop dummy with orange trousers. 1. The shop dummy with grey trousers is not next to the shop dummy with orange trousers. Clothes in winter – shop windows When you go shopping in town, you can see the shop windows decorated with dummies. In October the dummies are dressed with the fashion of the coming winter. Read, colour and find out: Which shop dummy is wearing purple gloves? shop dummy 3 Possible solution: 4 – 2 – 7 – 9 – 11 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 10 – 3 – 6 boots trousers coat scarf woolly hat gloves shop dummy 1 red yellow green purple grey blue shop dummy 2 grey pink yellow red blue green shop dummy 3 green red blue pink orange purple shop dummy 4 blue grey orange yellow green red 4. Shop dummy number two is wearing grey boots and pink trousers. 2. Between the shop dummy with the grey boots and the one with the blue boots is shop dummy with green boots and red trousers. 7. One shop dummy is wearing red boots and yellow trousers. 9. The shop dummy with the grey trousers is wearing an orange coat. 11. Between the shop dummy with the yellow coat and the one with the orange coat is shop dummy with blue coat. 8. One shop dummy is wearing green coat and purple scarf. 1. Next to the shop dummy with the purple scarf is shop dummy with red scarf and blue woolly hat. 5. Between the shop dummy with the blue woolly hat and the one with the green woolly hat is shop dummy with an orange woolly hat and pink scarf. 10. One shop dummy is wearing yellow scarf and red gloves. 3. One shop dummy is wearing grey woolly hat and blue gloves. 6. Next to the shop dummy with the blue gloves is shop dummy with green gloves. 28 Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. clown 1 Which clown has green mouth? clown 2 At the circus you can laugh about clowns. Their coloured faces are very funny. Read, colour and find out: Next to the clown with the yellow nose is clown with red nose and blue hat. Next to the clown with blue hair is clown with yellow hair. The clown with pink eyes has yellow nose. The clown on the left has yellow eyes. Next to the clown with the red mouth is clown with an orange mouth. The clown with the green nose has purple hat. Between the clown with the yellow eyes and the clown with pink eyes is clown with green eyes. One clown has orange hair and red mouth. The clown with the orange hat has blue hair. Clowns clown 3 8 Clowns 29 30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. clown 1 Which clown has blue bow? clown 2 clown 3 Clowns are funny attraction at the circus. They do crazy things to make people laugh. Especially children like their funny looks. Read, colour and find out: The clown with pink mouth and red hat is next to the clown with the orange mouth. One clown has blue hair and brown eyes. The clown with the orange nose has green bow. The clown with green hair is on the right next to the clown with yellow hair. The clown with the grey hat has red nose. Next to the clown with brown eyes is clown with green eyes. Clown number two has yellow hair. The clown with the yellow bow is not next to the clown with the green bow. One clown has purple mouth and yellow hat. Next to the clown with the red nose is clown with purple nose. The clown with blue eyes has an orange mouth. Clowns 8 Clowns Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Lösungen Clowns At the circus you can laugh about clowns. Their coloured faces are very funny. Read, colour and find out: Which clown has green mouth? Clown 3 Possible solution: 4 – 7 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 9 – 2 – 8 – 5 4. 7. 3. 1. 6. 9. 2. 8. 5. clown 1 clown 2 clown 3 hat purple blue orange hair orange yellow blue eyes yellow green pink nose green red yellow mouth red orange green The clown on the left has yellow eyes. Between the clown with the yellow eyes and the clown with pink eyes is clown with green eyes. The clown with pink eyes has yellow nose. Next to the clown with the yellow nose is clown with red nose and blue hat. The clown with the green nose has purple hat. The clown with the orange hat has blue hair. Next to the clown with blue hair is clown with yellow hair. One clown has orange hair and red mouth. Next to the clown with the red mouth is clown with an orange mouth. Clowns Clowns are funny attraction at the circus. They do crazy things to make people laugh. Especially children like their funny looks. Read, colour and find out: Which clown has blue bow? Clown 2 Possible solution: 7 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 11 – 1 – 9 – 5 – 10 – 3 – 8 7. 4. 2. 6. 11. 1. 9. 5. 10. 3. 8. clown 1 clown 2 clown 3 hat yellow red grey hair blue yellow green eyes brown green blue nose orange purple red mouth purple pink orange bow green blue yellow Clown number two has yellow hair. The clown with green hair is on the right next to the clown with yellow hair. One clown has blue hair and brown eyes. Next to the clown with brown eyes is clown with green eyes. The clown with blue eyes has an orange mouth. The clown with pink mouth and red hat is next to the clown with the orange mouth. One clown has purple mouth and yellow hat. The clown with the grey hat has red nose. Next to the clown with the red nose is clown with purple nose. The clown with the orange nose has green bow. The clown with the yellow bow is not next to the clown with the green bow. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 31 32 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ben is thirteen years old. One child is twelve years old and is from Spain. The girl on the left is Freya. The child from Ireland is not next to the child from Greece. Jayden is next to Liam. The eleven-year-old child is next to the child that is nine years old. Lauren is between Freya and Liam. The child from Italy is between the child from Spain and the child from Greece. The ten-year-old child is between the thirteen-year-old child and the nine-year-old child. country age name Who is from Sweden? These five children are from different countries in Europe. Read, fill in the table and find out: Countries and continents 9 Countries and continents Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The child from Europe is twelve years old. The child that lives in Morocco is not next to the child that lives in Italy. Chang is between Salvatore and Olivia. Next to the eleven-year-old child is child that is ten years old. The child that lives in China is next to the child that lives in Canada. One girl lives in Italy. Ahmed is from Africa. Between the eleven-year-old child and the twelve-year-old child is child that is fourteen years old. Holly is from South America. One child is thirteen years old and now lives in Canada. The child from North America is between the child from Asia and the child from South America. born in (continent) lives in (country) age name Who lives in Brazil? These five children were born in different continents. But they now live in countries far away from the continent where they were born. Read, fill in the table and find out: Countries and continents 9 Countries and continents 33 Lösungen Countries and continents These five children are from different countries in Europe. Read, fill in the table and find out: Who is from Sweden? Jayden Possible solution: 3 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 9 – 6 – 2 – 8 – 4 3. 7. 5. 1. 9. 6. 2. 8. 4. name Freya Lauren Liam Jayden Ben age 12 11 9 10 13 country Spain Italy Greece Sweden Ireland The girl on the left is Freya. Lauren is between Freya and Liam. Jayden is next to Liam. Ben is thirteen years old. The ten-year-old child is between the thirteen-year-old child and the nine-year-old child. The eleven-year-old child is next to the child that is nine years old. One child is twelve years old and is from Spain. The child from Italy is between the child from Spain and the child from Greece. The child from Ireland is not next to the child from Greece. Countries and continents These five children were born in different continents. But they now live in countries far away from the continent where they were born. Read, fill in the table and find out: Who lives in Brazil? Chang Possible solution: 3 – 7 – 9 – 11 – 1 – 8 – 4 – 10 – 5 – 6 – 2 name Chang Olivia Holly Ahmed age 12 14 11 10 13 lives in (country) Morocco Brazil Italy China Canada born in (continent) Europe Asia North America South America Africa 3. 7. 9. 11. 1. 8. 4. 10. 5. 6. 2. 34 Salvatore Chang is between Salvatore and Olivia. Ahmed is from Africa. Holly is from South America. The child from North America is between the child from Asia and the child from South America. The child from Europe is twelve years old. Between the eleven-year-old child and the twelve-year-old child is child that is fourteen years old. Next to the eleven-year-old child is child that is ten years old. One child is thirteen years old and now lives in Canada. The child that lives in China is next to the child that lives in Canada. One girl lives in Italy. The child that lives in Morocco is not next to the child that lives in Italy. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Who has four cousins? Five children talk about their families. The children have different colours of eyes. Read, fill in the table and find out: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Harold is next to Cynthia and has blue eyes. One child has dark brown eyes and one grandmother. The child on the right is Florence. One boy has two grandfathers. Ryan has light brown eyes. The child with green eyes is between the child with two uncles and the child with grey eyes. Next to the child with one grandmother is child with three aunts. Marvin is between Florence and Cynthia. The child with two uncles is next to the child with light brown eyes. family members colour of eyes name Families 10 Families 35 36 Who has four cousins? These six children have to do presentation at school about their families. Each child has different family members. Read, fill in the table and find out: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Julia is between Lilly and Harrison. Between the child with two uncles and the child with one great-grandfather is child with one stepsister. Next to the child with the stepfather is child with one brother. The child on the left is Lilly. The child with one stepmother is next to the child with two sisters. One boy has grandfather. Sam has one stepfather. The child with two uncles is next to the child with one aunt. One child has two stepbrothers and one aunt. Luca is between Harrison and Emilia. Between the child with one brother and the child with two sisters is child with three cousins. family members family members name Families 10 Families Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Lösungen Families Five children talk about their families. The children have different colours of eyes. Read, fill in the table and find out: Who has four cousins? Cynthia Possible solution: 3 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 9 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 4 name Ryan Harold Cynthia Marvin Florence colour of eyes light brown blue green grey dark brown family members two grandfathers two uncles four cousins three aunts one grandmother 3. 8. 1. 5. 9. 6. 2. 7. 4. The child on the right is Florence. Marvin is between Florence and Cynthia. Harold is next to Cynthia and has blue eyes. Ryan has light brown eyes. The child with two uncles is next to the child with light brown eyes. The child with green eyes is between the child with two uncles and the child with grey eyes. One child has dark brown eyes and one grandmother. Next to the child with one grandmother is child with three aunts. One boy has two grandfathers. Families These six children have to do presentation at school about their families. Each child has different family members. Read, fill in the table and find out: Who has four cousins? Emilia Possible solution: 4 – 1 – 10 – 7 – 3 – 11 – 5 – 9 – 8 – 2 – 6 name Lilly Julia Harrison Luca Emilia Sam family members two stepbrothers one stepmother two sisters three cousins one brother one stepfather family members one aunt two uncles 4. 1. 10. 7. 3. 11. 5. 9. 8. 2. 6. one stepsister one great-grandfather four cousins one grandfather The child on the left is Lilly. Julia is between Lilly and Harrison. Luca is between Harrison and Emilia. Sam has one stepfather. Next to the child with the stepfather is child with one brother. Between the child with one brother and the child with two sisters is child with three cousins. The child with one stepmother is next to the child with two sisters. One child has two stepbrothers and one aunt. The child with two uncles is next to the child with one aunt. Between the child with two uncles and the child with one great-grandfather is child with one stepsister. One boy has grandfather. Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 37 38 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. farm 2 Next to the farm with the five sheep is farm with four sheep. Next to the farm with the ten hens is farm with eight hens. On farm number one are six ponies. The farm with nine goats is on the right next to the farm with the thirteen goats. Twelve hens, five sheep and fifteen cows are on the same farm. Two cows and thirteen goats are on the same farm. Five ponies and ten hens are on the same farm. Seven sheep and eleven cows are on the same farm. Next to the farm with the six ponies is farm with three ponies. cows goats hens sheep ponies farm 1 On which farm are fourteen goats? farm 3 When you visit farm, you can see lot of animals. For example ponies, sheep, hens, goats and cows. Read, fill in the table and find out: Farm animals 11 Farm animals Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag Jessica Gherri: Logicals für den Englischunterricht Persen Verlag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. One lamb and four donkeys are on the same farm. Ten piglets and two cocks are on the same farm. On the farm next to the one with two horses is farm with five horses. There are two cows on the third farm. Next to the farm with six donkeys is farm with three donkeys. There are four cows on the farm next to the farm with two cows. Six lambs and one cock are on the same farm. Next to the farm with ten piglets is farm with seven piglets. Six donkeys and four lambs are on the same farm with one horse. On one farm there are three cows and two horses. To the right of the farm with one cock is farm with three cocks. cocks piglets lambs donkeys cows horses farm 1 On which farm are eight piglets? farm 2 farm 3 On typical farm you can find all sorts of animals. Mostly you can find horses, cows, cocks, donkeys and lambs. But also little piglets live on farms. Read, fill in the table and find out: Farm animals 11 Farm animals 39 Lösungen Farm animals When you visit farm, you can see lot of animals. For example ponies, sheep, hens, goats and cows. Read, fill in the table and find out: On which farm are fourteen goats? On farm 1 Possible solution: 3 – 9 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 6 – 4 3. 9. 7. 2. 5. 1. 8. 6. 4. farm 1 farm 2 farm 3 ponies 6 3 5 sheep 5 4 7 hens 12 8 10 goats 14 13 9 cows 15 2 11 On farm number one are six ponies. Next to the farm with the six ponies is farm with three ponies. Five ponies and ten hens are on the same farm. Next to the farm with the ten hens is farm with eight hens. Twelve hens, five sheep and fifteen cows are on the same farm. Next to the farm with the five sheep is farm with four sheep. Seven sheep and eleven cows are on the same farm. Two cows and thirteen goats are on the same farm. The farm with nine goats is on the right next to the farm with the thirteen goats. Farm animals On typical farm you can find all sorts of animals. Mostly you can find horses, cows, cocks, donkeys and lambs. But also little piglets live on farms. Read, fill in the table and find out: On which farm are eight piglets? On farm 3 Possible solution: 4 – 6 – 10 – 3 – 9 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 11 – 2 – 8 horses cows donkeys lambs piglets cocks 4. 6. 10. 3. 9. 5. 1. 7. 11. 2. 8. 40 farm 1 2 3 4 1 10 2 farm 2 5 4 3 6 7 1 farm 3 1 2 6 4 8 3 There are two cows on the third farm. There are four cows on the farm next to the farm with two cows. On one farm there are three cows and two horses. On the farm next to the one with two horses is farm with five horses. Six donkeys and four lambs are on the same farm with one horse. Next to the farm with six donkeys is farm with three donkeys. One lamb and four donkeys are on the same farm. Six lambs and one cock are on the same farm. To the right of the farm with one cock is farm with three cocks. Ten piglets and two