Arbeitsblatt: Pink, Family Portrait


Lied von Pink. Auf zwei Seiten inklusive kurzer Biographie von Pink. Nur Text zum Üben.
Singen / Lieder
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Michael Ammann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Family Portrait by Pink Uh, uh, some deep shit, uh, uh Momma please stop crying, cant stand the sound Your pain is painful and it tearing me down hear glasses breaking as sit up in my bed told dad you didnt mean those nasty things you said You fight about money, bout me and my brother And this come home to, this is my shelter It aint easy growing up in World War III Never knowing what love could be, youll see dont want love to destroy me like it has done my family Can we work it out? Can we be family? promise Ill be better, Mommy Ill do anything Can we work it out? Can we be family? promise Ill be better, Daddy please dont leave Daddy please stop yelling, cant stand the sound Make mama stop crying, cuz need you around My mama she loves you, no matter what she says its true know that she hurts you, but remember love you, too ran away today, ran from the noise, ran away Dont wanna go back to that place, but dont have no choice, no way It aint easy growing up in World War III Never knowing what love could be, well Ive seen dont want love to destroy me like it did my family Can we work it out? Can we be family? promise Ill be better, Mommy Ill do anything Can we work it out? Can we be family? promise Ill be better, Daddy please dont leave In our family portrait, we look pretty happy Let play pretend, let act like it comes naturally dont wanna have to split the holidays dont want two addresses dont want step-brother anyways And dont want my mom to have to change her last name In our family portrait we look pretty happy We look pretty normal, let go back to that In our family portrait we look pretty happy Let play pretend, act like it goes naturally In our family portrait we look pretty happy (Can we work it out? Can we be family?) We look pretty normal, let go back to that (I promise Ill be better, Mommy Ill do anything) In our family portrait we look pretty happy (Can we work it out? Can we be family?) Let play pretend act and like it comes so naturally (I promise Ill be better, Daddy please dont leave) In our family portrait we look pretty happy (Can we work it out? Can we be family?) We look pretty normal, let go back to that (I promise Ill be better, Daddy please dont leave) Daddy dont leave Daddy dont leave Daddy dont leave Turn around please Remember that the night you left you took my shining star? Daddy dont leave Daddy dont leave Daddy dont leave Dont leave us here alone Mom will be nicer Ill be so much better, Ill tell my brother Oh, wont spill the milk at dinner Ill be so much better, Ill do everything right Ill be your little girl forever Ill go to sleep at night Pink (* 8. September 1979 in Doylestown, Pennsylvania als Alecia Beth Moore), auch Pink, ist eine US-amerikanische Pop-Rock-Sängerin. Pink wurde als Tochter von Judy Kugel und James Moore geboren. Sie hat deutsche, irische und litauische Vorfahren. Während ihr Vater Katholik und ihre Mutter Jüdin ist, bezeichnet sie sich selbst als Jüdin. Als sie sieben Jahre alt war, trennten sich ihre Eltern, wodurch sich die Beziehung zu ihrer Mutter verschlechterte. Dies gipfelte darin, dass sie mit 15 Jahren aus deren Wohnung ausziehen musste. Nach eigenen Aussagen verbesserte sich hingegen das Verhältnis zu ihrem Vater. In dieser Zeit begann sie jedoch auch Drogen zu nehmen. Diesen schwor sie dann im Alter von 16 Jahren ab. Ihre Erfahrungen versuchte sie später in ihrem Song Family Portrait zu verarbeiten.