Arbeitsblatt: Prüfung yw3 u1
Prüfung yw3 u1
Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
4 Seiten
s d
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Englishtest – Young World 3, Unit 1 – Schools around the world Name: Datum: 30.09.2024 Anzahl erreichte Punkte: 20 Reading: a) Lies die Sätze vorsichtig durch. b) Finde zum gelesenen Satz das dazugehörige Bild. c) Schreibe den Buchstaben des Satzes ins Kästchen des Bildes. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Every week we have an assembly. eat lunch at the school cafeteria. For school wear long trousers, white shirt, tie and jumper. take the school bus to school every morning. love recess – we usually go outside and play games or we chat. Younger children at our school need to put ribbons in their hair. My timetable is very full. Our schoolyard is quite large. Sometimes we even have class outside. This is my school uniform: dont like the socks, but the skirt is quite cool. In all our classrooms we have electronic whiteboards. Our headmasters name is Mr. Miller. Our school offers more than ten different clubs. i) j) k) l) Writing: /6 a) Schaue dir den Plan genau an. b) Schreibe 3 verschiedene Sätze, in welchen du je eine anderes Beschreibungswort brauchst. dairy products sweets 1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /3 a) Lese die Sätze vorsichtig durch. b) Fülle die richtige Form in die Lücke ein. Benütze hierfür die aufgeführten Pronomen. you they we he/ she/ it 1. Where is your father? is on the toilet. 2. Are the children sleeping? – Yes, are. 3. There are Carl and Peter. are brothers. 4. This is Carla. is my best friend. 5. „ am Mr. Smith, the new doctor. 6. Me and my sister are in the livingroom. are watching TV. 7. „Lisa, can answer my question? 8. Walter and Jull are not at school. are ill ( krank). 9. Tom has got new baby sister. is so sweet. my your his/ her/ its our their 2.25 1. This is Mike. pullover is green. 2. dont feel well. Ive got headache ( Kopfschmerzen) and back hurts. 3. Is this Suzys bird? – No, bird is pink. 4. „Girls! Where are jackets? 5. come from Australia. name is Ken. 6. Susan likes blue dress very much. 7. We like friends. 1.75 Listening: a) Höre genau zu. Du wirst den Text 2mal hören. b) Entscheide dich, ob die Aussage richtig oder falsch ist. Kreuze das entsprechende an. TRUE FALSE a) Marc has 4 lessons in the morning b) Marc has 2 lessons every afternoon c) Marc learns German at school d) The teachers are men e) There are 22 pupils in Marcs class f) The schoolyard is in front of the school g) The school is new and nice /7 Vocabulary: a) Übersetze in die gewünschte Sprache. Deutsch Die Schülerin Englisch --------------------------------schoolyard --------------------------------er/ sein,-e --------------------------------- /7