Arbeitsblatt: New World vocabulary 4.1


Leistungsnachweis vocabulary
10. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Gino Fercher
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English 4.1. vocabulary– 10R2 Name: Notenskala: 6 21 Pte Datum: 5.5 19 Pte 5 17 Pte 4.5 15Pte Punkte:/22 4 13 Pte 3.5 11 Pte Unterschrift Eltern: 1. Translate the words in the box and fill in the gaps with the correct words. /10 1. Bassgitarre 2. ein Instrument spielen 3. Flöte 4. Gitarre 5. Liedtext 6. klassisch 7. Kritik 8. Refrain 9. Stimmung, Laune 10. Takt a. made good mark in the English test, am in good b. The is the easiest part to remember in song. c. The you play with your mouth. d. Before go to the cinema usually read the and than decide which film want to watch. e. dont like music, such as Beethoven and Mozart. f. The cello looks like , just little bit smaller. g. Angelina is girl in our class, who can h. There is very clear and monotonous in techno music. i. The words in song are called . j. The is very popular and at the beginning not very difficult to learn. 2. Translate the sentences into English. /12 a. Er hört Charts in der Schule, das lenkt mich ab! (3) b. Die Musikerin ist 4 Jahre alt und kann Schlagzeug spielen. (3) c. Wir müssen den schnellen und lustigen Rhythmus trainieren. (3) d. Ich habe die Melodie des Keyboards nicht gerne. (3) 4.1 vocabulary (1. Teil von review bis musician) k. made good mark in the English test, am in good mood l. The chorus is the easiest part to remember in song. m. The flute you play with your mouth. n. Before go to the cinema usually read the review and than decide which film want to watch. o. dont like classical music, such as Beethoven and Mozart. p. The cello looks like bass just little bit smaller. q. Angelina is girl in our class, who can play an instrument r. There is very clear and monotonous beat in techno music. s. The words in song are called lyrics. t. The guitar is very popular and at the beginning not very difficult to learn. 2. Translate the sentences into English. /12 e. Er hört Charts in der Schule, das lenkt mich ab! (3) He listens chats in school, that distracts me! f. Die Musikerin ist vier Jahre alt und kann Schlagzeug spielen. (3) The musician is four years old and can play the drums. g. Wir müssen den schnellen und lustigen Rhythmus trainieren. (3) We must exercise the fast and funny rhythm. h. Ich habe die Melodie des Keyboards nicht gerne. (3) dont like the melody of the keyboard.