Arbeitsblatt: New World Unit 1


«Facts and figures Scotland», Holiday friends 1: statements , Lö
7. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Heute lernen wir «Facts and figures Scotland». 1. 5,5 millionen peoples live in Skotland. 2. Edinburgh is the capital city. 3. Loch Ness is big lake. lake der See 4. Some people believe that monster named Nessie lives in the lake. 5. Edinburgh castle and Arthur seat are the most popular sights. believe glauben, some einige sights Sehenswürdigkeiten 6. kilt is skirt for men, they wear kilts for special avents (weddings) to show. 7. The bagpipe is typical instrument. Merke dir die Sätze und löse dann die Aufgaben ohne nachzuschauen. 1. Fülle die Lücken. peoples live in Skotland. is the capital city. Loch Ness is big_. Some people believe that monster named lives in the lake. Edinburgh castle and Arthur seat are the most popular . is skirt for men, they wear kilts for special avents (weddings) to show. The is typical instrument. 2. Beantworte die Fragen. a) How many people live in Scotland b) Which city is the capital of Scotland c) What is Loch Ness d) Whats the mystery connected to Loch Ness connected verbunden e) Which two sights are the most popular when visiting Edinburgh? f) What is kilt? When are they used, bei whom and why? use benutzen, verwenden g) Which instrument is very typical for Scotland? 1. Fülle die Tabelle korrekt mit dem Present simple aus. walk (positiver Satz) stay (positiver Satz) You You He She We We You You They They sing (negativer Satz) play (Fragesatz) You You He She We We You You They They 2. Konjugiere das Verb in der Klammer korrekt. Present simple a. (not, we, play) football every day. b. (not, he, live) in Cambridge. c. (my mum, like) rap music. d. (question, you, know) Ms. Smith? e. (The shop, not, open) on Sundays. f. (I, not, go) to college. g. (question, not, they, sell) newspapers? h. (question, visit, we) our grandparents tomorrow? i. (Josh and Tom, not, do) much at weekends. j. (My brother and I, not, be) twins. 3. Entscheide dich für eine Form (dicke kursive Schrift) und markiere die korrekte Form mit einem Leuchtstift. a. They dont read /doesnt read any newspapers or magazines. b. My sister take takes her bike to college. She cycle cycles to college. c. Our uncle works workes very hard because he needs needes the money. d. am are twenty years old. e. Do she go Does she go to the cinema this evening? f. Dont you watch Doesnt you watch Stranger Things on Netflix? g. Timothy plays plaies soccer every night. h. The bird flys flies in the sky. 4. Holiday friends 1: statements (present simple: to play, to live, to be, to go, to speak, to wear) Bob is Scottish, Andrew isnt. And how about Luca? They are on holiday together in Scotland. Find out more about Bob first. 1. Bob McDonalds Scottish. 2. He in Glasgow. 3. His parents farmers. 4. They in the Highlands. 5. His father Scottish, but his mother from England. 6. His father Gaelic and English. 7. Bob kilt on special occasions. 8. He also the bagpipes. 9. His favourite football team the Glasgow Rangers. 10. The Rangers their matches at the Glasgow Ibrox Stadium. 11. Bob always to their matches. 5. Holiday friends 2: negations (present simple negative form: to play, to live, to be, to go, to speak, to wear) Andrew is not like Bob. He is quite the opposite Now find out more about him. 1. Andrew Carter Scottish. 2. He lives in London. He live in Glasgow. 3. His parents are teachers. They farmers. 4. His parents live near Dover. They in the Highlands. 5. His parents are English, they Scottish. 6. His mother speaks English and French. She Gaelic. 7. Andrew usually kilt. 8. He plays the drums. He the bagpipes. 9. Andrew goes to tennis matches. He to football matches. Lösungen 2. Konjugiere das Verb in der Klammer korrekt. Present simple 3. Entscheide dich für eine Form (dicke kursive Schrift) und markiere die korrekte Form mit einem Leuchtstift. 4. Holiday friends 1: statements 5. Holiday friends 2: negations