Arbeitsblatt: Quiz Food Unit 1 - Young World 4
Einstieg ins Thema Lebensmittel
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Loredana Peverelli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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What food is it? Tomatoes: am usually red and round. come in different sizes, sometimes Im really small and sometimes really big. People use me in different ways, they make sauces or put me in salads. also go well with mozzarella. Egg Chickens lay me. am very popular in the kitchen. come in different sizes. usually have brown or white shell. People often buy me in box of four or six. am very popular for breakfast, there are different ways to cook me. Bread am traditional food. am made of grain. usually have fine crust. You can eat me with or without spread. You can buy me almost anywhere, at the bakery or in the supermarket. Bread am traditional food. am made of grain. usually have fine crust. You can eat me with or without spread. You can buy me almost anywhere, at the bakery or in the supermarket. People need me to make sandwiches Fish am an animal that lives in the water. Fishermen catch me and process me so that can be eaten. There are many different types of me and people eat me in different ways. In England, people like to eat me with chips or fries. Cheese come in many different varieties. Sometimes Im soft, sometimes hard. Sometimes stink and sometimes dont. Sometimes have holes and sometimes dont. Switzerland is known for this. am made from milk Jam am sweet spread made from sugar and boiled fruit. come in countless varieties. Some spread me on bread with butter, others without butter. You can preserve me in jar