Arbeitsblatt: Black Stories


Die SuS erstellen eine eigene Blackstory.
Texte schreiben
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Alexandra Weth
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Black Story Writing Assignment Instructions: 1. Create your own Black Story following the guidelines below. Erstellt eure eigene Black Story. Folgt den untenstehenden Anweisungen 2. Write your Black Story neatly on separate sheet of paper or type it out. Schreibt eure Black Story entweder in die vorgegebenen Kästchen oder auf ein separates Blatt. Guidelines for Creating Your Black Story: 1. Title: Choose catchy title that hints at the mystery or darkness of your story. Titel: Versucht einen Titel zu wählen, der den Lesern Lust auf die Geschichte macht. 2. Setting: Describe the setting where the mysterious event takes place. Is it house, forest, school, or somewhere else? Include details that help set the mood. Umgebung: Wo findet eure Story statt? 3. Characters: Introduce the main characters involved in the story. You can provide brief descriptions of their personalities or backgrounds. Figuren: Welche Figuren kommen in eurem Rätsel vor? 4. Problem: Describe the mysterious or tragic event that occurs. What happened, and why is it mystery? Keep the details vague to maintain the suspense. Problem: Was ist passiert? (Gab es beispielsweise ein Verbrechen?) 5. Clues: Include few subtle clues that hint at what might have happened. These could be objects, actions, or statements made by the characters. 6. Hinweise: Gibt es Hinweise, welche dem Leser oder der Leserin helfen könnte? 7. Solution: Decide on the solution to the mystery. What is the truth behind the event? Make sure it unexpected but logical once all the clues are considered. Lösung: Was ist passiert? Was ist der «Clue» der Geschichte. Was müssen die Leser:innen herausfinden? 8. Ending: Write brief conclusion that reveals the solution to the mystery. You can choose to leave some aspects open to interpretation or tie up all loose ends. Ende: Schreibt die Auflösung eures Rätsel hier auf. Denk daran, es muss nicht alles aufgelöst werden. Entscheide, was du von den Leser:innen hören möchtest, dass du die Geschichte als «gelöst» betrachtest. Example: Title: The Vanishing Necklace Setting: An old mansion on the outskirts of town. Characters: Mrs. Amelia, the old owner of the mansion; Mr. Edward, her loyal butler; Sarah, curious teenager who visits the mansion. Problem: Mrs. Amelia prized necklace disappears during thunderstorm, and she accuses Mr. Edward of theft. Clues: The sound of footsteps in the hallway during the storm; broken window in Mrs. Amelia study; mysterious note left on the dining table. Solution: Sarah discovers that the necklace was hidden in Mrs. Amelia coat pocket all along. The broken window was caused by fallen tree branch, and the note was reminder from Mrs. Amelia to herself. Ending: Mrs. Amelia apologizes to Mr. Edward, and they celebrate the return of the necklace. Sarah learns the importance of careful observation and critical thinking.