Arbeitsblatt: Lesen (Kompetenzbereich)


Lesen (Kompetenzbereich), Lö
Lesen / Literatur
7. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Music Styles Do you want to talk about music in English? One of the first questions you need to be able to answer is: What kind of music do you like? Classical Famous composers like Mozart wrote classical music. Classical music is often performed by an orchestra (large group of musicians), choir (a group of singers) or soloist (just one person). People usually say piece of classical music rather than tune or song. Pop Every country in the world has its own pop stars. Pop is short for popular music and it means just that – it is the most popular or common form of music in most countries. Wherever you go in the world, you can hear pop music more than classical music. meanbedeut en most am meisten Whereverübe rall Read the text about classical and pop music. (Lies den Text über klassische Musik und Popmusik.) Decide if the description is of classical or pop music or both. classical 1. The text says that this music is played with lots of 2. 3. instruments. The text says that the name for this music stands for longer word The text says that this music has its famous people. 4. The text says that this music can also be sung by many 5. singers together. The text says that this music has greater number of listeners globally. Reading pop music both Where would you find these road signs? Reading Read the letter about Christmas traditions and complete the sentences. (Lies den Brief über Weihnachtsbräuche und vervollständige die Sätze.) Dear Miko, hope you are well. Im writing to tell you about wonderful festival in December called Christmas. The two most popular days are the 24th of December, which is called(Christmas Day/ Christmas Eve/Santa Claus Day and the 25th of December, which is called(Boxing Day Christmas Day New Years Day). hope hoffen called call nennen, rufen writing write schreiben Read the e-mail. (Lies das E-Mail.) What does it say? oftenoft lowniedrig rarelyselten aboutüber ask fragen know wissen What does it say about Eoin? What does it say about public transport to the city centre? onlynur fewwenig driving (drave)fahren What does Eoin say about the weather in Dublin? Lösungen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. classical pop music both classical pop music