Arbeitsblatt: Presenting each other dialogues


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Anderes Thema
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Huguette Meyer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Name: Sam Miller Name: Anna Kachelmann Age: 14 Country: England (Liverpool) Brothers: 1 (Mike 16) Sisters: 0 Pets: 2 cats (Tom and Jerry) Special things: the new Harry Potter book, blue mountainbike Age: 16 Country: Germany (München) Brothers: 1 (Tobias 14) Sisters: 1 (Lara 10) Pets: 1 dog (Shiva) Special things: big house swimming pool Name: Luca Pavarotti Name: Joanna Thomson Age: 10 Country: Italy (Florenz) Brothers: 0 Sisters: 2 (Maria 15, Olivia 9) Pets: 0 Special things: big garden red mountainbike Age: 6 Country: Ireland (Cork) Brothers: 0 Sisters: 0 Pets: 2 cats (Kleopatra, Cäsar) 1 dog (Miro) Special things: big house 1 grandmother in Switzerland Name: Christoph Müller Name: Roberto Calzone Age: 17 Country: Switzerland (Basel) Brothers: 2 (Markus 14, Andreas 10) Sisters: 0 Pets: 0 Special things: new Harry Potter book 10 computer games computer Age: 8 Country: Italy (Mailand) Brothers: 1 (Paolo 6) Sisters: 1 (Theresa 5) Pets: 1 small dog (Negro) Special things: big house new mountainbike Name: Alice Chopin Name: Jane Clinton Age: 14 Country: France (Paris) Brothers: 0 Sisters: 0 Pets: 1 cat (Milou) Special things: TV in my room grandmother in Switzerland Age: 12 Country: England (London) Brothers: 0 Sisters: 1 (Sophie 9) Pets: 2 big dogs (Brad, Rambo) Special things: big garden computer