Arbeitsblatt: Bobby the Dog, New Worlg 3 Unit 1 Scotland
Aufgaben, Lö
Gemischte Themen
7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten
Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Greyfriars Bobby Its true story. belong gehören Bobby, Scottish Terrier, of course, belonged to John Grey. He was night watchman for die sterben Edinburgh Police. Bobby and his master were best friends. In 1858 Gray died and was bury begraben Von diesem Tag spend verbringen buried in Greyfriars Kirkyard. From that day on, Bobby spent the rest of his life sitting on Grays grave. tryversuc hen aber At first the gardener tried to throw him out but Bobby always came back. In the end the gardener made shelter for Bobby and brought him food. When Bobby died he was buried weit just inside the gate of Greyfriars Kirkyard, not far from his masters grave. Zu Eheren So in honor of Bobby Edinburgh city council put up this fountain with Bobby on top. The café over there is also named after Bobby. 1. Questions based on the text about Greyfriar Bobby: 1. What kind of dog was Bobby? 2. Who did Bobby belong to? 3. What was John Grey job? 4. What did Bobby do after his master died? 5. Where was Bobby buried when he died? 6. What did the city council put up in honor of Bobby? 2. True or False 1. Bobby was Scottish Collie. 2. John Grey was night watchman. 3. Bobby and John Grey were friends. 4. Bobby spent his life sitting on his master grave. 5. The gardener tried to help Bobby. 6. Bobby was buried far away from his master. 7. Edinburgh city council honored Bobby with fountain. 8. The cafe near Bobby grave is named after him. 9. Bobby died in 1858. 10. Bobby was loyal and devoted dog. 3. Let underline the verbs in the past simple tense Bobby the Dog Bobby was Scottish Terrier who belonged to John Grey. John was night watchman in Edinburgh. Bobby and John were good friends. In 1858, John died and was buried in Greyfriar Kirkyard. Bobby stayed at John grave every day until he died. At first, the gardener tried to make Bobby leave. But Bobby always came back. Finally, the gardener helped Bobby and gave him place to stay and food. When Bobby died, he was buried near John grave. The city of Edinburgh made fountain with Bobby on it to remember him. The cafe near the fountain is also named after Bobby. Wichtige Information für den Test zum Merken: 1. Bobby was Scottish Terrier. 2. Bobby belonged to John Grey. 3. John Grey was night watchman. 4. Bobby and John Grey were friends. 5. Bobby spent his life sitting on his master grave. 6. When Bobby died, he was buried near John grave. Lösungen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What kind of dog was Bobby? Who did Bobby belong to? What was John Grey job? What did Bobby do after his master died? Where was Bobby buried when he died? What did the city council put up in honor of Bobby? 1. Was für ein Hund war Bobby? 2. Wem gehörte Bobby? 3. Was war John Greys Job? 4. Was tat Bobby nach dem Tod seines Herrn? 5. Wo wurde Bobby begraben, als er starb? 6. Was hat der Stadtrat zu Ehren von Bobby aufgestellt? 1. Here are the answers to the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bobby was Scottish Terrier. Bobby belonged to John Grey. John Grey was night watchman for the Edinburgh Police. After his master died, Bobby sat on John Grey grave for the rest of his life. When Bobby died, he was buried just inside the gate of Greyfriars Kirkyard, not far from his masters grave. 2. True or False 7. Bobby was Scottish Collie. (False) 8. John Grey was night watchman. (True) 9. Bobby and John Grey were friends. (True) 10. Bobby spent his life sitting on his master grave. (True) 11. The gardener tried to help Bobby. (True) 12. Bobby was buried far away from his master. (False) 13. Edinburgh city council honored Bobby with fountain. (True) 14. The cafe near Bobby grave is named after him. (True) 15. Bobby died in 1858. (False, his master died in 1858) 16. Bobby was loyal and devoted dog. (True) 3.