Arbeitsblatt: Listening to directions


Wegbeschreibung Englisch New World
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Michelle Egger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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name: Directions: Listening Comprehension Listen to the audio clips to answer both exercises 1. Check you understanding: Fill in the blanks AND for each dialogue, draw line on the map to show where they have to go. (7.5P) A. The speaker gives directions to the B. The speaker gives directions to the C. The speaker gives directions to the D. The speaker gives directions to the E. The speaker gives directions to the name: 2. Check your understanding: Fill in the blanks using the word bank as you listen. (3.5P) take past go straight on at second A. Go on. B. past the traffic lights. C. The library will be your left. D. the traffic lights, turn right. E. the first left onto Green Street. F. Go the traffic lights and take the right onto River Road. points: 11 grade: . Link Audio: Directions: Listening Exercise worksheet (