Arbeitsblatt: New World vocabulary 4.2


Leistungsnachweis vocabulary
10. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Gino Fercher
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English 4.2. vocabulary (1st part) – 10R2 Name: Notenskala: 6 19.5 Pte Datum: 5.5 18 Pte 5 16.5 Pte 4.5 15Pte Punkte:/21 4 13.5 Pte 3.5 1.51 Pte Unterschrift Eltern: 1. Translate the words in the box and fill in the gaps with the correct words. /10 1. erkennen 2. Flagge 3. Freude 4. Gelegenheit, Chance 5. gemischt 6. multikulturell 7. sich schämen 8. sich zu Hause fühlen 9. Treffpunkt 10. Vorteil a. Our class is , because there are lot of girls and boys. b. That is your last to learn before the test! c. There is white cross on red background on the Swiss d. Biel is city, because there are lot of people from different countries. e. Do you your mother on this picture, when she was 10 years old? f. Oh, what for the pupils, the teacher is sick, so they dont have school. g. She was not born in Germany, but she in this country. h. That is , when you can speak five different languages. i. Bye. We see each other tomorrow at the j. I fell down in front of the class! 2. Translate the sentences into English. /11 a. Die neue Generation reagiert sehr glücklich auf diesen Tag. (3) b. Die Odidis sind eine Familie, welche von der Heimat auswandert. (3) c. Ist das ein grosser Nachteil für eine kleine Gemeinde? (3) d. In deinem Porträt schreibe etwas über dich und deine Freunde. (2) 4.1 vocabulary (1. Teil von community bis react) a. Our class is mixed, because there are lot of girls and boys. b. That is your last opportunity (chance) to learn before the test! c. There is white cross on red background on the Swiss flag d. Biel is multicultural city, because there are lot of people from different countries. e. Do you recognise your mother on this picture, when she was 10 years old? f. Oh, what joy for the pupils, the teacher is sick, so they dont have school. g. She was not born in Germany, but she feels at home in this country. h. That is advantage, when you can speak five different languages. i. Bye. We see each other tomorrow at the meeting place j. am ashamed, fell down in front of the class. 2. Translate the sentences into English. /11 a. Die neue Generation reagiert sehr glücklich auf diesen Tag. (3) The new generation reacts very happy to/on this day. b. Die Odidis sind eine Familie, welche von der Heimat auswandert. (3) The Odidis is family, who/which migrates from home. c. Ist das ein grosser Nachteil für eine kleine Gemeinde? (3) Is this big disadvantage for small community? d. In deinem Porträt schreibe etwas über dich und deine Freunde. (2) In your portrait write something about you and your friends.