Arbeitsblatt: Up in the sky


Songtext und Chords
2 Seiten




Gisela Keller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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UP IN THE SKY (77 BOMBY STREET) INTRO Strophe 1 Up in the sky, there is village And the people there are blue, believe it′s true Up in the sky, people are happy They love to sing and there is no need for king Up in the sky, nothing is insane Like rocket driven plane, you can fly above the rain Up in the sky, you just feel fine There is no running out of time and you never cross line Vorrefrain 1 never want to die wanna live in the sky Refrain 1 Up in the sky, you can fly You will make it if you try In the sky, you are far away Up in the sky, you can sing And you can do everything And no matter what they say, it true I′ll go into the blue Strophe 2 Up in the sky, there no religion There are no cars and no phones And you cannot be controlled Up in the sky, you just feel fine There is no money making crime But lot of good wine Vorrefrain 2 never want to die wanna live in the sky Refrain 2 Up in the sky, you can fly You will make it if you try In the sky, you are far away Up in the sky, you can sing And you can do everything And no matter what they say, it true I′ll go into the blue (oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) Bridge Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh I′ll go into the blue (oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) Into the blue (oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) wanna live up in the sky wanna live up in the sky wanna live up in the sky wanna live up in the sky Up in the sky Refrain 34 Up in the sky, you can fly You will make it if you try In the sky, you are far away Up in the sky, you can sing And you can do everything And no matter what they say, it true, Ill go into the blue Outro