Arbeitsblatt: Young World 2 Colour
A world of colour.
4. Schuljahr
18 Seiten
Lori Smith
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.1 Shapes and colours Read and draw. Box 1. One blue triangle. Box 2. Two orange squares. Box 3. Three green circles. Box 4. Four black and yellow stripes. Box 5. One pink heart. Box 6. Four purple flowers. Box 7. Three red rectangles. Box 8. Two blue and white stars. Box 9. One colourful shape. Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Box 5 Box 6 Box 7 Box 8 Box 9 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.2a Duo – game for 3 or 4 players 1. Draw and colour the shapes. 2. Cut out the cards. 3. Mix the cards and give all players the same number of cards. 4. The players take their cards, but do not show them to the others. 5. Player asks player B: Do you have the red triangle? 6. Player looks at her/his cards. If she/he has got the card, she/he says: Yes, Ive got the red triangle., and she/he gives the card to player A. Player puts the two cards (the duo) on the table. Player can ask somebody else for another card. If player hasnt got the card, she/he says: No, havent got Now this player can ask somebody for card. 7. The player who first puts down all her/his cards wins the game. 8. The game is over when all the cards are on the table. Have fun! Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.2b Die Seite zuerst auf A3-Format vergrössern. Dann die Karten 2 auf Halbkarton kopieren. blue square green circle red triangle yellow rectangle an orange shape blue house brown cat violet square black triangle white rectangle grey elephant green boat purple stripe red heart Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.3 Activities plan: world of colour Activity Me Teacher Me Teacher Duo – game for 3 or 4 players (Kopiervorlagen 3.2a–b) Describe picture to each other. (Pupils Book, p. 20–21) Green grass (Kopiervorlage 3.7) Draw this picture. (Kopiervorlage 3.9) Describe your picture to someone. Choose colour and make colour cluster like in the Pupils Book, p. 24. Making sentences (Kopiervorlage 3.12) Do interactive exercises for 10 minutes. Activity Make your own cards for ‘Duo – game for 3 or 4 players (Kopiervorlagen 3.2a–b). Play the game together. Squares (Kopiervorlage 3.4) Benham spinners (Kopiervorlage 3.6) Yellow submarine (Kopiervorlagen 3.8a–b) Make chant like in the Pupils Book, p. 25. Teach it to someone. Picasso exhibition (Kopiervorlage 3.10) Write instructions for Tangram figure. Exchange instructions with someone and make the figure described. Do interactive exercises for 10 minutes. Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.4 Squares Make painting by colouring in the boxes below. Use primary and secondary colours. Now work together with partner. Do the next tasks and answer the questions. 1. How many colours did your partner use? 2. Choose three of your partners boxes with primary colours. Copy them here: 3. Choose three of your partners boxes with secondary colours. Copy them here: 4. Choose colour. How often does this colour appear? 5a. Is there an order to the colours? Yes No 5b. If yes, what is the order? 6. What is your favourite colour? Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.5a My experiments Experiments in the Pupils Book, page 22 Complete the sentences. The middle circle in figure looks (smaller than, bigger than, the same as) in figure B. My partner saw (the same, another) thing. Figure My partner saw (the same, another) thing. What did you see? Red on white: saw Blue on white: Is Green on white: Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 looks brighter. Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.5b Experiments in the Pupils Book, page 23 Choose four spinners you made. Draw the spinners in the boxes. Write what you saw. Spinner 1 When it spins slowly, see When it spins quickly, see When it spins slowly, see When it spins quickly, see When it spins slowly, see When it spins quickly, see When it spins slowly, see When it spins quickly, see Spinner 2 Spinner 3 Spinner 4 Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.6 Benham spinners In 1894 Mr Benham discovered that spinners with black and white patterns make some people see colours. There is no explanation why this happens. 1 Cut out the circles below and make black and white Benham spinners. 2 Try spinning them in different ways, fast and slow. 3 What do you see? Write it down. Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.7 Green grass 1 Draw picture of summer day in the country. These five things have to be in the picture. They must be green. All the rest you can colour as you like. grass frog tree rubber boots 2 Describe your picture to someone. Use: My picture has Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 fishing net Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.8a Yellow submarine 1 Draw picture of summer day by the sea. These five things have to be in the picture. They must be yellow. All the rest you can colour as you like. sun sand an ice-cream 2 Describe your picture on the second page. Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 submarine straw hat Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.8b Use: My picture is There is a/an There are Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.9 Draw this picture Draw large oval in the middle. In the middle of the oval, draw fish. The head is on the right side of the oval. In the oval above the fish, draw three small circles all touching each other. To the right under the head of the fish there are two small half-circles. Under the tail of the fish there are five very small circles. On the right side of the large oval there is long rectangle. At the top of the rectangle there are three lines pointing up. On the left side of the oval there is long rectangle. There is small circle at the top of the rectangle. In the top left corner there is line going from left to right at the top and another line down on the side. There is hand on the left side at the bottom and square on the right side at the bottom. Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.10 Picasso exhibition Picasso didnt finish his painting. Finish the painting for class exhibition. 1 Add one more thing to the picture. Keep it in the same style and use shapes (Cubism). 2 Colour the picture. 3 Look at the other pictures in the exhibition. Describe what you see. Use: There is/are can see Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Make your Tangram shapes 1 Read the instructions to colour the Tangram pieces. Colour the square red. Colour one large triangle yellow, and the other large triangle orange. Colour the middle-sized triangle brown. Colour one small triangle blue, and the other small triangle green. Colour the rhomboid purple. 2 Cut them out. Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Kopiervorlage 3.11 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.12 Making sentences 1 Put the sentences together. 2 The sentences describe picture. Draw the picture on separate sheet of paper. What picture. lovely see primary can secondary colours. colours and because it this picture like has bright colours. looks funny This picture the strange shapes. because of in this picture. many different shapes There are This picture feel happy. makes me Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Artist fact sheet Use this fact sheet to write down information about an artist. Artist fact sheet Name: Year of birth: Place of birth: Lived in: Year of death: Famous for: Other information: Helpful phrases: He/She was born in (year) (place). He/She died in (year). He/She was famous for Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Kopiervorlage 3.13 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.14a Information about artists Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso is one of the most well-known artists in the world. He was born on 25th October 1881 in Spain. He grew up in Spain and went to famous art school in Barcelona when he was only 14 years old. There is story that his first word was piz, which is short for pencil in Spanish. Picasso developed the art style called Cubism with friend around 1909. The pictures are painted as different shapes, like the picture of the Girl with Boat. Pablo Picasso died at the age of 91 on 8th April 1973 in France. He once said: Every child is an artist. The problem is to remain an artist once they grow up. What do you think he meant by that? Three fun facts about this artist: 1. He has very long name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso. Imagine introducing yourself with that name! 2. He made more than 1,800 paintings and 1,200 sculptures. 3. People pay over $100 million for some of his paintings! Paul Klee Paul Klee was born on 18th December 1879 in Münchenbuchsee, Switzerland. He died on 29th June 1940 in Muralto, Switzerland. Klee studied Art in Munich, Germany, and lived in Germany and Italy. He was also an art teacher in Germany. He loved colours and different styles of painting, like Cubism and Expressionism. He also painted lot. He made more than 9,000 works of art! He once said: A line is dot that went for walk. What do you think that looks like? Two fun facts about this artist: 1. Paul Klee was actually German. He applied to become Swiss citizen, but the letter arrived only 6 days after he died! 2. There is now Paul Klee Museum in Berne (Zentrum Paul Klee) dedicated to him and his art. Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2 Young World 2 Unit 3 – world of colour Kopiervorlage 3.14b Franz Marc Franz Marc was born on 8th February 1880 in Munich, Germany. He is known as German Expressionist and was part of an artist group called Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider). He used clear shapes like circles and squares, and he loved painting animals, especially horses. Maybe that was why he called his artist group Der Blaue Reiter. Franz Marc died in France as soldier in World War 1 on 4th March 1916. Imi Knoebel Imi Knoebel was born on 31st December 1940 in Germany. He still lives in Germany. He is known for style called Minimalism, which is kind of abstract art. He also likes strong colours and especially primary colours for his paintings. Two fun facts about this artist: 1. Imi Knoebel made coloured windows for the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. 2. He was born with the name Klaus Wolf Knoebel. What name would you choose as an artist name? Miriam Shapiro Miriam Shapiro was born on 15th November 1923 in Toronto, Canada. She lived most of her life in the USA and died on 20th June 2015 in New York. She used many patterns and colours, and she especially liked using hearts in her pictures. She painted and made sculptures, and later made many collages. collage is when you cut out pieces of paper or other material and paste them together to make picture. Her art is part of the Pattern and Decoration art movement and she was one of the first feminist artists. Two fun facts about this artist: 1. Miriam was called Mimi. 2. She began drawing when she was 6 years old. Als Kopiervorlage freigegeben. Klett und Balmer Verlag 2019 Kopiervorlagen, Young World 2