Arbeitsblatt: New World 5, Unit 2, Test


Abschlusstest (Grammatik und Wortschatz)
Gemischte Themen
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Katrin Aebersold
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Unit 2 Test Date: (in English): Name: Will-future or going-to future? Put the verbs into the correct future tense. (12 p.) 1) --- They said on TV that the weather (be) great next weekend. Do you have any plans? -- Yes, (walk) to the Moosegg with my dog. -- Oh, that sounds good, (join) you, OK? 2) We should do ex. 2 and 3 on the sheet for homework, but (not do) it because Im tired and want to sleep early. 3) --- (in the McDonald restaurant: Hi, would like to have two cheeseburgers. --- Yes, just moment, (get) them for you. 4) Oh no, look at these clouds, it (rain) soon! Do you have an umbrella? 5) --- You forgot to switch off the lights again after the break! --- Oh, Im sorry. (do) it next time, promise! 6) --------- What (you wear) for the party next week? dont know yet. (buy) something at Loeb tomorrow. Oh, at Loeb? Please, can come with you after my yoga class? Yeah, sure! hope we (find) something nice! 7) dont think that YB (be) Swiss Champion next summer. 8) --- Did you tell your sister our secret?!? --- Yeah, but dont worry she said that she anybody. (not tell). Challenge: choose from all 4 future tenses to complete these sentences. (2 p.) 9) --- Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow? --- No, cant, (fly) to Amsterdam for business trip tomorrow. --- OK, no problem. What time (your plane leave)? --- At 10 oclock, and the meeting is at 2pm. think it (be) boring meeting. Put correct relative pronoun in the gap. (which, who, where, whose) (5 P.) 1) That the city like most! 2) Do you know this woman over there? Yes, it the actress played in Wilder. 3) Can you help me? am looking for place can buy Swiss chocolate. 5) This is the woman cat died yesterday. car hit the animal. 4) Are these the shoes you bought in London? Join these sentences using relative clause. (4 p.) 1) Thats the old man. He had an accident last Sunday. 2) Did you watch the film? It was on TV yesterday. 3) School is great place. We learn many useful things there. 4) Thats the neighbour. His dog doesnt like my cat. Words (8 p.) unfähig atmen 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Arbeitgeber Bewerbung geduldig Abkürzung Werkzeug geeignet für You should send your if you really want this job. The UK is for United Kingdom. He is this job because he is very punctual. When youre nervous, it helps to deeply. hammer isnt an important if you are vet. For this job, you need to be reasonable and. Who is your future? -- Im going to work for Nestlé. was to sleep last night because was so nervous! Words: p.) What your future profession or your dream job? Write down 3 requirements for this job: You must Challenge: What are these professions? Write in English: (2 p.) Chirurg Maler Zahnarzt Tierarzt (4 Write in German: lorry driver chef veterinary assistant lawyer