Arbeitsblatt: Mock test past simple


Formative Lernkontrolle
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




melmac (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Mock test – Past forms 1) Transform the following sentences: She didnt keep the key. Was he happy? He didnt pay the bill. 2) Fill in this chart with the past forms. fell sell know buy leave begin make find run fly say pay sing swim sleep teach wear put see be 3) Put the correct form into the sentences 1. Last year (spend) my holiday in Ireland. 2. It (be) great. 3. (travel) around by car with two friends and we (visit) lots of interesting places. 4. In the evenings we usually (go) to pub. 5. One night we even (learn) some Irish dances. 6. We (be) very lucky with the weather. 7. It (not/rain) lot. 8. But we (see) some beautiful rainbows. 9. Where (spend/you) your last holiday? 4) The following sentences are wrong. Answer them in the negative. She went there by car. No, there by car. She stayed for 2 weeks. weeks. No, for 2 She had skiing lessons every afternoon. No, lessons. She was very good at skiing. No, good at skiing. There were lot of friends. of friends. No, lot