Arbeitsblatt: Scottish traditional food
Scottish traditional food, Questions in the present simple
Gemischte Themen
7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten
Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Scottish traditional food THE HAGGIS Traditional food, needs an acquire taste Savoury pudding containing sheep pluck, minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and cooked while traditionally encased in the animal stomach Full Scottish breakfast: hearty breakfast consisting of items such as sausages, bacon, eggs, black pudding, haggis, tattie scones, and beans. 1. Lese den Text und beatworte die Fragen (nur Stichworte). What is the most famous Scottish traditional food? What does full Scottish breakfast look like? Jack: Louise: What is haggis made from? Jack, its the Scottish national dish, remember? Its prepared from Jack: sheeps stomach. No, thanks. Thats not for me. What is that man over there eating? It looks delicious. 1. What is the Scottish national dish? What is made of? sheeps stomach ein Schafsmagen Wichtige Information für den Test zum Merken: 1. haggis: Its prepared from sheeps stomach. 2. Scottish breakfast sausages, bacon, eggs 1. Are these sentences and questions about the present or about the past. Markiere zuerst Verben. Kreuze an: present or about the past Sentence/Question Present () 1. Haggis is traditional Scottish dish. Past () 2. Last year, tried haggis for the first time. 3. Many people enjoy eating shortbread during holidays. 4. In the past, porridge was common breakfast in Scotland. 5. Do you like to eat Cullen Skink? 6. Scottish people have been making whisky for centuries. 7. What was your favorite Scottish dish when you visited? 8. Today, neeps and tatties are often served with haggis. 9. Did you ever taste traditional Scottish salmon? 2. Questions in the present simple Put in the correct verb forms into the gaps (Lücken). a) your parents TV in the afternoon? (watch) b) you your pets? (feed) feed füttern pet das Haustier c) Nina mineral water? (drink) d) Joe and Ken in the old house? (live) e) the train the station? (leave) leave verlassen f) we at the bus stop? (wait) wait warten Form questions out of these words. Dont forget the question mark (?). a) they the treasure discover the treasure der Schatz discover entdecken b) Betty cards play c) the boys French speak d) she the shopping do e) / can the window open f) you where live Lösungen As you can see, the verbs in sentences 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8 are in the present tense, while the verbs in sentences 2, 4, 7, and 9 are in the past tense.